Mark Levin interviews Jaco Booyens on child sex trafficking. A true story of his 13 year old sister trafficked from a competition show. Has anyone looked at all Bill Maher's involved in or said about child sex? What's the deal? Kid Love Productions!
Thank you to Mark Levin for being willing to talk about this.
A Huge thank you to Guardians of Children Mary and Victor for bringing this interview to my attention.
Mark's wife July saw him at a Turning Point even where he was discussing child sex trafficking.
The movie is called 8 days, the director is Jaco Booyens
Mark says he really feels the nation needs to understand the extent of sex trafficking of little children and teenage girls and how it is going on in this country.
Jaco states, it IS something that needs to be talked about and that Levin is doing this country a great service.
Jaco's story
Born in South Africa, raised by a single mom.
Two brothers, younger sister. Around 1994-95 his sister was trafficked.
So this is a very personal issue for Jaco and it wasn't even called sex trafficking back then.
Jaco's family lived it. It was a long journey to be able to get back home, to be safe and then to be able to rehabilitate.
He talks about how the person that leaves, doesn't come back. You can break a person, just as you can break a horse.
I know many can identify with this. This is party of how the layering or splitting of personas is done.
These abusers penetrate the heart and the mind of the child and manipulate them because we are more than just flesh, we are mind, body, spirit.
These perpetrators that profile online the online makes children even more easily accessible.
Back in the 90's they had to physically engage with them, these is why they hunted out the children who appeared neglected or abandoned whether it was from checked out parents or working parents.
Jaco speaks of what Guardians of Children have all witnessed. These predators get information and their are master profilers.
They know How to get at these kids. They know. ..
is this a girl with "daddy issues?"
is love present or is it not?
is she materialistic?
They'll feed you. They appear soft and caring and tell these children Exactly what they want to hear.
They get these children through various means.
Jaco makes it clear that he didn't jump on a bandwagon from a movement or a book where he felt led, he actually Lived this.
This made it Dire.
His sister is a survivor and courageously tries to save others, but it was a long and painful journey and these situations Seldom have this outcome. Most never escape.
I just want to remind me almost a million missing children from the United States each year and those are Only the ones we are told about in the general population. How many more do you suppose go unreported? Untold?
Jaco when asked by Levin the typical outcome. . . Death.
The average life span of a child that is trafficked is 7 years. There is so much heavy psychological, physical, emotional abuse their little bodies cannot handle it for extended periods of time. Those who miraculously live, have an arduous road ahead of them in trying to combat the evil they endured while trying to make sense of a world most don't even comprehend or in many cases Don't Choose to know exits.
Some will choose Not to know. This keeps the evil safe and fully functioning.
Jaco talks about what comes with this sex trafficking.
- Addiction
- Physical and emotional abuse
- Suicide attempts and rates of this are off the charts because these children want so badly a way of escape.
He also hears the general population make statements like, "well, why don't they speak up?"
He gives the example of the women of the #MeToo movement who were abused and it took them so long to speak up. He says think about a child who is 12 years old (the average in the United States) being fearful, being threatened or their family's lives threatened if they Tell.
The United States Leads the world with the Youngest average of trafficked children. Yet many refuse to acknowledge this is a problem. Is it because they don't want to deal with it?
The U.S. is the worst perpetrator of child sex trafficking and according to Jaco, has done such a good job that they have figured out a way to commercialize it!
In the United States the average amount of money each child brings the pimp is $200,000 to $250,000 a year all tax free.
Jaco goes on, Now you have a real problem because the demons come out. There are So many takers who are innately in agreement with all that is evil. Anything goes.
Jaco's sister was trafficked through corporate South Africa. She won a competition, it was like an America Idol.
She was 13 years old. With the president of that organization. . .
first it was rape, then what they do is after the rape, it's shame and then they have something over your head with threats to the family among other scare tactics. A 6 year period.
Jaco said in the movie they depict 8 days in a particular story, all true, those events but for 6 years.
He states it's an epidemic in our country and this is not fear mongering. This is down in the underbelly of what's really happening in society.
He says culturally we've become so myopic, so granular with the issue that is important to each person individually (remember the spirit of Jezebel I have spoken of like the era of "The Kardashians" and being enamored with popularity, consumerism, looks) to where we as a society have completely lost focus of the Big Picture! .
This is the United States of America. We are supposed to lead the way for Life, Liberty and Justice.
Just look at the Lack of Justice and what those in positions of leadership have done with justice. Has there been any justice for these all out Traitors who lie, steal children's innocence and cheat? That one was from me for free.
Think of how many times these people in our DOJ and FBI were caught all out lying. It was documented in the OIG report yet how many newspapers, tell a vision media do you see reporting the information of these Crimes that are Already out there and KNOWN? What do they do instead? Distract, Trump Hate, Distruct, Muh Russian Collusion, Distract disinfo on mass shootings, Distract. . .Lookie over here, NOT over there where Millions of children are being sex Trafficked and destroyed. Instead all the rage is Muh Russia and Impeach (Never mind there's no grounds) rile up anyone who will listen to this corporate owned media (Bill Maher who has made statements about Epstein's island in favor and pedophile normalization statements)
Notice the Red Shoes,
Post number search under books pulls this up
Other interests in Books under that search include,
Well worth the watch. ..this is an update where I brought a Lot of these connectors together from a famous disappearance and history. Under 13 min.
LOTS or shall we say Loads, of money made in the selling of children in more ways than one. Multiple streams of income?
This is NOT A GAME!
Back to Jaco
We are so far away as a Nation from living the Big Picture, like the Constitution, don't mess with stuff that brings equilibrium!
He continues, and because sexual immorality in this country has gone so far to the point where now to where pedophilia gets the phrase. . .love is love.
He reminds people, there are groups out there who diabolically oppose him. They're 100% against what I stand for and That's the Safety of our Children! . Because it's our future.
Levin asks him, how many children would you say we're talking about in a given year?
Jaco says statistics are difficult because only 1% of the crimes are reported, so I always tell people, when you see an Amber Alert, that is probably about 1% of the children.
He says it's north of 300,000 in the United States.
It's north of 76,000 per day in the state of Texas.
My question is why do the progressives and democrat representative fight shutting a border in which the sex trafficking of this little ones Knowingly goes on to the point where the mothers in Mexico have admitted sending their young children, the little girls with birth control because They Know they will be raped? Why do you think they oppose shutting down that trafficking path? How much money is pocketed again off of these little ones?
Jaco continues, we have more slaves today than ever in history. Why does it behoove the democrat party to push race division and a false history? A young black fellow Patriot and Guardian of Children shared out this key story recently,
A Dishonest Rewriting of Democratic Racist History
Jaco says he was Raised in Apartheid, Nelson Mandela came over when he was a senior in High School.
He walked the streets when it was black and white bathrooms. He lived it.
He says the child sex trafficking is world wide and encompasses All classes!
It's not a respecter of man,
School Principals
Police chiefs
truck drivers
Affects all races, all socioeconomic status
It's Not always kidnapping, the chain of command,
- A trafficker also called pimp
- A buffer also called bottom girls that will man handle the girls
- The buyers because supply means demand
All of this is very interesting in light of the fact that Ruth Bader Ginsburg sought to get the age of consent down to 12.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg comes form the area of politicians who in San Francisco praised and still the left democrat leaders still worship their pedophile hero Harvey Milk. See more here if you're not familiar.
Back to Jaco
The Buyer in the United States of America is consistently a caucasian male that earns north of $100,000 a year on average.
Think about it, in order to be a repeat buyer on average of 2-3 times per week, you need disposable income.
He says, that doesn't mean the janitor doesn't participate once a year just because that is all he can afford.
It permeates society.
I have tried to remind people, they inundate all they can with sexual messages, connotations, all is about sex and they use the justification "sex sells." They attempt to have people view children more like adults by giving them witty, smart lines to repeat in commercials, sitcoms. They dramatize adult situations for children ever attempting to push the boundary, the barrier.
Who Always wants to do away with boundaries? With Protection of those who may be preyed upon while "feigning" to be about the rights of others? Whose rights I ask you? The rights of the abusers? The rights of the pedophiles, the child sex traffickers? The rights of the Elitists who pocket the profits?
Over 90 of the children trafficked and sold for sex are girls. He says people might ask, then why do we not see more "feminists" movements supporting us in our cause, because it is targeting girls? But they don't, because it's Not about others, it's about themselves, about their Own mission!
The boys are on the rise, over about a 150% incline year to year on the demand for boys. Prepuberty boys.
He continues, this thing is so sick, you can almost order a child as you order pizza.
He states, the audience may be shocked, but this is a FACT!
You can get really specific and we're talking about American Born children in the United States of America.
Cross border trafficking also exists. The Philippines, Honduras, Cambodia. There are 40-56 countries.
Levin asks why this topic and this movie is not getting the kind of media attention that it deserves?
He asks if Jaco has made efforts to take his message to CNN or MSNBC?
He says he reached out, Mark Levin reached out to him and he thanked him.
He said he got closed doors. Jaco says this crime doesn't ask are you conservative or liberal?
It is sex addiction and in it's core it is fueled. He points out the Obvious, it Has to Start somewhere.
Someone doesn't just wake up and decide, I want to buy sex with a 12 year old girl.
It starts with
a pornographic culture
soft porn
the objectification of women (he points out how we as a country have done a Great Job of completely objectifying women into sex objects and emasculating men!
Levin names off culprits,
- Hollywood
- the Internet
Levin asks regarding CNN and MSNBC, are they so focused on other issues, ideological issues that drive their agenda,
mostly Trump 24/7 and his supporters 24/7, that they take up So Much air time on Their Ideological Agenda?
That when it comes to matters of such significance, to so many families in this country, they're just too busy to pay attention.
Jaco, points out this president is the Only president who has done more to try to protect these child trafficked children.
He says Not just done more to try to protect them, but done Actionable work where there Is Rescue!
Where he has empowered ICE to do so and here CNN loves to throw ICE under the bus when it is comprised of Incredible men and women that helps Jaco's group. HSI, Special Response Team, incredible people who actually go and keep America's children safe.
Here is an example if you are not familiar,
Who stands in the Gap? A paramedic working the border tells the True Story of Immigration
This president, according to Jaco, has empowered these people to do so.
He actually has made this a Desk Topic in the Oval Office.
Our children cannot continue to be sold for sex. We cannot perpetuate slavery in the world never mind in this country because it Is Alive and well.
A different type of slavery exists today. It's not discussed in political debates or round table discussions. ..what has actually been going on in the United States with these little children.
Even the left's Own Hero, Mother Theresa says, If you cannot protect your own children, you've lost your society.
He says they Won't even talk about it. You can't even point out a Single debate where they will Really dive in and say, "hey candidate former vice president Biden, WHAT are YOU going to do to Save America's Children?
Kamala Harris, "What do you mean Save our children?
How are we going to stop Slavery in the United States Today?
He said for these left leaders, it's See no Evil, hear No Evil and this is Exactly what we have been seeing on the front lines when engaging with the general public. They either Deny it is going on, or Pretend it isn't going on. WHY?
He says they. . .
- don't want to cover it
- it's too controversial
- are they too busy? Sure. . .muh Russian Collusion and muh Trump needs to be impeached
Levin has noticed, there is a group fighting for life in this country and there is a group who is not.
Jaco points out the push for late term abortion or infanticide as a choice.
There is more on the abortion issue. This is as far as I went for today.
Here is the clip of the interview between Mark Levin and Jaco
Life, Liberty & Levin 8/11/19 | Mark Levin Fox News Aug 11, 2019
Here is a link to the movie and I believe you can find it on Netflix
Let me know your thoughts on this Great #GuardiansOfChildren. Godspeed!
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