The children's' prison parents labor-pool development

in #childrens6 years ago (edited)

FAQs About Children of Prisoners
Gain insight into the problems children face when a parent goes to prison.

“Cousin Jacks”, What's in the CRISPR? - reply, Hacked Docs Expose Soros-Obama-UN Refugee Invasion Network, Following Super PAC Support, Private Prison Company Wins Trump Admin Contract, Private prison companies likely to be big beneficiaries of Trump's plan to detain more border-crossers...
in August of 2016 -- back when most election polls had Hillary Clinton clinching the 2016 presidential election -- the Obama administration announced that it would end the Justice Department’s (DOJ) reliance on private prisons. The announcement came seven days after the DOJ’s inspector general (IG) called on the federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to more rigorously oversee its contracts with private prison companies. The IG’s report found that private prisons at the federal level consistently fail to measure up to federal standards in preventing dangerous conditions, intercepting contraband, and ensuring internal accountability for staff misconduct.

Sesame Street reaches out to 2.7 million American children with an incarcerated parent

Sesame Street added a new character, to whom more than 2.7 million American children can now relate. The show introduced Alex, a child whose father is in prison, in a video included in the online interactive, “Little Children, Big Challenges: Incarceration.”

zielverkoopers in Antidiscrimination Law

Half of the world's prison population of about nine million is held in the US, China or Russia. Prison rates in the US are the world's highest, at 724 people per 100,000. In Russia the rate is 581. At 145 per 100,000, the imprisonment rate of England and Wales is at about the midpoint worldwide.

The incarcerated workforce Prison labour is a billion-dollar industry, with uncertain returns for inmates: In Idaho, prisoners roast potatoes. In Kentucky, they sell cattle

Francis Scott Key is the author of the famous words “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” He wrote those words in 1814 and, ever since 1931, they have been sung as the national anthem of the United States.

The Prison Coding Class That Might Have Inmates Making Six Figures On Their Release
At California’s San Quentin prison, inmates who never even used a computer before are learning software development and planning their apps.

Neighbors Report Child Trafficking and Find Gov’t Contractors Holding Kids In ‘Black Site’ Prison

Gott gewähre mir die Ruhe
die Dinge zu akzeptieren, die ich nicht ändern kann;
Mut, die Dinge zu ändern, die ich kann;
und Weisheit, um den Unterschied zu erkennen.

Leben einen Tag nach dem anderen;
einen Moment auf einmal genießen;
Härten als Weg zum Frieden akzeptieren;
nehmen, wie Er, diese sündige Welt
so wie es ist, nicht so, wie ich es hätte;
darauf vertrauend, dass Er alles richtig machen wird
wenn ich mich seinem Willen hingebe;
dass ich in diesem Leben einigermaßen glücklich sein kann
und sehr glücklich mit Ihm
für immer in der nächsten.

The Durga temple was the first temple of Bhagwati Durgaji built in USA. This temple is the place of worship for people of all Hindu faiths. All are welcome to temple. The temple focus in youth and local community and holds a number of educational and community outreach programs. It collaborates with institution of other faith in promoting Peace and Unity.

Military Mothers of this earth in 2018, EZRI and the prince of peace playing with the Kumari

Kumari, or Kumari Devi, or Living Goddess – Nepal is the tradition of worshipping young pre-pubescent girls as manifestations of the divine female energy or devi in Hindu religious traditions.

Perhaps it may serve the public better to offer the academics without the private prison bread and circus games.

Slavery and Justice

In the second part of our series on Nietzsche, we examine his belief that Christian doctrine is hatred dressed up as love...
On the Genealogy of Morals part 2: The slave morality


The debate about the story of Ham and Noah...From Noah's Curse to Slavery's Rationale

Where did the Germans get the word "man" from?

Are Manu and Noah same persons?

The parallelism of Noah’s ark with Matsya Avatar
fresh off the boat. (idiomatic, usually derogatory) Newly arrived from a foreign place, especially as an immigrant who is still unfamiliar with the customs and language of his or her new environment.

The Long Road to Equality: Hiring and Harassment at TxDOT

Name Tejas generally means Sharp or Luster or Brilliance, is of Sanskrit, Indian origin, Name Tejas is a Masculine (or Boy) name. Person with name Tejas are mainly Hindu by religion. Is that you Tejas, deep in the heart of Texas?

The Curse of Ham refers to the supposed curse upon Canaan, Ham's son, that was imposed by the biblical patriarch Noah.

Free exchange
As inequality grows, so does the political influence of the rich:
Concentrated wealth leads to concentrated power

What is Ojas and Tejas?
Ojas is one of the three vital essences that together promote and sustain our physical vitality, mental clarity, and overall health. The three vital essences—prana, tejas, and ojas—are the positive forms of vata, pitta, and kapha doshas, respectively.

Redeemers of military manic maundy, recurring dreamers

Some people express a state of being friendly in different ways with social conventions that may be new to us. It is nice to have the opportunity to learn of various cultures and social conventions of our one earth. The Hindu Temple of Central Texas, is also known as “Omkara Maha Ganapathi Devasthanam“

Psychology Itself Is Under Scrutiny
Many famous studies of human behavior cannot be reproduced. Even so, they revealed aspects of our inner lives that feel true.

¿Ojos, Santa Lucy? Ojitos de Santa Lucía is a town located in the northwestern region of the Mexican state of Zacatecas.

TxDOT: Dumping of sludge, debris lasted years at Dripping Springs site

What is Ojas Ayurveda?

This substance is called ojas (OH-jas). In Sanskrit, ojas has two prominent meanings. In the context of physical health and vitality, it means “vigor.” In the context of spiritual and emotional well-being, it is referred to as “the physiological expression of consciousness.”

The Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition

so·cial jus·tice
noun: social justice

justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.

Supreme Court Asked to Clarify that Class Certification Evidence Must Be Admissible

Blaise, was a physician, and bishop of Sebastea in historical Armenia. The feast of Saint Blase is on February 3rd, and it is celebrated all over the Western world. There are many other Saints related to our speciality, who protect people against ear, nose and throat disorders. Manu Natsaya Avatar, Noah what I mean Vern? (What a story Ham debate!)

Hamiltonian operators of the Sugar Islands, chartered by US President Alexander Hamilton

Around 1325 CE Kachina masks and Kachina dancers appear as rock art. However, it remains an open question among scholars as to whether the kachina religion was an indigenous creation, or an import from Mexico. The similarity of many aspects of Hopi religion to that of the Aztecs to the south strongly suggest the latter to many scholars.

Onondaga people
(Onöñda'gaga' or "Hill Place") people are one of the original five constituent nations of the Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) Confederacy in northeast North America

The Story of Turtle Island

What is the Nash equilibrium and why does it matter?
Decisions that are good for individuals can sometimes be terrible for groups


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