Good Afternoon Devotion :-) ❤️

Slacking Off

Read 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18

6Stay away from all believers who live idle lives . . . 7For you know that you ought to imitate us. We were not idle when we were with you. . . . 8We worked hard day and night so we would not be a burden to any of you. 9We certainly had the right to ask you to feed us, but we wanted to give you an example to follow. 10Even while we were with you, we gave you this command: “Those unwilling to work will not get to eat.” 11Yet we hear that some of you are living idle lives, refusing to work and meddling in other people’s business. 12We command such people and urge them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and work to earn their own living. 13As for the rest of you, dear brothers and sisters, never get tired of doing good. 14Take note of those who refuse to obey what we say in this letter. Stay away from them so they will be ashamed.2 Thessalonians 3:6-14

Two work ethics are at odds in our culture today. One says that people should work hard for a living. The other says that people deserve the easy life. Why work when you can play, right?

These same work ethics were around during Paul’s day. So Paul addresses the real issue behind the bad work ethic—laziness. He not only condemns the bad ethic but gives the Thessalonians an example of what a good work ethic looks like. As you read, determine never to be lazy in the things of God.

Also in this passage, Paul asks for prayer, guarantees the authenticity of his letter, then says good-bye in his own special way.

Some people in the Thessalonian church were falsely teaching that because Christ’s second coming could happen any day, people should set aside their responsibilities, quit work, do no future planning, and simply wait for the Lord to appear. But their lack of activity led them into sin. These people became a burden to the church, which was supporting them. They wasted time that could have been spent helping others, and they gossiped (2 Thessalonians 3:6-11). They may have thought they were being more spiritual by not working, but Paul told them to be responsible and get back to work.

Being ready for Christ means obeying him in every area of life. Because we know Christ is coming, we must do everything we can to live in a way that will please him when he arrives.

Make the most of your talent and time. Cut out activities that only distract or make it harder for you to fulfill your responsibilities.

(Source: from ms. @catietan's devotional materials)

Good afternoon everyone here, my sweet and dear grateful steemians, uloggers and faithful prayer warriors. Today's devotion is very special for me because it reminds me to be obedient and not to be lazy. "Being ready for Christ means obeying him in every area of life. Because we know Christ is coming, we must do everything we can to live in a way that will please him when he arrives." These lines summed up this afternoon's devotion and it struck me right through my hard head and heart. I must admit that I don't get to pray as much as I should. I don't get to read my own Bible as much as I should. I am not consistent in my quiet time and devotion. In other words, I am slacking....I am sorry but this is the truth. I hate to do it but I am doing it. I really need much prayer so that I can get back and refocus. Yes I am a Christian but I am not a Saint. I am still a work in progress. But I don't have to make this work-in-progress as an excuse to keep on slacking. I need to obey and I need to get back right on track. I was loaded with tons of work and yap, not to mention my brother having been diagnosed to have hyperthyroidism. I immediately think of texting my church mates for prayers and even here I immediately ask for prayers through the link from @christian-trail.

I prayed the longest prayer in my entire life last night and I've slept with teary-eyes. Now as I share this I'm reminded to walk my talk at all times to always give God the glory. And yes to "Make the most of your talent and time. Cut out activities that only distract or make it harder for you to fulfill your responsibilities."

As our Special Order was released last week, and a confirmation that we will be departing here tomorrow at 12 midnight. I prayed that tomorrow will be our travel time in going to Cavite for our training but our Chief instructed us to report for work still tomorrow the whole day and we will have our night trip after. Whew! I know I am weak when it comes to long trips and I don't want to make this as an excuse (again) to slack and or not to pray and read my Bible. I must all the more do everything in prayer and in devotion because my work, the demand of my work is not as easy as counting 0-100 and reciting the alphabets. In other words, my work is not just just or basta basta. The Lord is telling me to keep praying keep on my knees because I have the responsibility to lead in the future. I've been telling myself that I love this work, and I praise God for the previous official travels I've been to and this training which will be on November 29-30, 2018 in Cavite will equip me to be an efficient and effective BM Evaluator. I give my praise, thanksgiving and all honor and glory to GOD!

Good Tuesday afternoon everyone & God bless us all :-)❤️

Having my afternoon break here in the office :-)❤️

Please check this link and join our prayer warriors here in steemit

I am @sashley a.k.a. shirleynpenalosa, a recipient of God's love, mercy and grace. :-)❤️

Have a blessed and cooler month of November 2018 everyone :-)❤️

I am forever grateful to God every day of my life for giving me everything that I need and praise Him all the more for not giving me everything I want. To God be all the honor, praise and glory ❤️ :-)

(thank you sis @sunnylife)

@surpassinggoogle is such a generous person and has a very big heart for all of us here. Please support him as a witness by voting him at and type in "steemgigs" at the first search box.

(Photo credits: from sir @surpassinggoogle's post footer)

If you want to give him witness voting decisions on your behalf, visit again and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box as a proxy.

@paradise-found is a wonderful person, a very humble and generous encourager, let us also support him by voting and typing in "gratefulvibes" at the search box. Please do check out @paradise-found's posts and you're welcome to join the @gratefulvibes family curation trail. :-)❤️

(Photo credits: sis @sunnylife)

Other good witnesses to recommend:


They need our support

Follow us on #gratefulvibes discord channel (positive and uplifting attitude)

(credits to @bloghound)

(credits to @jhunbaniqued)


Amen GM.. P_mana____!huh!

Ngiting tagumpay naman picture mo tita GM.


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