Sunday thoughts on Saturday: How to win souls.

in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)
We continue the series. Last week was about adoption. This week title is how to win souls.

Serving all men.

1 Corinthians 9:19-23

They are people who follow you outside of social media. They admire you. Your skills and talents are seen. Rather you realize it or not, you have the power to give life or take it.

Chapter 9:19

I am free from all man when I give my life to Christ.

I have made myself a servant to man to win than to Christ. They are not our competition, but we are servants. We care about their well being. Remember you have the sure to death. You hold the key to everlasting life. People need you.

Even as small as greeting at the door. Maybe if no one was there to open the door or greet no one would care, but if you did and it uplifted one person then wouldn’t it be worth it? There are no members in our church just servants serving each other and others.

Like Christ be a servant.

Chapter 9 Verse 20

Paul was a Jew. Now that he knew Christ, he knew he wasn’t under the there law. He still went to the places where the Jews were and didn’t know Jesus.

When religion takes over, relationships take a back seat

Are you in it to win one for the kingdom. Are you more interested in being religious then Christ-like? Have we become Pharisees in the faith? You see when relationships take a back seat, religion takes over.

Check out Romans 12:9-10, when was the last time you needed something and so did someone else and you filled their need and put yours aside.

Romans 12:15

If he hurt me then I should bless him?

This is intended to protect you from becoming the person you hate. We have emotions that make us reactive. Then we remember or are reminded who God called us to be. Like a firefighter in action.

They don’t call you to come to safety; they go into the fire and find you. They find you. Being a Christian you jump into the fire. You leave heaven and jump into the need. You don’t watch the house burn down. Something overcomes you that you need to be a hero to someone.

Verse 21

Paul was very creative in ministering to people. His approach is like no other.

Instead of condemning the people for their idols. He capitalized on the opportunity to minister to them. He walked among the Greeks that made gods of everything fire water earth etc. when he found the opportunity to share about the unknown God, he told them he knew the unknown God.

He understood he couldn’t save everyone, but he was going to drive.

Verse 22

save some even if being all things to all men just to save some.

It is not by my words, but by conviction through the Holy Spirit. Even if only one accepts it rejoice. Don’t allow your emotions to take over when presenting the gospel. Rejection will come and it is your job to present it even if you can’t save them all

Verse 23

Follow me as I follow with Christ. Don’t only jump into the fire, but disciple people out of the fire to stay out etc.

When you approach people who aren’t saved remember these three facts. Share this with them each time.?

  1. Let them know we are all sinners.

  2. God's solution to sin is Jesus Christ.

  3. Our required response is to confess with our month and believe with our Hearts.

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Heads up, you will want to change “confuse with your mouth” to “confess with your mouth”.

I like the expository setup of your post.

Nice catch, thank you!

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