
Then we're all gonna go to hell because we have all broken God's laws :)

My simple question to you is, did people all go to hell before Jesus? You are still accountable for your sins whether jesus died for your sins or not.

No one is in hell yet as the judgement day hasn't come yet. Jesus died for all sins of those who believe in him, past, present and future. So your objection doesn't work. If you wanna be accountable for your sins, that's great. Prepare yourself for the judgment day. I wouldn't advise that though because if you get justice without mercy(and Bible says mercy is only given through Jesus) you'll end up in hell. Also, hell is not a place of ongoing torment. It's called the second death. It's an irreversible death of the body and soul of those who reject God's mercy and get justice.

Again, as I said, whether you are being judged with mercy or not, it doesn't mean you are not accountable for your sins.

But you can't have your cake and eat it too. It's either judgement and accountability or forgiveness and mercy.

Breaking God's laws ain't the problem with God, but God making someone to be crucified for someone else sins is then God's problem :)

Being perfectly just means punishing all sins. So all of a sudden God doesn't have to be just anymore because you'll end up in hell! Gotcha! :]

So you mean God is unjust?

No. You do. Unless you believe you're going to hell or unless you believe you're perfect and have never sinned :]

am unjust? :D

Either your understanding of justice is skewed and you don't understand that if I owe someone a debt, someone else can out of mercy pay that debt for me and release me from the debt, or we're all going to hell no matter what, for having a debt to God as a result of breaking his laws. Take your pick :]

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