No Fines in Chicago For Those Violating Quarantine Rules In Weeks

in #chicago4 years ago

Cities around the world have been busy giving out tickets to those who have been caught violating the COVID-19 lockdown rules. That includes giving families tickets for going on joy rides or for taking a walk in the park. But in Chicago, officials there say that they haven't given out any fines for weeks, since early summer.

They've recently included Wisconsin to the list of cities included in the quarantine rules for travelers, but the Mayor insisted that nobody has been fined for having been found to have violated those rules. At least not since earlier this summer.

It's a violation of natural rights, what should be constitutionally protected rights, to be fined for engaging in peaceful actions outside of our homes.

There is no justification for stomping on civil liberties in this way, for fueling an atmosphere where people are too afraid to go out and enjoy their neighborhood for fear that they might be fined or jailed for it.

There are some jurisdictions that likely pulled in tens of thousands of dollars or more for having given out tickets for fines during the lockdown period, to those who were skirting the restrictions.




We definitely have our hands full in regards to protecting our rights and liberties these days.
REASONS to defy these orders:

Easiest and most directly..10th Amendment..Keeps Congress in check when creating laws or distributing power. If anything they create conflicts with our guaranteed Rights then it is null and void. Our FREEDOM to ASSEMBLE, Worship & TRAVEL are all protected by the 1st and 4th Amendments.

Secondly and little harder for people who do not care to understand our legal system as well as the checks and balances of power.. EXECUTIVE ORDERS from ANY elected official is not a law. These orders only have authority over the government agency and employees that person authorizing the decree is in charge of. These governor/mayor orders to wear masks and threaten to fine or imprison people is a direct assault of our natural as well as guaranteed RIGHTS as citizens of this country.

We have a duty to educate our fellow countrymen/women.
We also have the DUTY to RESIST and DEFY unconstitutional decrees and orders.

PLease join my WE THE PEOPLE discord. Newly created for a place to share via FREE SPEECH.

1stAmendment Patriot

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