My School is administering Flu vaccinations, but is it safe?

in #vaccine7 years ago (edited)

vampire.jpgWhilst picking my Daughter up from School today I stopped by the office to pick up a few info sheets. My Daughter has a School bag that seems to dissolve anything made of paper, so it's DIY time.
So I am sat looking at the handy schedule showing whats coming up over the next term. Usually things like After-School Clubs, Parent Teacher nights, that sort of thing. But as my eyes started to glaze over, due to most of it not being relevant for my Daughters year, they were suddenly turned into 'Tom n Jerry' style cartoon eye's, with complimentary horn sound effect.
t&j.jpgFLU JAB SESSIONS FOR YR2 YR3 & YR4 - Thurs 09:00am in the hall.

Being someone who looks at various media outlets and various news reports from many different sources, I have noticed a common thread that is based around the Public's fear of Vaccinations, or at least the side effects from the vaccines. Now I know Vaccines come in many forms, so because it was the School notice that caught my attention, we will focus on the Flu, or Influenza, Vaccination as this is what they seem to want to put into a syringe and inject into my Daughters body.
With the memories of half read article about various horror stories, tied to families claiming that a certain vaccine had cripple their most precious Son or Daughter. Most stating that before the vaccination, their Child was absolutely fine.
As I have not looked into this properly I was only aware of certain truths, that could well just be wives tales.
So as I am looking down and breathing a sigh of relief because my Daughter's year is not on the schedule. Words Like MERCURY, AUTISM, FORCED are racing through my head. So Daughter in bed and its time for research. (I am a Farther who takes his duty very serious. My job is to provide and to keep her safe. I would honestly kill for my Daughter, if it was a crime worthy of the punishment, without hesitation).
dad.jpg Luckily the dating PHASE! hasn't started yet.
But I digress,
1sword.jpg so back to reasons that make me begin to threaten my Parental Samurai Sword, upon these stethoscope wielding Ninjas.

Oh yes, Mercury in vaccines, that was it. Now my first every day knowledge of Mercury being in vaccines was limited to thinking that it(Mercury) was only present in vaccine that we are forced to have as Babies( I say forced because lately there seems to be many people loosing their court battles and some even loose their Children to the Social Services, like this unfortunate couple... )
That was pretty much it.... Although, I did see something significant whilst watching a conference about genetic engineering, that showed the stats on certain perceptions held by medical and Science Professionals. Have a look as you may be shocked to know how UNdecided they really are about 'Medicines' we practice...
I feel this is very relevant as it also shows the future forms that vaccines WILL take(According to the absolutely impartial host, that is) Given advances in medical science.

Now armed with some very basic information, I have spent the evening mobilizing the source codes to go and retrieve more specific lines of inquiry. Now when you have to switch search engines just to find a simple answer to questions like, "what is in the flu vaccine", it gives you reason for suspicion . Google just supplied a whole page of generic '' sites, and you try and find a simple answer from one of them!! After digging a little deeper, it wasn't long before I was receiving good info that I could piece together and get my head around. I just had to answer a few simple questions..
1st to find out was, 'Does the Flu vaccine contain Mercury'? and the answer is NO....(Now before you more informed people start spitting your lentils all over the floor, let me finish, please.) Vaccines, from what I can see, do not contain Mercury, as one of its ingredients.(at least not in the Flu vaccines I have looked into)
From reading this article ( ) it appears that, Thimerosal, the Mercury based chemical that is causing all the worries, and illnesses it seems, is used only for the preservation of the vaccine itself. So although Mercury is not an ingredient, it is still used within the process of getting it from Bill Gates's People-hating brain, to my Daughters Heart. And by the looks of things, not over my dead body.....

2nd question it is then.... 'What are the effects of Mercury from Vaccines'? - Now for this kind of information we have to rely on government funded authorities, to supply us with transparent documents of there own investigations. This does throw up some obvious problems due to the undeniable fact that our government, and its representatives, have proven themselves to be very untrustworthy when supplying data of this kind. And I hope by now you are more than aware of the immoral actions of Bayer and how they knowingly dumped a HIV contaminated Vaccine into the 'medical markets'
of Europe.
( If not, here it is...

But we can only work with the tools we have, so lets stop whining and pull up our socks...I am supposed to be British after all. Well without further distractions I give you an official report, admittedly from 2004 but it seems little has changed...(Sorry but its not good news for us parents)
2sword.jpg out comes the sword a little more...

3rd Question, dare I ask... " Does this 'Vaccine' have any other serious side effects I should know about?" - YES -
Well surprise, sur-fuc&ing-prise! I will take the opportunity to have first shout, in case this next official report losses you in mind numbing jargon, misleading opinions and advice. Advice, that all seems to push you along like a best-man goading the Groom to down another mystery cock-tail from the bar.
Now until tonight,I had never heard of Guillain-Barré Syndrome( I'll let you research that one for yourself, I cant do it all for you) but it is a very real and very terrifying side-effect of this Vaccine. A Vaccine my own School is administering to whole year groups....Would you take your kids along after reading any of these...?

or maybe this report will re-write your parental guide-book...

So if you're still thinking, that maybe, the Pros out-way the Cons, or you just simply do not believe your Schools would allow a decision like this to be made unless it was safe, for you special people I will leave you with a couple of things to mull-over.
fights-on-sword.jpg While your taking your time I'll just be over here getting ready
Even if these Vaccines are not the cause of all of the life changing afflictions that have been linked to them, even if it 85% of them were just co-incidents, you still have the dangers that come from handling and administering these products properly. The protocol is endless and potentially fatal if not followed precisely. Now in the hands of professionals, who have gone through long NHS training to gain the qualifications that show they have the knowledge and integrity to handle any part of this unstable mechanism, you may keep casualties down to a minimum. But as we can see, the NHS is being swallowed up by the Fabio-Socialist agenda. And now, our beloved jewel to the, TRUE, 'Crown' of Britain(the people) will be pawed off to the highest bidder, by the latest band of treacherous Pirates.

Do you you look further than next month....? have you ever tried.....?! How about next year? Or even 5 years from now? When our Schools are Open about the fact they are a Business( yes they already are but don't admit it otherwise this wouldn't happen.. - Business rates for a School eh??? )
What then, when the owner of your Child's School, is one of the many 'Mike Ashleys' out there? And when someone like him is allowed to find the lowest bidder for the , now compulsory, seasonal Vaccine program.wanker mike.jpg Do you think he will chose the top company? The company preferred by all the more expensive private Schools to supply,handle and administer the latest updated vaccines.( I say 'latest' because the Flu virus evolves and as a industry regulation the Vaccine has to be updated every 2 years!!) Or do you think, like me, that it might just turn out exactly the same as our, shameful, care system for the Elderly? A system to which I have personally witnessed how a lack of investment, from both Government and company funds, can result in the most fundamental and lethal mistakes being made. Mistakes like have ear-drops administered as eye-drops. Like being ignored and left paralyzed in a chair, with the doors and windows open(it was summertime), from 5pm until 9am the next day...(These are just a few thing that happened to a lady I knew due to the way this privatized business was run for profit in favour of customer care).

So bare all what I have said in mind( And I never even mentioned the huge profits that drive the vaccine from research-lab to flesh) and go do your own research, so we can make this common knowledge and at least let the 'future-bosses' know that they are not dealing with mindless slaves. They are dealing with educated Parents who demand the best for the Children of the future.....


REBEL DAN ( please go to to find out how to stop this all from happening )

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