I Sent a Bible to Babylon

in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)


I love thrift stores because you never know what you're going to find.

Last year I was at a thrift store and they had a bin filled with clearance books. I enjoy reading and so I was searching through the books hoping to find some interesting titles.

At the bottom of the bin, there was this very old looking bible. I picked it up and opened the cover to see that someone had recorded a lot of information about their family. The inside cover and back pages were filled with names and dates of marriages, births, and deaths. The earliest date I saw recorded was from 1912.

I've done some Geneology research myself and I thought about how great it would be to find something like that, that once belonged to a relative. So I bought the bible and started researching some of the names that were handwritten inside the cover pages.

It didn't take long for me to find the family that it belonged to. I sent an email to one of the names recorded who was still living.

I got an email back from his daughter-in-law telling me that the people listed were indeed their relatives and that they would love would love to have it. So, she sent her address and to my, surprise they were from a town in New York called "Babylon."

I had never heard of this town, so it was really quite interesting, and I had to chuckle a little. I sent the bible out to them the next day.

Now I can really say that I sent a Bible to Babylon. lol

The image listed is not the actual Bible that I sent. I took a picture of the inside pages but too much information is recorded there.


Thank you kiporen!

That's something to contemplate :)

Yes doule, I thought so too.

What a treasure and how wonderful you were able to actually find the family it originally belonged to!

Thank you eyeofthestorm. I'm glad I found the owners. I would love having an old bible that contained, not only the dates but also the handwriting of a family member. I want to do this with my own bible with the records that I have going back to my great grandparents. Maybe it will benefit someone in my family in the future.

The Bibles at our thrift store are always free so I love to look for them. I rarely take one though unless it stands out. I do like to look inside and see what treasure it may hold.

Me too pretradition. I've found a few that I have purchased. I have one that has a wooden cover made out of olive tree wood, it was just very pretty and so I bought it. I posted it in another "thrift store finds" post. It's great that they give them away for free where you live, that's how it should be.

Thank you Kintar, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

"LivinG WaterS" .. i see NOW !! - ))

i wonder if 'anything' lost, feeling lost .. ???
.. are ALL OPportUNITIES ??!!?? - ))

i "NOW" believe .. !!! IT is SO !!!! - )))
.. thanks for that ! - )

YOU're AMaZING !! - ))
.. i like YOU ! - )
ha ha )))

.. whom-ever it was who took the 'time' to make the entries !!!
MUST FEEL ... "SO" imPRESSed .. !!&!! .. APPRCIATIVE of YOU !! - ))
WhetheR 'they' .. are LonG G'onE or NOT .. they THANK YOU ! - )))))

GreaT StorY !! - ))

PumpeD & reSTEEMed !! - ))

greb'Z )

Thank you ((fun-along-theway.)) I'm glad that you enjoyed it!
It's not an effort to impress. Just sharing an experience. It was sent to the family. The original owner is long gone.

"impression" .. is completely 'subjective' !! - ))
Even if YOU were 'trying' .. it may not happen - ))

IT's obvious to me, YOU felt like this story had ValuE !!?!! - ))
.. and i'm VerY "ThanK FuLL" .. YOU did ! - ))
i really like the 'essence' of it .. "LosT" .. DiamondS !! - ))

i 'connect' so much with YOUr story .. because .. i had a similar 'feeling' experience about five years ago; but, my story had no 'closure'. i BoughT a BeautifuL old OrangE WooL CoaT .. at a thrift store .. for $ 1 !! - )) IT's so GorgeouS .. ha ha .. it's late 60's early 70's .. "THICK" disco WINTER .. ha ha !! - ))) .. i LOVE it ! ... anyways, one day i found a little cut in one of the pockets ?? the jacket is 'old' .. but its MINT ... inside the cut .. was a little bag of 'teeth' ???
.. kids teeth - ))))
.. i found a "tooth faries" StasH ??!?? - ))
.. its weird, but i could feel the LOVE .. !!! .. i'm sure most, if not all the 'lost' teeth were probably there ??? .. what was i to do ?? .. i'm a nut-bar (proud nut-bar) .. SO, i used them as MagicaL SEE(D)S .. and, PLAN-TeD them + lost a few on purpose ( bike ride .. with a hole in the pocket - )) .. with hopes .. it meant something to someone ? - ))))
ha ha )))

thanks YOU )))
.. this was FUN !! - ))

greb'Z )

That is awesome about the coat! I can almost picture it. That is a big mystery! You have a great sense of humor.
Thanks for telling me about the coat, and for the resteem.

thankS YOU !! - ))
INspiration so .. unexpected .. i LOVE it !! - ))
.. and STEEM .. is "low hanging fruit" !!! - )))

SO many people .. sharing 'their' creativity !!! - )))
... give me goose bumps - ))))
ha ha )))

... i think YOU'd like this ?? - ))
(( not my post .. BUT a FUN girls only POST !! - ))
ha ha ))))

Love this story

Thank you Joseywhales!

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