Good Evening Devotion :-)❤️

Crossing the Borders

Read John 4:1-45

6Jesus, tired from the long walk, sat wearily beside the well about noontime. 7Soon a Samaritan woman came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, “Please give me a drink.” 8He was alone at the time because his disciples had gone into the village to buy some food. 9The woman was surprised, for Jews refuse to have anything to do with Samaritans. She said to Jesus, “You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan woman. Why are you asking me for a drink?” 10Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.” 11“But sir, you don’t have a rope or a bucket,” she said, “and this well is very deep. Where would you get this living water?”John 4:6-11

“Hi, how are ya?”

“Oh, fine. How are you?”

“Fine. Nice weather we’re having.”

“Sure is. See ya.”

If you went for months with conversations no deeper than that, you would begin to think that no one cared about you.

In this reading, Jesus has a conversation with a woman that goes way beyond small talk. When Jesus says, “Hi,” it’s not mere chitchat—he really wants to talk. Watch how Jesus approaches this conversation, and take some cues.

Jesus wants to help in a unique way—that’s the theme you’ll keep seeing in this reading. Watch for several examples of this in his conversations.

In Jesus’ day, prejudice was strong against women and Samaritans. In addition, this woman had a reputation for living in sin in the nearby village of Sychar. No respectable Jewish man would talk to such a woman. Then came the surprise of this woman’s life: Jesus engaged her in a meaningful, no-nonsense conversation.

Not all our conversations have to be a carbon copy of this one, but all should look past race, social position, or past sins, as this one did. All should bring others a glimpse of our heavenly Father’s love and offer of forgiveness, as this one did. Note that such conversations don’t have to happen in a church—this one didn’t.

Be prepared to share God’s love through your words and everyday conversations. That is where the Good News about Christ begins.

(source: from @catietan's devotional materials)

Good evening fellow steemians, uloggers & prayer warriors! Tonight's devotion is all about sharing God's love through our words and everyday conversations. We see Jesus' example and I know that sharing God's word is not as easy as ABC. We need God's grace and His Holy Spirit to do this great commission. We need to share God's love moment by moment. Meaning, everywhere and every opportunity that God will give us. It doesn't have to be in a church or anything. We can do it anywhere. Just a short sharing related to this devotion. I've been one of the process owners in the PACD (Public Assistance & Complaints Desk) for six (6) months already being a government employee, and I've met several men & women who have marital problems. I kept on explaining to them that such problems are not within the office's jurisdiction. However, I always see to it that there's still hope in their case. I tell them to pray, pray and pray. I couldn't help myself at times because most of them, they're almost crying, others have cracked voice and I feel them. I can relate to them & I sometimes find myself crying too. And when they see me feeling the same way, their face lit up. I can sense that they somehow feel lighter. And before leaving my desk I always tell them to pray for their spouses.

I praise & thank God that some of them returned to office with good news. It's either they've won in the case of they get back together. :-)

Good evening and yes, I'm still using the onscreen keyboard. :-)❤️

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I am @sashley a.k.a. shirleynpenalosa, a recipient of God's love, mercy and grace. :-)❤️

(thank you sis @sunnylife)

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@paradise-found is a wonderful person, a very humble and generous encourager, let us also support him by voting and typing in "gratefulvibes" at the search box. Please do check out @paradise-found's posts for the great announcement, our dear Papa Bear :-)❤️ Please join the curation trail. :-) And win SBD :-)

(Photo credits: sis @sunnylife)

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