Choon Updates and Cleaning Up My Music Projects

in #choon6 years ago


A bit of a musical life update here for the night.

Recently I've been working towards going all in on Choon. While I've got some reservations about the platform that I've expressed before in regards to it being a serious contender to other streaming platforms, I've pushed some of those aside to support it for the time being with the hopes that some of the functionality will improve over time. Overall, I'm pretty pleased with it. I even updated my profile picture to something new to support it. Gaze upon my glory while I pretend that I'm not the one taking this picture.

One thing that I'd like to see with Choon however is a rearrangement of the home screen to facilitate more artists. It feels like the same handful of artists have been at the top since I found the platform and I think it largely has to do with people only interacting with the songs on the front. Spread the love!

Follow me on Choon below. Many new songs have been uploaded in the past few days so feel free to check them out.

That being said, I've found my growth on Choon to be pretty encouraging as I've been revisiting old projects and finding as I suspected, that I'm way too hard on my own productions. I've mentioned many times here that I have a bit of what I'd call imposter syndrome, and it has caused me to abandon many many projects.

As I've been uploading old releases and realizing that many of them are actually pretty decent though, it has made me go back an revisit the nearly 500 unfinished projects floating around on my hard drive to see if there were any other tracks that I never managed to get out of their infancy.

Seriously, here is a small snapshot of how unorganized I was.

Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at 8.27.39 PM.png

None of these titles make sense. I seriously named a project Sammy So-So. No wonder I've never gone back to look at them.

After a solid three days of work, it is now looking much better. I've gone through and deleted the projects that were total garbage and while I still have some work to do, I've pulled the projects with some real potential into a new structure to facilitate actually finishing them.

Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at 8.28.00 PM.png

It's amazing the progress I've made on them after doing this. Better able to track revisions to them as well.

Long story short.

  1. Organization is a hugely undervalued production skill and I'm glad I'm getting this aspect under control right now and seeing results from it.

  2. Go back occasionally and pull from your abandoned projects. Many of them will sound fresh with some space from them and have some excellent ideas that just needed to be flushed out more.

Just wanted to share that tonight. Thanks for reading.


Gaze upon my glory while I pretend that I'm not the one taking this picture.

This made me laugh out loud 😆 mainly because I know that exact thought.

And yeah man, I think Choon has some really great potential. I totally agree about their landing page. I understand that they have to put some of their heavy hitters up front. But from the great engagement and networking I've seen from them, they can afford to make the extra effort to get some of those loyal artists to the front of the brand. I think it will also give newcomers the sense of community and comradery that's being harbored there.

Thanks. I'm consistently one of those guys who finds humor in the ridiculousness of promo. Necessary evil though. Choon has been pretty good so far, I just would like to see more artists and songs in the trending section. Perhaps expand the front page out to 8 or 16 artists? That way the same 4 don't consistently rule the front page because of how people interact with home pages.

Nice, keep it up mate!
And remember that Choon just launched their beta just a few months ago. The site will get an overhaul in Sept according to the roadmap, and things are getting better at a pretty fast and sustainable rate in my opinion =)

There are not really any comparable competitors in the cryptosphere either, and I doubt it will be for quite some time.

I'm pretty supportive of it even in its current form. Looking forward to the overhaul. I think with consistent support this will be a really awesome project.

Great post!
Thanks for tasting the eden!

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