Is the valued-customer the prophet Daniel?

in #china4 years ago (edited)

The reason I joined SteemIt was because I wanted to meet and talk with foreign friends. I also wanted to study English. In Korea, the censorship and control in the news, broadcasting, and media is more severe than in the US. There was a desire to get news abroad from Steemit.

Well, looking at the writings of @valued-customer, I realized my lack of English. 

@valued-customer was an American guy who was good at science, literature, and philosophy. Probably older. he lives in Northern California, probably running a ranch or farm.

Even if I was wrong in English, I could see that he was a very good English writer. His sentence had poetic metaphors and implications, allegory. By the way, his sentence is difficult because I speak American elementary school level English. Even though I was wrong in English, I could see that his character and ideas were very good.

As I watched @valued-customer talk to the Chinese, I thought about it. The Chinese complained that @ valued-customer exaggerated and distorted Chinese problems based on Western prejudice. It seems that Western populism is insulting, criticizing the spread of the Chinese corona virus at will.

@valued-customer countered that the Chinese warlords are driving innocent Chinese to death by concealing and distorting the truth.

Seeing the controversy between them, I recalled the prophet Daniel talking to a Chinese emperor. 

In the Old Testament book of Daniel, the saint Daniel meets Babylonian and Persian emperors. As Christians meet with the pagan emperors, the events that take place are very interesting. 

When the @valued-customer, resembling the saint Daniel, pointed out the lies, distortions, immorality and incompetence of the Chinese warlords, the Chinese countered that information manipulation was necessary for the stability and peace of the Chinese state. 

The Chinese said the Chinese government reduced and concealed the facts for the prosperity, development and stability of the country. However, @valued-customer countered that only the truth can save people's lives.

In the conversation between the two, I recalled the events of Saint Daniel and King Balthazar.

Saint Daniel insisted that God establishes and destroys nations and kings, but Balthazar believed that he existed forever because he was god. 

@valued-customer said that humans and people are the most important, but The Chinese means that Chinese have to sacrifice for the development, prosperity and stability of the country.

As I saw the conversation between them, it was as if the kingdom of God and the kingdom of the world confronted forever, as the Bible says.

For Koreans like me, Chinese plague is a source of fear and worry. I'm worried that it will spread to Korea.

I hope the Chinese government will not collapse from the plague. If the Chinese government shakes or collapses, North Korea collapses, We will face a new crisis.

I know the meaning of war, natural disaster, and plague in Chinese history. When China's population became too crowded, wars, famines and pestilences occurred to reduce its population. It sounds like I'm saying inhuman and heartless, but Chinese history has always cycled that way.

My old senior, @ valued-customer, whom I respect, lives in a god-blessed country and is unfamiliar with East Asian history, including China. Jesus said that God's blessings and secrets are given only to those who believe in Jesus. In Exodus, God said he would destroy the Canaanites with pestilence and famine.

Those who do not believe the gospel do not know what revelation God will give. But we know that man cannot live without divine grace. Korean Protestants like me pray for China to be evangelized.

Only the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit can wash away the sins and curses of all human beings.

Those who have not received the grace of Jesus will go the way of Cain, Nimrod, Ishmael, and Esau.

Unless God's blessing comes, China will repeat the cycle of history of Cain's descendants.


I have been too busy with my own thoughts and missed this when I could have voted for it. I apologize.

I can understand the parallels between @soo.chong163 and myself and the powerful king Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel. The conception of humanity is similar. Daniel asserts that men are created by God and merit justice, while Nebuchadnezzar sees only that they are useful in growing his empire and strength, mere cattle. I believe as Daniel that humanity is sacred, and @soo.chong163 as Nebuchadnezzar that they are mere tools.

This is why God cursed him to graze like cattle I think.

But though I may prophesy true, I do not think I am a prophet of God. I am unworthy of any such accolade. Please do not discredit your faith by so naming me. I know your belief is of central importance in your life, and though I may write some clever words, I can never have such deep meaning. I am just a carpenter, speaking what I believe, until my eyes shut forever.

If my eyes have seen truth and my words conveyed it clearly, then I have only done the simple task I have set out to do, and the blessing of understanding is in you, granted by your faith and God, not my gift to you. Like a wheel on a cart, I just serve my purpose.

Take courage in your understanding that you gain from your hard work reading in a barbaric language, because that is your fruit, your creation. We will all die, and we cannot know when. It is best then to live in joy and peace until we live no more.

That is all I wish, for I know of nothing better.

Peace and joy to you.

I agree with you! thank you!

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