My Beloved Perch passed away yesterday, 9/23/17

in #chicken7 years ago

Every decision we have made in our lives, directly affects so many many things. My decision, 4.3 years ago, to take that little red Polish girl out of the tank at the co op, garnered several generations of chickens, and our farm was literally built on them. Perch2.JPG Dearest Perch passed away today, from what I don't know. But we found her curled in the nesting box, peaceful. I loved that crazy old lady, and she will be very very much missed. I don't even know what to say. June 13th, 2013 was the beginning of my farm, and it started with Perch, Peck, Herdier and Herdier Jr. Caldwell Acres will miss their Signature Chicken, Perch. Sweetest box of rocks, who laid an egg almost every day of her life. Love you to the moon and back, little girl. Sleep well next to Maxine, you will be a part of the farm for eternity.Perch1.JPG


Sorry for your loss. They are like members of the family.

Thank you. She was just the best girl ever. I adored her. I have a few of her kids hatched out, but I am so very sad she won't be around to greet me any more.

im sorry for your loss @caldwellacres, and i feel you. we keep chickens on our farm. chickens are the best - they have a lot more character than you would expect from a chicken, and are not stupid, are impossible to chase and are definitely one of my favourite animals to keep. 100%. i dont know anyone who has kept chickens and would not do so again.
so to Perch, godspeed to that giant free-range field in the sky, and to the chicken - probably the most underrated animal, ever.


Very much agree. She was my sweetest girl. And while she wasn't the smartest of kids, she loved us. You could call her over and she would let you pick her up, and she would promptly fall asleep in your arms. I miss her so very much. A hollow feeling when I look outside.

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