
Hello and thanks for the comment. Although, I do hear this argument a lot and it seems to totally disregard families like this. I assume that is what the armed officer was telling these sobbing parents as their child was taken into care... Blanket statement, like the one you have made, are only made by people who have not been affected by one of the many documented side effects. Its all about individual choice and not forcing others to do things against their own will, because of "the greater good" If you want to vaccinate your kids then go for it but I would doubt you would give this advice to the parents in this article. If that is so then that should give you your answer. People are not given the information to make an informed decision. when you mix this with a government that has unprecedented levels of corruption running through every department. Its all about money nowadays so if a company is withholding information or making it hard to find. Then that raises red flags . I will not be brow-beaten into making in ill-informed decision just because the majority of people have not bothered to do their research. To give your child a drug when you have no idea what's in it is, imo, is child abuse.

Very well said @article61 We live in a day that parents have been so misinformed and even disinformed that there is no way they can honestly say they are making an informed choice about most anything. It is important that parents maintain their right to research and learn for themselves and make more informed decisions on what is best for their children.

Resteemed and following. I am happy to see a growing number of people here on Steemit that take pride in their ability to research subjects and to act on what they find.

"The character or beliefs of the scientist are irrelevant; all that matters is whether the evidence supports his contention. Arguments from authority simply do not count; too many authorities have been mistaken too often." ~ Carl Sagan, Broca's Brain (1974)

Thank you Vicky. I try to just supply, and apply, common sense. If you are unaware that the Flu vaccine has to be updated every 2 yrs, then how can that be allowed to be seen as responsible? And what if it becomes mandatory and privatized will different companies start behaving like mobile operators "sign up to our vaccine program, and get a free xbox99" This stinks to high heaven and back and being a farther myself it makes my blood boil. Especially when you get labelled crazy for even thinking about the subject. Just look at the elderly care service in the UK which is almost totally out-sourced to private companies. It is a disaster that I have had personal experience with. They 'Duty of care' that should be present in all things to do with our health is non-existent in a profit run company. The two concepts oppose each other so to survive in the private sector you have to compete by cutting costs. Once they have forced it into law under 'social responsibility' we will end up with a 2 tier system for the rich and poor. So sad that people can't see this repetitive mechanism destroying public services. The health service being the worst as it has such a devastating effect.

sorry went into a bit of a rant. you may like this article i posted.

peace and love to you

Here in the US as well. The "marks" for these big pharma corporations are the young and the very old. That is their target market to sell their "wares". Here recently I saw that now optometrists are able to give the vaccinations and of course receive their reward. (what eye doctors would have to do with vaccines I know not). I do know that people are waking up, sad many the reason is their child died from the vaccines or will now suffer life long illness.

PS. You can rant any time you need :)

HaHa I will. Stay tuned :)

nicely said. it's all about informed choice.

Thank you, this question does frustrate me but it is easy to answer. People automatically assume that you mean the idea of vaccinations is wrong. If it was my mum making the vaccine and she showed me it was safe then I would think about it. But people really want to put trust into a private corporation that has shareholders and yearly thank you.

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