in #china5 years ago


Posting this as when I first came across 華夏之聲 Channel weeks ago when looking for leaking content originating from Wuhan, I subscribed then completely forgot about it.

I want you all to remember that this is not a series of gloomy videos to view from the comfort of your own home: I want you to realise that this will come for you too.

It may not come upon a Pale, White Horse beckoning you to come hither, awaiting you to succumb at your leisure.
Nor may it come as a global viral pandemic subduing the people with fear, until the people tear themselves into shreds.

It comes when we no longer defend freedom by attacking the tyrannies around us all.

Also some other random vids i've found from Post-Corona China which should be viewed by all

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  • 中国速度系列:这……是火神山洗浴中心吗?……Is the Vulcan Mountain Bathing Center Feb 16th 2020
    Video showing the alleged Vulcan Hill Wuhan Hospital that was built in ten days time leaking like the truth does from CCP's oppression. You might doubt this because China was so efficient in constructing this hospital so quickly that the world's #MSM was applauding in unison. The putative narrative of China, Bad! shifted slightly... did you believe it?
  • Well I can attest to the above video reflecting the reality of how shitty China's construction is: their sub-par building materials are often cobbled together with builders that lack expertise.

Simplified ChineseEnglish
起來! 不願做奴隸的人們!
把我們的血肉, 築成我們新的長城!
每個人被迫著發出最後的吼聲. 起來! 起來! 起來!
我們萬眾一心, 冒著敵人的炮火前進!
冒著敵人的炮火前進! 前進! 前進, 進!
Get up! People who don't want to be slaves!
Build our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall!
The Chinese nation has reached the most dangerous time.
Everyone was forced to make a final roar. Get up! Get up! Get up!
We are united in our hearts, advancing in the enemy's gunfire!
Risking the enemy's fire! Advance! Advance! Advance!
The provinces have broken roads and bridges,
and various military regions have announced uprisings;
they are separated from the Chinese confession,
and they have made great achievements;
opportunities cannot be lost, and they will not come again; Overthrow the Chinese confession, and the whole people responded.
He sucked Zhongxun in the coffin and said: When will he be sentenced to learn the swine fever?
音乐太牛逼了,听的我热血沸腾,一起消灭邪恶的共产党The music is so awesome, I am so passionate about listening to destroy the evil Communist Party together

(Chinese People's Records 23rd Issue-As usual) (中国百姓实录第二十三期——照旧) • Mar 1, 2020

  • The neighbourhood of the horror appeared in Wuhan district late at night, and someone fell to the ground frequently during the day. Is the epidemic really getting better? Donated vegetables are still being discarded and people cannot eat them, and the government is even more reluctant to distribute them to people for free. Wuhan vegetable farmers said that the vegetables they bought did not rise in price due to the epidemic situation, because they could not transfer black money, but the people who contracted the distribution of the community fried the vegetables to sky-high prices. Change the cost of meals from 100 to 150 yuan a day. Somewhere, the government staff asked the shops to "dedicate their love", and said that they could settle them in the future. At the top of the government, it was difficult for the big country to make money, and at the bottom, the little babies were making small countries hard to make money.

  • A community in Nanchang was sealed because the infected people were found. The people returning to work were bustling in Beijing Railway Station. No masks were allowed to go to the street. The raw materials of the masks were controlled by the government. As sweet as honey. Beijing crows flew around the city and fell to the ground one after another. The astronomical person said that something would happen. The Beijing Central Hutong is strictly guarded against death. People are restricted to purchase masks according to their ID cards. Buyers are still grateful for the Party's good policies, so that when Beijing does not have masks elsewhere, it can still be useful. Although the epidemic situation is not under control, a book about the great power war epidemic will be published soon. And government officials said that the success of China ’s war epidemic was not due to the hard work of medical staff and the cooperation of the people across the country, but because of the leadership of our party and firm Marxist faith. The sun rises, and the people's life goes on as usual, and no one forgets it more than the Chinese. (The twenty-third issue of the Chinese People's Record Series-as usual)

  • 武汉小区深夜惊现搬尸人,白天又有人频频倒地,疫情,真的变好了吗?捐赠的蔬菜依旧被丢弃,百姓吃不到,而政府更不愿向百姓免费分发。武汉菜农们说,他们买出去的菜并没有因为疫情涨价,因为不能转黑心钱,承包小区配送的人却把蔬菜炒到天价,方舱医院的餐饮公司也法文公告,因为物价上涨,申请将一天伙食费由100,变为150元。某地,政府工作人员要求商铺“献爱心”,并称以后有事可以找他们摆平。政府高层发大国难财,底层小喽啰们发小国难财,上行下效,只有可怜的百姓们被镰刀割了一遍,又被菜刀割了一遭。

  • 南昌一小区因发现感染者被封,复工的人群在北京火车站里熙熙攘攘,没有口罩,不能上街,口罩的原材料却被政府控制,日人民报却味觉失灵,跳出来大唱,百姓的生活像蜜一样甜。北京乌鸦绕城飞,纷纷坠地而亡,通晓天象者说,将有大事发生。而北京中心胡同里严防死守,百姓按身份证限购口罩,购买者,依旧感激党的政策好,让北京在别的地方都没有口罩的时候,还能有的用。疫情虽然没有控制住,但是大国战疫一书即将出版。而政府官员说了,这次中国战疫成功不是归功于医护人员的辛劳,全国人民的配合,而是因为我党的领导,和坚定的马克思主义信仰。太阳升起,百姓的日子照旧的过,没人比中国人更会遗忘了。 (中国百姓实录系列第二十三期——照旧)

(3rd Issue of Chinese People's Record Series-Antidote, Concentration Camp, and Lie) (中国百姓实录系列第三期——解药,集中营,与谎言) Feb 7, 2020

  • There is an antidote for Wuhan pneumonia. On January 21, 2020, the Wuhan Virus Laboratory, a subsidiary of the Communist Party of China, has filed a patent application for a drug that can treat new coronavirus. However, the government kept silent about this and only told the public that the new pneumonia had no solution. In contrast, another miracle of China's engineering, "Vulcan Mountain" Hospital, is it a cure or a concentration camp? it goes without saying. In contrast, the internal structure of Wuhan's Vulcan Mountain, the Beijing Xiaotangshan model is reproduced, only allowed in, not allowed out. The sports hall is changed into a square-shaped "hospital", and the patient beds in the isolation point are separated by one meter, increasing the possibility of mutual infection. The Wuhan pneumonia patient who was connected to the isolation point asked for help, saying that there was no medicine and no one was treated after the isolation. The Chinese project "miracle" Vulcan Mountain begged online, saying it lacked all necessary supplies. The army took control of Wuhan, blocked communities with infected people, and banned people from travelling. People were forced to gather food to live. Once the material chain broke, the people faced the possibility of no food. Because they were not cured, innocent people died at home. The antidote is already in the hands of the government. Such a government brave enough to hide and lie is great, my country.

  • /# 武汉 肺炎 # 火神 山 # Wuhan Virus Research Institute

  • Thanks for watching, friends who like it can subscribe to this channel, and welcome everyone to leave a message to discuss. If you have a topic you want to watch, listen to, or a topic you want to talk to, you are welcome to leave comments and contribute in the comment area. Thank you for your support and wish you a happy life.

  • 武汉肺炎早有解药,2020年1月21日,中国共产党旗下的武汉病毒实验室已经对可以治疗新型冠状病毒的药物瑞得西韦抢注申请了专利。而政府却对此缄默不言,只告诉民众,新性肺炎,无解。反观中国工程又一奇迹“火神山”医院,治病救人还是集中营?不言而喻。反观武汉火神山内部结构,北京小汤山模式复刻,只许进,不许出。 体院场改成方舱“医院“,隔离点患者病床间隔一米,增加互相传染可能。而被接入隔离点的武汉肺炎患者微信求救,称被隔离后无药品,更无人医治。中国工程“奇迹”火神山网上乞讨, 称缺少所有必须物资。 军队接管武汉,封锁有过感染者的小区,禁止人员出行,百姓被迫聚集取菜度日,一旦物资链断裂,百姓面临无食物的可能。由于得不到医治,又有无辜百姓惨死家中。而解药,却早就在政府手中,这样勇于隐瞒和撒谎的政府,厉害了,我的国。

  • #武汉肺炎 #火神山 # 武汉病毒研究所

  • 感谢观看,喜欢的朋友可以订阅本频道,也欢迎大家留言讨论。如果有你想看的,想听的话题,想聊的话题,也欢迎大家在评论区留言及投稿。 感谢支持,祝大家生活愉快。




武汉 肺炎 #New coronavirus: Phase 1 of Chinese People's Record Series-Death of Wuhan Pneumonia Feb 4th 2020

  • #武汉肺炎 #新型冠状病毒
    武汉肺炎死亡不断,封城后运不完的尸体,医护人员道破政府掩盖的病毒真相。看百姓如何用镜头记录新闻联播之外的真实武汉,用视频,讲真话 。(中国百姓实录系列第一期——武汉肺炎之死亡)

  • 武汉 肺炎 #New coronavirus
    Wuhan pneumonia deaths continue, the dead body after the closure of the city, medical staff broke the truth of the virus covered by the government. See how people use the lens to record the real Wuhan outside the news webcast, and use the video to tell the truth. (Phase 1 of Chinese People's Record Series-Death of Wuhan Pneumonia)

Second issue of Chinese People's Record Series-Civilian Heroes Feb 5th 2020

  • #武汉肺炎 #方彬
    武汉方彬恐将被捕!拍摄武汉肺炎死亡实情后,公民记者方彬多次被政府人员登门拜访 。用视频,讲真话,看百姓如何用镜头互助,互救,记录新闻联播之外的真实武汉。(中国百姓实录系列第二期——平民英雄)
  • Wuhan Fang Bin may be arrested! After filming the death of Wuhan pneumonia, citizen journalist Fang Bin was repeatedly visited by government officials. Use videos to tell the truth and see how people use lenses to help each other, save each other, and record the real Wuhan outside of the news webcast. (Second issue of Chinese People's Record Series-Civilian Heroes)
  • 武汉方彬恐将被捕,拍摄武汉肺炎真相被政府重点盯守。本视频汇详细总了方彬先生所有前线的视频,以便大家查阅。肺炎肆虐,新型冠状病毒下的武汉市民的血泪无人报道。真公民记者,武汉热心市民方彬先生挺身而出前往医院前线拍摄,堆叠的尸体和痛哭的家属。人命如蝼蚁般轻贱,无法生活在新闻联播里的百姓,如果不互助,那么真相将永不见天日。说真话的人不应该被抓捕,禁言,一个声音盖不过万千呐喊。方彬先生目前已被有关部门多次登门骚扰,企图带走他,不出意外的话,政府将胁迫方先生发出之前的视频不属实的声明。请大家持续关注方彬先生,不要让敢于说真话的好人蒙冤。
  • Wuhan Fang Bin is likely to be arrested, and the truth about Wuhan's pneumonia is being watched by the government. This video summary summarizes all the front-line videos of Mr. Fang Bin for your reference. Pneumonia was raging, and no one reported the blood and tears of Wuhan citizens under the new coronavirus.
    True citizen reporter, Mr. Fang Bin, an enthusiastic citizen of Wuhan, stepped forward to the front line of the hospital to shoot, stacked bodies and crying family members. People whose lives are as low as ants and who cannot live in the news webcast, if they don't help each other, the truth will never be seen. Truth tellers shouldn't be arrested, banned, a voice can't cover thousands of shouts. Mr. Fang Bin has been harassed by the relevant authorities on several occasions in an attempt to take him away. If nothing else, the government will force Mr. Fang to make a statement that the previous video is not true. Please continue to pay attention to Mr. Fang Bin, and do not let the good ones who dare to tell the truth get wrong.

Chinese People's Records 23rd Issue-As usual March 1st 2020

  • 武汉小区深夜惊现搬尸人,白天又有人频频倒地,疫情,真的变好了吗?捐赠的蔬菜依旧被丢弃,百姓吃不到,而政府更不愿向百姓免费分发。武汉菜农们说,他们买出去的菜并没有因为疫情涨价,因为不能转黑心钱,承包小区配送的人却把蔬菜炒到天价,方舱医院的餐饮公司也法文公告,因为物价上涨,申请将一天伙食费由100,变为150元。某地,政府工作人员要求商铺“献爱心”,并称以后有事可以找他们摆平。政府高层发大国难财,底层小喽啰们发小国难财,上行下效,只有可怜的百姓们被镰刀割了一遍,又被菜刀割了一遭。 南昌一小区因发现感染者被封,复工的人群在北京火车站里熙熙攘攘,没有口罩,不能上街,口罩的原材料却被政府控制,日人民报却味觉失灵,跳出来大唱,百姓的生活像蜜一样甜。北京乌鸦绕城飞,纷纷坠地而亡,通晓天象者说,将有大事发生。而北京中心胡同里严防死守,百姓按身份证限购口罩,购买者,依旧感激党的政策好,让北京在别的地方都没有口罩的时候,还能有的用。疫情虽然没有控制住,但是大国战疫一书即将出版。而政府官员说了,这次中国战疫成功不是归功于医护人员的辛劳,全国人民的配合,而是因为我党的领导,和坚定的马克思主义信仰。太阳升起,百姓的日子照旧的过,没人比中国人更会遗忘了。 (中国百姓实录系列第二十三期——照旧)
  • The neighbourhood of the horror appeared in Wuhan district late at night, and someone fell to the ground frequently during the day. Is the epidemic really getting better? Donated vegetables are still being discarded and people cannot eat them, and the government is even more reluctant to distribute them to people for free. Wuhan vegetable farmers said that the vegetables they bought did not rise in price due to the epidemic situation, because they could not transfer black money, but the people who contracted the distribution of the community fried the vegetables to sky-high prices. Change the cost of meals from 100 to 150 yuan a day. Somewhere, the government staff asked the shops to "dedicate their love", and said that they could settle them in the future. At the top of the government, it was difficult for the big country to make money, and at the bottom, the little babies were making small countries hard to make money.
  • A community in Nanchang was sealed because the infected people were found. The people returning to work were bustling in Beijing Railway Station. No masks were allowed to go to the street. The raw materials of the masks were controlled by the government. As sweet as honey. Beijing crows flew around the city and fell to the ground one after another. The astronomical person said that something would happen. The Beijing Central Hutong is strictly guarded against death. People are restricted to purchase masks according to their ID cards. Buyers are still grateful for the Party's good policies, so that when Beijing does not have masks elsewhere, it can still be useful. Although the epidemic situation is not under control, a book about the great power war epidemic will be published soon. And government officials said that the success of China ’s war epidemic was not due to the hard work of medical staff and the cooperation of the people across the country, but because of the leadership of our party and firm Marxist faith. The sun rises, and the people's life goes on as usual, and no one forgets it more than the Chinese. (The twenty-third issue of the Chinese People's Record Series-as usual)

Residents gathered to play cards during the epidemic, and the police decisively deterred February 4th 2020
疫情期间居民聚众打牌,民警果断出手制止:找死啊,都不要命啊 星视频的微博视频

  • On February 2nd, Hefei, Anhui, the police received a report that in a relocated neighborhood, residents gathered to play cards. After receiving the report, the police quickly arrived at the scene to stop it. The police educated the residents who gathered to play cards and smashed the table on the spot.

Difficult fortune through the epidemic! Police scolded shamelessly! 借着疫情发国难财!民警怒斥不要脸! Feb 13, 2020

An illegal game ground in Hunan was investigated, and various animal carcasses at the scene: bamboo rat, river munt, wild boar pear video 湖南一非法野味窝点被查,现场各类动物尸体:竹鼠、河麂、野猪 梨视频 Jan 30, 2020

  • On January 27, an illegal online operation of wildlife dens in Qiyang County, Yongzhou, Hunan, was terminated. Ten river frozen bodies, one wild boar frozen body, ten bamboo rat frozen bodies, 57 hare frozen bodies, and 17 bird frozen bodies were found at the scene, with about 200 birds, 8 crocodile turtles and 2 tortoises. . The case is currently under investigation.

  • 1月27日,湖南永州祁阳县一处非法网上经营野生动物窝点被端。现场查获河麂冻体10只、野猪冻体1头、竹鼠冻体10只、野兔冻体57只以及鸟类冻体17袋约200余羽,鳄鱼龟活体8只、草龟活体2只。目前案件正在调查处理中。

Police soul tortured businessmen who were in trouble during the new coronavirus pneumonia! Businesses driving up prices: they have all doubled, how much do you say? 民警灵魂拷问新型冠状病毒肺炎期间发国难财的商家!哄抬物价的商家:都涨一倍了,你说涨几块钱? Jan 27 2020

15 medical staff in Wuhan infected with the new coronavirus have been isolated and treated 武汉15名医务人员感染新型冠状病毒 均已隔离治疗 新京报我们视频的秒拍视频 •Jan 21, 2020

  • On the 21st, the Wuhan Health Commission reported on the pneumonia epidemic that a total of 15 medical staff in the city were diagnosed with pneumonia cases of the new coronavirus infection, and another was a suspected case. Of the 16 patients, 1 was critically ill, and the rest were in stable condition and had been treated in isolation. At 4 o'clock on the 21st, a case of pneumonia infected with a novel coronavirus died at the age of 89.

  • 21日,武汉卫健委就肺炎疫情通报称,该市共有15名医务人员确诊为新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎病例,另有1名为疑似病例。16例患者中,危重症1例,其余病情稳定,均已隔离治疗。21日4时许一例新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎病例死亡,死者89岁。

Shaanxi traffic police was kicked in the street, police: 3 traffic police were hospitalized, the suspect has captured Weibo video of Xing video 陕西交警被当街摁倒遭脚踢,警方:3名交警住院,嫌疑人已抓获 星视频的微博视频 •Jan 19, 2020

  • On January 14, a video of "traffic police being beaten by a group" in Yan'an, Shaanxi was circulated online. In the video, a traffic policeman was knocked to the ground and kicked, and there were other traffic policemen in contact with several people. The staff of Yichuan County Public Security Bureau introduced that the incident happened suddenly and a total of three traffic police were hospitalized. On the 15th, Yichuan Public Security issued a police briefing, saying that during the night patrol, the traffic police found a small car parked illegally. During the process of rectifying the violation, several people were violently attacked. At present, three suspects have been detained according to law, and the case is under further investigation.

  • 1月14日,陕西延安一段“交警被群殴”视频在网上热传。视频中,有交警被他人摁倒在地,还遭脚踢,旁边还有其他交警和数人有肢体接触。宜川县公安局工作人员介绍,此事事发突然,共有三名交警住院。15日宜川公安发布警情通报,称交警在夜间巡逻时,发现一辆小车违停,上前纠违的过程中,遭到几人的暴力袭击。目前3名嫌疑人已被依法刑拘,案件正在进一步侦办中。


Funny life during new pneumonia in Wuhan, China 中国武汉新型肺炎期间的搞笑生活 -

Cultech.biz = Message To Wuhan This is actually pretty touching. A sweet gesture by a young Chinese guy wanting to give what he can whilst presenting the predicament that China & Wuhan City endures through currently. His sensitivity on the issue is quite grown up, and a sensible example to all us old crusty folk.

I especially liked the audio clips collected from people around the world proclaiming ..

“Wuhan Jia You!” (Hang in there Wuhan!)

“China Jia You!” (Hang in there China!)

He might make a great John Connor one day...


天王蓋地虎,反流氓政府! Uranus is a tiger, an anti-rogue government!

寶塔鎮河妖,中共挨千刀! The Pagoda Zhenhe Yao, the Chinese Communist Party suffers thousands of swords!

嘟∼嘟嘟,開涮習頭豬! Toot ~ Toot, learn about pigs!

嘀∼嘀嘀,拉下習主席! pull down President Xi!

Such indolence will terrify you with promised punishment yet to come far more than your flu terrified the world.

W.H.O. = WHORE World Heathen Orgasm.


Passenger Of Shit - Shit Smeared Cunt (Remix) from SHIT WANK RECORDS on Vimeo.


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