Military Mothers of this earth in 2018, EZRI and the prince of peace playing with the Kumari

in #mothers-military6 years ago (edited)

Some mothers sacrifice their children to a military goddess, like Bellona. Other mothers may sacrifice their children to clerics of capitalistic pharmaceutical eucharist; particularly if they are married to husandands who find such matters to difficult to swallow as a religious order. Then there are mothers who sacrifice their children to law school. Perhaps a generational effect with mothers who decide some children get to be millionaires as others are sacraficed into poverty or war.

It is more authentic when subjects of a Goddess of War are articulated from a woman'sperspective. Many patriarchs of society have prescribed remedies as such:

In Locke's philosophy, tabula rasa was the theory that at birth the (human) mind is a "blank slate" without rules for processing data, and that data is added and rules for processing are formed solely by one's sensory experiences. Wu wei, what a block head.

DC attorney for Article 32 hearing

Ancient Greek stories of ritual child sacrifice in Carthage are TRUE, study claims

Remember when scary movies were not front page news, sold as the current holy military campaign? ICLCJ court found 40 global nwo elites guilty and ended with the unprecedented resignation of former Pope Ratzinger

Pedophile priests and secret society quacks corroborating with hate groups like the KKK, may recruit brigadier commanders for the military as well groom federal judges as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta networking with trafficking of the Satanic Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult.

Order Marines to rescue the child sex slaves under the Getty Center in LA. Attempt #4

Oh, yeah, sure, that's just a movie idea, uh-huh.

Racial Disparity in the Justice System

In who's God do you trust with your barely legal tender?

State of Texas Disparity Study

Military dream injections from capitol system expenses by economic hit men?

U.S. Drops ‘Mother of All Bombs’ on ISIS Caves in Afghanistan

Mothers in Iraq, mothers in Yemen, Mothers in Sudan, Mothers in Afghanistan, what may your message to the mothers of the United States mothers be for mothers day 2018? Who's spirit of who's people is in such expenditures in oversight committees? Is this left for afterlife judgement from higher powers and if so at what costs immaturity of not taking ownership in the here and now?

Suing the Government for Negligence and Liability

Do some mothers sacrifice their children to a military goddess, like Bellona in this day and age Anu?

In who's Goddess do you trust with the Military Order of Malta, mothers of the United States of America?

European Royals Killing Naked Children for Fun at Human Hunting Parties?

Oh, that esoteric yoga is such a stretch! Catholic Mass Grave Sites Of 350,800 Missing Children Found in Ireland, Spain, Canada? Surely the Europeans do to the least among them as war profiteers of military powers of the world none the less of Jewish holocaust in Germany from less than a hundred years ago!

Redeemers of military manic maundy, recurring dreamers

Jesus, the king of the Jews, may have been familiar with customs of Hebrews, being the prince of peace and all. Perhaps he may have been familiar with concepts as such in his era:

The Hebrew Bible Name - Ezri was a son of Chelub and one of the overseers of the royal estate of King David (Chronicles 27: 26).

The Hebrew Letters in artifacts are Ayin Zayin Resh Yud. Taken together, and reading from right to left, they spell EZRI. Each of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet has a special meaning and a story to tell.

AYIN is the 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, has a numerical value of 70 makes no sound, and means EYE or FOUNTAIN. The Ayin is constructed of an elongated Yud (10) on the right and a Zayin (7) on the left.

In the alphabet the letter Samech is followed by the Ayin. Samech Ayin [means] support [Semak] the poor [aniyim] (Shabbat t 104a). The Ancient Holy One is called Ayin (nothing) (Zohar 1984. Tr. Harry Sperling et al. New York: Soncino. 3:158b).

In meditation one can sit in the elongated arc of Ayin, on the right, and the Zayin, arm, on the left, curves around to hold one in place. It feels very safe and secure. When you are firmly settled Ayin will rock you gently.

ZAYIN is the 7th letter of the alphabet, has a numerical value of 7, looks like a sword or a scepter, makes a sound like the Z in Zebra and means SWORD, TO ORNAMENT, TO SUSTAIN.

I [zayin] represent the observance of the Sabbath (Zohar . 1984 Tr. Harry Sperling et al. New York: Soncino. 1:3a). Sabbath, a day of religious observance and abstinence from work, kept by Jews from Friday evening to Saturday evening, and by most Christians on Sunday. As well, a supposed annual midnight meeting of witches with the Devil.

On Malta, History Is Carved in Stone

If you ask in meditation the Zayins will come and encircle you, and you will feel safe. They can also be used to keep out extraneous thoughts during this time.

Resh is the 20th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, has a numerical value of 200, makes a sound like the R in Radiant and means BEGINNING or HEAD. When one spells out the letter Resh in Hebrew, it is Resh Yud Shin. Yud and Shin spell Yesh - THERE IS. The letter Resh means BEGINNING. So it is possible to say that the Resh literally means THERE IS A BEGINNING.

One method of meditation is called PERMUTATION. This is simply the process of rearranging the order or sequence of the letters. There are extremely complex systems like those developed by the 13th century kabbalist Abulafia. And then there are simple ones. For instance the Resh is spelled Resh Yud Shin. Yud and Shin spell Yesh - THERE IS. The letter Resh means BEGINNING. So it is possible to say that the Resh literally means THERE IS A BEGINNING.

Yesh also means EXISTENCE, SUBSTANCE, BEING, REALITY. How would these words fit with the word BEGIN? The word ROSH – HEAD is closely associated with the Resh. Rosh is spelled Resh Aleph Shin. But if one spells it Aleph Shin Resh it is Asher. Asher means WEALTH, or Shin Resh is MINISTER. The gematria of these of these 3 letters is 510 which is also the gematria for Yenaten - SHALL BE GIVEN. One can spend a lifetime doing this. This can be called FUN.

YUD is the 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, has a numerical value of 10, means HAND, makes a sound like the Y in Year and is a simple point. It is the smallest letter in the alphabet and yet is frequently associated with the very large concept of EMANATION, the highest level in the Four World paradigm of Kabbalah.

Menachot 29b teaches that the WORLD TO COME was created by use of the letter Yud.

When meditating with the Yud, the Yud presents itself right in front of me. It then enters into me right away filling me with a most peaceful feeling. I like to sit with this feeling as long as I can. When I think of the Yud I think of sitting still.

CIA Article 32 Hearing due diligence

Global mystic tactics for enlightenment are suggested in another system here for comparison and contrast:

In an Eastern system design of social engineering this concept may be expressed as Wu wei. In the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu explains that beings (or phenomena) that are wholly in harmony with the Tao behave in a completely natural, uncontrived way.

It has been explained to me, a Buddhist staff, like a khakkhara or bō about six foot long, upright at Spring Equinox will cast a shadow, and as shadow cast followed through Autumn Equinox, will form through the seasons of the year the symbol of Yin and yang. This was explained to me at a Theosophy Lodge.

Some of these concepts have been discussed to some degree as far as esoteric meditations and considerations of teachings of a prince of peace applied in society as military expenditures and secret society considerations as for civic duty to exercise, perhaps in lifetimes, born again at Edgar Cacey's A.R.E.

These global esoteric concepts are further detailed reaching Western concepts in this previous article: Kingdom of Kush, Hindu Kush, Asuras (Ahuras) and Devas (Daevas)

This brings up jurisdiction issues concerning courts of man as county, state, federal, military and international courts. Of course final judgements from these courts are from humans, whom may be corrupted to some degree for oversight and audit investigations. Buying the sheriff or buying the judge does what to a society?

Psalms 94:20-22
Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law, Have fellowship with You?

Psalms 94: 14-23
14 The Lord will not abandon his people; he will not desert those who belong to him.
15 Justice will again be found in the courts, and all righteous people will support it.
16 Who stood up for me against the wicked? Who took my side against the evildoers?
17 If the Lord had not helped me, I would have gone quickly to the land of silence.
18 I said, "I am falling"; but your constant love, O Lord, held me up.
19 Whenever I am anxious and worried, you comfort me and make me glad.
20 You have nothing to do with corrupt judges, who make injustice legal,
21 who plot against good people and sentence the innocent to death.
22 But the Lord defends me; my God protects me.
23 He will punish them for their wickedness and destroy them for their sins; the Lord our God will destroy them.

Whom represents you interests? Whom undermines your interest? How do you find peace or counsel? How do you discover justice? My intentions are to help you raise awareness collectively in groups as to take ownership of your pursuits in your local jurisdiction as to address autonomy in matured nation building democratic representative leadership.

New 459th district judge’s seat draws three candidates

Matrilineal society, also called matriliny, group adhering to a kinship system in which ancestral descent is traced through maternal instead of paternal.

Matrilineality is the tracing of descent through the female line.

Marshall Islands
Each family is part of a clan (Bwij), which owns all land

I have recently been studying of the three Gunas, Sattva, Tammas and Rajas. I have been considering Emotional Intelligence as well Emotional Agility with the Guna theory of personalities in the ancient Samkya school of Hindu Philosophy. As a grant writer of the humanities budgeting for emotional labor, I have considered: The nine emotions included in Navarasa are Shringara (love), Hasya(laughter), Karuna (kind-heartedness or compassion), Raudra (anger), Veera ( courage), Bhayanaka (terror), Bheebhatsya (disgust), Adbutha (surprise), and Shantha (peace or tranquility). These are the emotions that human shows according to the situations. The concept of 'emotional agility' may assist as a Western concept that may supplement these concepts. I recommend "The Leader's Guide to Emotional Agility (Emotional Intelligence): How to Use Soft Skills to Get Hard Results" a Book by Kerrie Fleming.

What Kind of Leader Are You? | Kerrie Fleming | TEDxHultAshridge

Sociology speaking of conventions as these may be expressed as an iconoclast akin to satire. Totems and taboos are serious and may help perspective of Western and Eastern social conventions taking ownership of their social conventions.

The Very Strange Life Of Nepal's Child Goddess

Nepal's Living Goddess, or Kumari has influence on the government but not like a Muslim Imam In the region, as Pakistan and Afghanistan have much oppression, with no freedom of Religion as well inequities with barriers for access to higher education for women.

In sociological emotional intelligence terms, the queen of England and Nepal's living Goddess, their Kumari may be considered for conventional intelligence.

This 7-Year-Old Nepali Girl Is Worshipped as a Living Goddess on Earth

As an Iconoclast, Kardashian Infotainment may keep up with the Queen of England's bearing with Nepal's Kumari goddess in a sociological emotional intelligence theater piece aiming for social conventional wisdom as emotional agility.

I have considered this from viewing Living Goddess, a 2008 film that documents lives of three young Kumaris against the backdrop of the Nepalese Civil War.

Micah 3:11 New International Version (NIV)

Her leaders judge for a bribe,
her priests teach for a price,
and her prophets tell fortunes for money.
Yet they look for the Lord’s support and say,
“Is not the Lord among us?
No disaster will come upon us.”

A Hispanic man named Luis came to my door with a boy as I finished this article. The man spoke Spanish and read to me from the Bible from the Book of Revelations 22. It was an opportunity to practice speaking Spanish and reading Spanish. I am glad the young boy spoke English. I explained the best I may of corruption from Malta and the costs of South American countries with corruption of the Vatican with the CIA in the spirit of racism and serving war mongering of Satan. He understood my broken Spanish and could sense my anguish of corruption in powers that be and serving bias gender, sexist and racist deeds of warmongering. I offer Luis my mother's maiden name as it is Hispanic. I honor my neighbor from the Marshall Islands or the new nearby convenient store clerk from Nepal, where women are the high priestesses or leaders and rulers of their tribes in their society and for pursuits of accountability of generations of children, audited in their lifetime with access for their right in pursuit of judgement to be made of alleged independence as well opportunity to be considered in a court of humans, perhaps guided by generations of spirits, of many peoples and many creeds.

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