Sunday thoughts on a Saturday: The church's position.

Throwing information to you, not at you

Think of it like a ball. Throwing it to you with the intention for you to catch it. Throwing it at you would be intended to hit you/harm you, which is not the goal.

Last week we spoke about family, position, husband, wives, children knowing their place and purpose in order to fulfill their purpose. In the same way, knowing your position in church fulfills a similar purpose.

Bringing family back together. Brothers and sisters. Matthew 12:46-50

Brothers and sisters. Matthew 12:46-50

Cain and Abel: the offering they bring to God. Abel’s offer is acceptable and Cain’s offering is not acceptable to God. Cain becomes jealous and kills his brother. God comes and asks questions, not because He doesn’t know, but because He is searching his servant’s heart. Cain’s response holds a lot of truth, and God's answer does too. He could have said yes, you are your brother’s keeper. Like today, we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keeper in church.

We are to treat each other a certain way. In order to treat our family household a certain way. Treat each other the way God intended us to.

Body of Christ/The Church

Responsible for its health. Praying against attacks. Authority to speak life and remove that which didn’t come from the Lord. Remember your positioning.




The Devil

The enemy is below your feet. Don’t allow His lies to tell you otherwise. When we become a church and bring family together, the enemy actively works against us. If we are a dormant church—a church that does church but isn’t church—the enemy rests because we cause no change.

Worrying more about our jobs, our lives, our problems than our family’s.

What really matters. Prayer.

The power to move mountains. We believe it, but we don’t believe it. There are times in prayer that can move mountains even when everyone says they cannot be moved. In prayer, what you bind in heaven will be bonded on earth. What is broken in heaven will be broken on earth. It’s already done if you are acting in God’s will and praying for His will.

Like a shooting star.

It’s been burning for a while, but by the time you are in God’s will, acting in His will, it will take you to the place and time, at the right time. You’ll see that burning star at the right time, but it’s been burning for some time.


Praying for strength when hurt. He can’t give you strength because hurt people, hurt people. It may not be strength you need but patience. Satan hates it when you pray.

Your prayer is greater than your hater.

  1. The health of the family is responsible for giving regularly.
    Generosity is the greatest weapon against oppression, depression, and surviving in your family’s life. How you are able to get something is reflected on how you give in the church.
    Growth comes from giving. Giving from what He gave you, from what He uses toward, from what He gave in every area of your time.

Finances, health, and time.

Give your time and more time will be given to you. Give finances and more will be given to you. Listen and invest your gifts on others so the Lord can give unto you. When you give, you receive with good measure.

This time...

It starts to feel that you can’t handle more. Like He’s not on your schedule; but He is always on time. Like the song...

Fathers, be good to your daughters, because they will love like you do. Mothers, be good to your daughters for they will love like their mothers.

In a time when laws are changing, redefine what Family means. We need to go back to the Bible on how God defined Family. Work is becoming more important than family.

Take care of your kids.

Changing the mindset that love is feeding, clothing, and putting a roof over our children’s heads. No, that’s parenting; that’s responsibility. Spend time to show love.

You can never say, I love you, enough.

Pastor shares a story of his time in the military when his friend said he loved him. He was put off by it and didn’t understand his football mentality. His love supports and depends on his players to win the game. Then he left the Air Force. Accepted Christ at 25 years old and joined a church family that consistently hugs and say that they love. Like the Lord surrounds us with what we lack in our lives. Keep in mind that if you don’t have time or are too busy for your kids or brothers, the world isn’t. The enemy has time to teach them what you don’t have time to. Single people find time to invest in families that have to provide. They need your help.


You should be the community that prays for the church children. We should be the aunts and uncles to the children of the church. One can be living a life of guilt and coming to church without anyone holding us accountable. Keep your eyes open and speak life to your brother and sister. If you are part of the body, you are part of ensuring its unity.

If you’re acting in love but not being it, then you’re just acting.
Love your brother in the church and outside of the church, too. Love isn’t always about loving people you love. Those you can’t forgive are the exact people you need to speak to and love on. Along those lines, protecting the unity of the family by not listening to gossip.

Inviting termites into your life.

Listening to gossip, allowing them to gossip, entertaining them is like inviting termites into your wooden house. Refuse to gossip.People count on you. Just by being here means something. Seeing you here means something. Fellowship with each other, sharpen each other.

Allow the Holy Spirit to move in when our brothers aren’t here. You may not think you make an impact, but when you leave it makes a difference because your voice, your hugs, your words change them, encourage them. It means something to them.

Family fight.

They argue, they leave, and they come back; that’s what they do. Like Paul and Barnabas. Pastor shares this story of conflict. God used that split to build the church greater. Have a level of respect for your brothers and sisters. Lastly, if you are part of the body you will encourage/pray for the growth of the person next to you.

To truly be close to God through prayer for the church, for the members, for His will. That is the key; that is the point that is the sole purpose. To have the desire to see people grow. Can come from a place of hurt. Paul looked at Peter and said, you are a hypocrite. You cannot preach one way and live another. You cannot let your brother live that way. If it is done in love then it will lead to growth. Growth through prayer. Inviting them to church.

Talking to them about Jesus.

Inviting them to the family of God.

Taking the time to see they need Jesus, they need a word. Learn about them, hang with them, until you can speak truth, life, and salvation to them. Thinking about the group versus the individual. Going to work, going home, thinking about the body and its growth. Make time to remember the people to visit so they feel welcomed. Submission as a position of obedience. We closed in prayer. The takeaway is different for each person, but for me I need to spend more time in prayer. It is there that I will see the victories my brothers and sister are fighting towards.



Good post. Your post is so inspirative!

Nailed it :)

Wow interesting.. Points well noted. Being our brothers and sisters keeper is very vital.. Also most times we become jealous because of the progress our friends make.. That should be the atitutude we should imbibe.. Rather we should shun it.. That's exactly what crumbled cain like you've rightly said. Thanks for this post.. Its really beneficial

Soul lifting message, you've given me a word that is a light on to my part, well delivered message...@kubbyelizabeth, i can't help but comment on most of your message

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