Some words on my faith.

in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)

I have been posting some short pieces indicating my faith but allow me this chance to state it explicitly. This is my testimony, this is my faith story.


My parents' faith.

I have what I consider a unique faith background. My mother is a Catholic and my father is a Jew. My mother is rather religious, but doesn't read the Bible or go to church often on her own. She and I do occasionally attend church together. My father doesn't practice his Judaism at all.

My faith in childhood.

As a child, I didn't really believe in God. In fact, I remember convincing my little friend who lived next door that God is not real, but just a story our parents told us so we'd behave. That probably conflicted greatly with my friend's worldview. I was told his mother came to mine and explained what I had done. My mom didn't berate or chastise me, but I don't remember what she told me.

To me, God was a big question mark.

I was offered a chance to go to CCD classes (to this day, I don't know what CCD even stands for), which I declined. I valued my freedom, free time and time with friends more and I didn't perceive CCD adding to my life, or God for that matter.

Young adulthood.

Little to no God interest from me. I wanted to be cool, I wanted material things and I wanted to experience romantic love with females. I barely thought of God in these years.

My Early 20s.

God came to save me big time. I got involved with all sorts of bad influences in my early 20s. I wanted to be cool and didn't really get that experience in high school, so I kept pushing the boundaries of partying, drugs, staying out late and being with different women.

Eventually, I hit a point where I really needed God and I was willing to get on my knees and pray as proof.

Serious moment

My then girlfriend and I were using cocaine regularly at this time -- almost every day. We were walking to a party at night with a friend of ours and I was walking a few steps ahead. I hear a gasp / shriek from our friend and I turn around to see my girlfriend limp on the ground.

Fast forward to the hospital and the doctor telling me she has about a 95% chance of surviving the ordeal. I couldn't fathom the idea that she might not survive. Yes, I was in love with her -- the type of love I was able to experience then -- but moreso I was in fear of the guilt and shame I'd live with for the rest of my life if she didn't pull through.

So, I went into an empty room down the hall from my girlfriend and prayed to God that he spare her life. I said a lot of other things in that prayer including promises to God. But it had been quite a long time since I remember praying prior to that moment.

Praise to God, my prayers were answered and she pulled through that ordeal.

Late 20s

Again, I began drifting from God. I got involved in the car business, in sales and I got back into partying, staying out late, and chasing material wealth. Part of me still believed in God, but my faith was quite mixed up with other faiths and pagan practices as well (topic for a whole other post).


I'm 34 years old and have very recently been saved by Jesus Christ. If this hasn't happened to you, it is a very profound experience. My Christian faith is secure today.

  • Does this mean I'm completely secure myself? Absolutely not.
  • Does this mean I feel confident and comfortable sharing this? Truly, no.
  • Am I genuinely eager to learn about God, Jesus Christ and the power and truth contained in the Scriptures? Yes, a million times yes.


So, I found God -- or more accurate God found me. Now, my relationship with God is constant and beautiful. I listen to God's commands and I try to follow them with integrity and trust.

God and I are about to embark on a mission of love, a mission of freedom and a mission of Salvation.

God bless you all for reading my testimony!

If you would like to support my mission, I will kindly accept donations.

If you are unable to lend financial support, I appreciate your words of advice and council, especially if backed by Scripture.



Does this mean I'm completely secure myself? Absolutely not.

The death of Christ Jesus is your security. When it come to security from judgment, you don't need Brinks. You don't need ADT. You only need Christ and the righteousness He procured at the Cross. If you believe that this is your golden ticket and NOTHING ELSE (emphasis), then I would say you have absolutely nothing to worry about from a spiritual perspective.

Does this mean I feel confident and comfortable sharing this? Truly, no.

Here's some encouragement!

Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.
Psalm 27:3 KJV

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
Philippians 1:6 KJV

Nothing wrong with being confident. If you are really convicted about something, there is no reason to hold back. Be assertive. Share it not as thought it were maybe the truth. No. Share it like you know that it is the ONLY truth that saves a man for that it is.

Am I genuinely eager to learn about God, Jesus Christ and the power and truth contained in the Scriptures? Yes, a million times yes.

^This. This right here gets me fired up. Yes, there is some kind of profound power in the Word and, by His grace, we apprehend it. Glory be to Him.

Welcome to the family! Your testimony is very inspiring!

I'm glad God has used my words as inspiration!

He has a way of doing that. LOL!

Wonderful testimony writewords. I'm so glad that you turned to God.
"All things work together for the good of those who love Him who are called according to His purpose."

This was a real blessing to read.

Amen, thanks for reading and for your randowhale vote!

Just the fact that you are not scared to write here show your love for God, without him we are truly lost. It is not always the easiest road to follow but worth all the struggle.

Wonderful comment! Bless!

May God bless you.

And may God bless you.

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