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Jesus never really directly claimed to be God. It was in a way taken out of context. Eitherway, to believe whether Jesus is God or Jesus is just the son of God or just another prophet or just an imposter can be justified by each of the varying religious groups and their perception of the truth. If things were clear, there would be no confusion. I can tell you, these people believe in their heart and soul that they are right. The truth is, they don't even know the truth. It all boils down to what you believe in.


First you say truth is relative and it all comes down to what we believe and our perception, but then you speak like you know the truth and you make truth claims. You're not making any sense... You say Jesus didn't directly claim to be God. Isn't that ironic then that he turned out to be the only human who's still being worshiped as God? How much more direct does it have to be than calling God your Father and claiming that whoever has seen you, has seen your Father? Is that taking him out of context? Or was he just messing with people?

I never spoke like I know the truth. The truth is unknown. I am open to the possiblity that we just don't know the truth and is still searching.

If it was ever made clear that Jesus was God, there would be no confusion/ uncertainty.

A direct claim to be God---> "I am God". ;-)

You can't say the truth is unknown unless you know the truth. When you say that the truth is unknown, you're making a truth claim. You're also claiming that everyone who claims to know the truth such as me is lying and does not know the truth which is again a truth claim.

If it was ever made clear that Jesus was God, there would be no confusion/ uncertainty. A direct claim to be God---> "I am God". ;-)

You're assuming that God is under the obligation of making things clear. When you go to school and sit an exam or are asked to do your homework, does the teacher make the answers to the questions clear? Of course not. What would be the point of the test in that case? The teacher wants to test and see who's diligent and who's lazy. It's the same story with God. It's not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a difficult task so only those who are diligently seeking God will find the truth. Or as we read in Hebrews 11:6, "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." ;-)

Nothing to do with obligation. I just gave you an example of what a direct claim is. There is nothing more to it than that. Your use of "a test" as if to make an excuse for something not being clear which causes much confusion and division is laughable. It is a fact that, had it been clear, there wouldn't be much confusion or arguments over things such as this, again, dividing us even more. Don't ignore the actual consequences here. Humans will interpret things differently and I do not think it is because they did not seek God diligently. Those who genuinely pray to God, will still interpret things differently and believe they have rightly understood whatever they are trying to understand and ofcourse by right, should have the same interpretation as everybody else seeking God deligently or genuinely. If their knowledge and understanding were to come from one source, everything would be coherent. It is not! Why? Simply put, it doesn't matter what they believe, their understanding comes from their own human ability. Nothing more, nothing less.

It's only laughable to you because you do not want to diligently seek the truth. Just like a lazy student who doesn't want to do his/her homework or study diligently for the exam and wants the teacher to do it all for him/her. We all know what the end result for such students is. It is the same with spirituality. You're obviously not trying and so I'm not surprised why you're still lost. All the best with your life anyway, even though I don't see how it's going to end well for you, given what I know about you now...

ALSO, based on your logic, students who study diligently will get different scores and very few score 100, and so that should mean that they do not all study diligently because otherwise they would all score 100. It's the same with spirituality. To assert that everyone who claims to know the truth, or claims to have done his/her homework has to be right, otherwise they all have to be wrong is a very silly assertion.

We are not talking about me here neither is this personal. You said you don't see how this is going to end well for me, I assume you are talking about heaven vs hell. I'm not worried about where am going after death, i'm worried about how to make the world a better place for those of us who are living. If going to heaven depends strictly on believing in Jesus, a lot of good people are going to hell. ;-) .

No one is good but God alone ;-)

;-) .

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