Discover Hidden Secrets Of Sowing Seed -Seed Sowing, Much More Powerful Than Fasting and Prayer.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #christain-trail7 years ago


Welcome to @cutedicta's blog. It's a good feeling when you know that there's a steemian out there who will benefit from what you post, that's  what really gives me drive to continue writing even when I don't feel like it.

Kindly check my last post I wrote on how to be a professional and not an amateur. Today I will deviating from my niche into a christain article, I noticed many people loved my article on PRAISE attracting the wonder working power of God, you can see that here. So I decided to talk on another very powerful weapon that will change your finances drastically.

Genesis 8:22 “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night Shall not cease.”

When you have a desire or a prayer, there is one thing you should never avoid- sowing seed. A seed is your connection to the man of God. A seed speaks for you. A seed is a language of prayer, you can never be denied of your answer. When you sow a seed, you submit to the man of God to take over your issue before God. You give them the mandate to act on your behalf before God and to fight your battles. Abraham sowed continously and slept without hours of prayer as we do! He would raise an altar, sleep and wake up with an answer.

Sowing seed seed is greater than fasting,  and praying; it’s a blessing. Because you sow a seed to the man of God doesn’t mean he lacks, a seed elevates you. A seed changes your life not God or the man of God. Moreover, God Himself gave His only Son to have the world. A seed attracts what you need. It attracts your miracle. You must have an altar to sow seed for you, your family and your business. Before you make big decisions, sow a seed! Before you go for business or start one, Sow a Seed for you to open the door of marriage, sow a seed for spiritual upliftment, sow a seed for exams and even promotion at work.

As christians we always go out of our way to try and manipulate God when praying to make us wealthy. I must say this is not necessary, why? Because God derives joy in you being prosperous. We really don't need to convince Him to make us prosper. I won't be teaching you how to convince God to swim in prosperity but I will teach you how to launch the missiles that will enable you operate God's prosperity. I can assure you that the secrets you will unveil from this article will enable you put an end to your long term challenges of POVERTY. The engine is set, all the machinery are in motion and all you need is press the right buttons.

Many believers would have been very wealthy if fasting and prayer were the gateway out of poverty. Having to go for all night prayer all the time is not the key to releasing your breakthrough.I will like us to understand that God never desire for us to jump from one breakthrough to another but for us to live a life of absolute financial upliftment and have continuous provision. In fact hear this, living from one breakthrough to another is an error in God's sight. For you to be financially free you only need one breakthrough to remove all obstacles and enter into the realm of prosperity.

Don't live your life depending on breakthrough, for instance, imagime you have to break the door all the time in other for you to have access into where you want to go, that's how a person who always depend on breakthrough is. The word breakthrough literally means having to breakthrough in other to have access. That can be harmful you know. So flee from being a breakthrough seeker to making wealth be your life style.I prefer a lifestyle of divine provision.

Perpetual state of either prosperity or poverty is optional, it's a thing of choice. Most people start their lives being poor, But that's not God's intention for us. Jesus gave us the keys to heaven before He left. 

Matthew 18:19-20 The Message (MSG)

“Take this most seriously: A yes on earth is yes in heaven; a no on earth is no in heaven. What you say to one another is eternal. I mean this. When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.”

For you to prosper in wealth you need the keys. Every business has its own secrets, You need divine secrets to be released in other for you to run this race and be successful. Our God is never a one-sided or partial God, you can't succeed without getting the secret. I dream of the time when everyone begins to prosper no matter the condition. The time is now. We have being saved to transform our lives and environment.

It is highly expected of us to know the laws of prosperity, I detest seeing people in want or lack. As God's children we should never sleep on an empty stomach, trust me it's a curse from the pit of hell.

There are four spheres that attracts divine provision, which plays an important role in our lives. And to be prosperous we require all four, they are as follows:

1. Physical

2. Spiritual

3. Soul

4. Social

Being prosperous doesn't stop at having money alone, the type of understanding and knowledge you have dictates how far you will go. Life is in stages, so your growth in life is based on your insight into God’s plan, and your faithfulness to the process what is  involved.

The most fundamental law of prosperity is the law of seed sowing. Seed sowing is not only monetary; it could be an attitude or action. Where you are today is the outcome of the seeds you are sowing, for your harvest is totally dependent on what you sow.  A seed will always meet a need.

Galatians 6:7-10The Message (MSG)

7-8 Don’t be misled: No one makes a fool of God. What a person plants, he will harvest. The person who plants selfishness, ignoring the needs of others—ignoring God!—harvests a crop of weeds. All he’ll have to show for his life is weeds! But the one who plants in response to God, letting God’s Spirit do the growth work in him, harvests a crop of real life, eternal life.

It’s not possible to get the same results I have when you haven’t done what I have done. What you don’t put into life you don’t get out of it. Harvest only answers to SEED.

Be Careful How You Sow Your Seed.

Many think that with the amount of money they are giving out, God will look upon it and give them a fast ticket to open heaven,  when it is expressly written that by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. The critical difference between seed sowing and philanthropy is that in a critical time of need, only your seeds in the kingdom can command divine intervention for you on the day of adversity, not philanthropy.

Right Seed Sowing versus Wrong Seed Sowing.

Right Way Of Sowing Seed:

Sowing upwards is when you sow seeds into a manifested grace that you have seen either upon a servant of God, upon the work of God or upon a ministry. You don’t need a pastor that needs your money to survive; it is a man that is above the financial vicissitudes of life that you need for your financial deliverance so that when you sow into his life the financial side of your life is also emancipated.

We should pay attention to the mystery of sowing upwards because your seed will pave the way for you many times. The blessing that set Jacob above Esau was provoked by seed and the difference remains till today. Let your man of God be blessed by your substance and not from the leftover of your money and watch how life will open up positively to you.

Wrong Way Of Seed Sowing:

Sowing downwards is when you are giving as an act of kindness, to someone lesser than you who cannot bless you. Maybe you undertake to help a member of your church either directly or through the welfare board. It is an important type of sowing yet it cannot do what sowing upwards will do for you. The spirit of Judas (that woeful spirit that seeks to commonize the anointed) is the one that seeks to replace sowing upwards with sowing down wards and that to the detriment of the giver, no wonder Jesus said “the poor you will always have but me you have not always.”

You need to start by naming your seed. You must cultivate your spiritual ground just like the farmer cultivates his before planting by naming your seed. It is not possible for a farmer to plant a seed and not know the seed he planted. When you want to sow a seed, name it.  And meditate on God’s word in relation to divine provision in the area of your need.

God expects you to expect a return when we sow a seed according to his word. He said in 

Luke 6:38 The Message (MSG)

37-38 “Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults—unless, of course, you want the same treatment. Don’t condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you’ll find life a lot easier. Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.

Prayer: Lord, I receive the grace and heart of generosity towards your servants in my life, towards your house and the work of the ministry and I will not be a stingy believer in Jesus’ name.

Hope this helps. Thanks for stopping by. You are highly appreciated...


Always... Your writings are such a nourishing food to my soul... Not once nor twice, but always. Thanks for making my day through this post

Thanks Boss. Am humbled...

Interesting post. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for sharing nice info... Following you for more.
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Lovely post

Nice post dearie

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