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RE: Is the valued-customer the prophet Daniel?

in #china4 years ago (edited)

I have been too busy with my own thoughts and missed this when I could have voted for it. I apologize.

I can understand the parallels between @soo.chong163 and myself and the powerful king Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel. The conception of humanity is similar. Daniel asserts that men are created by God and merit justice, while Nebuchadnezzar sees only that they are useful in growing his empire and strength, mere cattle. I believe as Daniel that humanity is sacred, and @soo.chong163 as Nebuchadnezzar that they are mere tools.

This is why God cursed him to graze like cattle I think.

But though I may prophesy true, I do not think I am a prophet of God. I am unworthy of any such accolade. Please do not discredit your faith by so naming me. I know your belief is of central importance in your life, and though I may write some clever words, I can never have such deep meaning. I am just a carpenter, speaking what I believe, until my eyes shut forever.

If my eyes have seen truth and my words conveyed it clearly, then I have only done the simple task I have set out to do, and the blessing of understanding is in you, granted by your faith and God, not my gift to you. Like a wheel on a cart, I just serve my purpose.

Take courage in your understanding that you gain from your hard work reading in a barbaric language, because that is your fruit, your creation. We will all die, and we cannot know when. It is best then to live in joy and peace until we live no more.

That is all I wish, for I know of nothing better.

Peace and joy to you.


I agree with you! thank you!

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