
You gotta get your face out there, so people feel a human connection.
I went fishing for a photo of you (for the post looking at you), and could only find the tiny thumbnail you use as a profile pic. Don't be shy :) Every day I post a new gif of myself smiling.

But i do have one pic in 1 of my posts! I thought my silly stories are humane enough ;)
But thank you..will post another one some other time.

I doubt we will be able to mate with that move, too many pieces and king easily escapes. I think taking out knight give our bishops and queen more flexibility to mate quicker.

We need the queen in D4. Followed by B7 to D5, our king to F7..G7 to F8 checkmate. 4 moves.

B7 D5 meet knight D5 with check we can take with knight or queen at this point, but multiple possibilities for now... let's see 😉

This is looking like the firm favourite, Imma :)

1Qd4 Kb6 (forced) 2Bd5+ Nxd5+ (forced)

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