Why is this child slavery allowed to go on? Is it aided and abetted by those at the very top? Does it operate from the top down? Who is going to RESCUE?

In the physics realm
remember. . .
the time fractals
a system of potentials?
The same ones the ancients knew of and saw?
Evidence of which many studied in their Hieroglyphics courses in parochial schools and college level courses?
Has the science NOW started to measure the findings we told them about?
Are they now seeing what seems to indicate that time is NOT in a straight line at all, but rather is in a circle?
Is now the multidimensionality of time starting to be measured and understood by those who used to be attached to the 3D realm? As much as is possible in a realm that attempts to limit?
Are the potentials that are to come now seen as part of what the past has generated?
And the future expected. . .here right now?

Is ancient wisdom important to the emerging dimensional hologram?
Did some of your ancestors have knowledge of divine wisdom?
Has your true history been stolen?

Did the ancients' understanding, combined with pure [not tampered with] advanced technology [think sacred geometry and crystalline structures] allow them to build a world wide energy grid?

A crystalline structure is any structure of ions, molecules, or atoms that are held together in an ordered, three-dimensional arrangement. Crystalline structure is one of two types of structural ordering of atoms, the other being the amorphous structure.

In whose best interests would it have been to tamper with such a grid?
Is it those who seek to control the resources and the inhabitants? You decide!

Would such an energy grid have generated from geometrically perfect structures?

How would they have known to align their creations with celestial bodies and events?
What is really happening/going on in what people know as the "constellations?"

Was their purpose to increase the energetic signature of their work?

Did the melding of spirituality and technology allow them to nurture humanity and it's surroundings into a viable civilization?

When you hear alternative teachings both new and old do you have the opportunity to replace old beliefs that no longer serve you with those that do?

Are you then integrating a higher, vibrating energy?

What if as you assimilate alternative forms of wisdom which envelop both the ancient and the new, does the flow of energy produce change throughout your light body?

If so, is this because you align with sacred geometrical patterns?

Don't believe it?
Why does the science that is out there document, but not push forward the knowledge of these geometrical patterns?
Why are some allowed to know and others have this ancient knowledge suppressed?

Is it because humanity becomes more centered, more balanced and less anxious, angry and toxic?

Do those who attempt to control the energy grid want people feeding on those lower frequencies to keep them in control rather than people in control of both their physical and spiritual aspects?
Are not people More Than a physical body?

Do those in control Not Want humanity to return to a sacred aspect of living?
Do they want them instead to feed off of and consume what the controllers put out there for them?

What if humanity started truly harmonizing and connecting to their spiritual origins?
How much control then would the controllers have? You decide!

Has this spiritual, sacred aspect of living remained dormant in your cellular memory?
Deactivated strands of DNA they say?

As humans gain harmony and balance, are old beliefs replaced by New Possibilities?
How many have watched this happen Right Before Your Eyes? [Kill Your Heroes song by AWOLNATION in tearing down old system brainwashing]?

Are you able to receive guidance directly from the core of your being by going within and connecting directly to the one who created you? [Trust Yourself? Rather than the outside world and the chaos going on around you?] You decide!

Does true enlightenment come from within?
Did your Creator design it that way when He created you with the very Spark of Life?

Did your Creator design your physical and energy being to be self healing?
What is out there in the physical, 3D realm that tries to interfere with this healing?

Is there something, someone trying to keep these healing techniques suppressed? Why?

Is there a foundational database of helpful information that comes from the source and has been purposely hidden from humanity?

Did God not say His people perish from lack of knowledge?
Check it out. . .

Where is the verse my people perish from lack of knowledge? You know where!

#ChildSexTrafficking, #HumanTrafficking, #Physics, #bordercrisis

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