Spiritual Nakedness

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KJV:And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.Gen. 3:7

What does nakedness signifies in the above scripture?

Nakedness as used in the bible verse above signifies spiritual emptiness. Anyone that lacks the presence of God in his/her life is spiritually empty. And a man that is spiritually empty will be at the mercy of the devil. It is either God has your life or the devil has your life. There is no middle ground.

Every time a man falls short of God's glory, he/she is stripping himself/herself off the covering of God over his/her life. And without such covering of God over a man's life, he'll be naked and vulnerable to the vices of the world. Imagine how Adam and Eve must have felt when they discovered that the covering of God was no longer over their lives. No wonder they were trying to hid themselves when they heard God moving in the garden.

Sin may seem appealing, but it takes much more from us than it actually gives to us. It strips us off our spiritual identity and covering. Adam and Eve that used to fellowship with God boldly whenever he comes around in the cool of the day, now starts hiding from him, because sin had made them unworthy to stand before his presence.

Regardless of how appealing and pleasurable that act may seem to you, if it's going to take away your spiritual covering and make you vulnerable to the attacks of the enemies, it is not worth it. Don't put yourself at the mercy of the enemies by doing the biddings of the devil. God loves you dearly and he always wants you to remain under his covering, but you have to resolve in your heart to live for him.

The devil knows how priceless your soul is, that is why he is trying to buy it away cheaply by making you mortgage it to him by falling into sin. Don't give him a chance, fight the good fight of faith so that you can attain the prize that the father has prepared for those who love him. The salvation of your soul is more valuable than gaining the whole world. Don't mortgage it for anything.

Thanks for reading.


When sin takes over anyone's life, such a one will start losing their spiritual standing and if such a person doesn't retrace his or her steps, they're likely going to lose the presence of God in their life which results to the spiritual nakendless that you are talking about. This is a very rich message.

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