Steemit Blitz Chess Tournament every Saturday 19.00 GMT / Steemit Blitz Schach Turnier jeden Samstag um 21.00 Uhr

in #chess7 years ago


Time difference from Greenwich Mean Time

Los Angeles: −7 hours
New York: −4 hours
UTC: 0
London: +1
Paris: +2 h
Istanbul: +3 h
Moscow: +3 h
Dubai: +4 hours
India: +5.5 hours
Beijing: +8 hours
Singapore: +8 hours
Tokyo: +9 hours
Sydney: +10 hours


  • We play on the free chess server
  • An access there is set up in a minute
  • All games are scored, so your initial score of 1500 will change according to your performance
  • Game mode is 5 minutes plus 2 seconds for each turn
  • Total play time is 60 minutes
  • Pairings are determined automatically
  • Try to keep the games short so you can play more games
  • Beserk Button for halving your time and deleting your extra time to play faster
  • games must be started after 20 seconds, otherwise they are considered lost
  • Anyone can participate, noncommittal comment desirable
  • No further conditions: upvote and resteem are voluntary
  • The tournament link and password are added as comment 1 hour before the start
  • Promotion desired
  • GMT time converter:


  • Wir spielen auf dem kostenlosen Schachserver
  • Ein Zugang dort ist in einer Minute eingerichtet
  • Alle Spiele sind gewertet, das heißt deine Anfangswertung von 1500 wird sich entsprechend deiner Leistung verändern
  • Spielmodus ist 5 Minuten plus 2 Sekunden für jeden Zug
  • Gesamtspielzeit ist 60 Minuten
  • Paarungen werden automatisch bestimmt
  • Versuche die Spiele kurz zu halten um mehr Partien spielen zu können
  • Beserk Button für Halbierung deiner Zeit und Streichung deiner Zusatzzeit um noch schneller spielen zu können
  • Partien müssen nach 20 Sekunden begonnen werden, ansonnsten werden sie als verloren gewertet
  • Jeder kann teilnehmen, unverbindlicher Kommentar erwünscht
  • Keine weiteren Bedingungen: upvote und resteem sind freiwillig
  • Turnierlink und Paßwort werden als Kommentar 1 Stunde vor Beginn hier angefügt
  • Promotion erwünscht


Starting in 60 minutes!

Link to the tournament / Link zum Turnier

Password: steemchess

I have never played chess with only 2 seconds to make a move. Do you lose automatically if you don't make a move within 2 seconds?

You have 5 minutes plus 2 seconds for every move. So you get 2 seconds when you move. Lets say 40 moves makes a plus of 80 seconds plus 5 minutes is about 7-8 minutes for the whole game for one player, the entire game will last for 10-13 minutes.

amigo #resteemia at your service

interesting competition, i'll give a try to participate it :) nice info @schamangerbert

'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'

No worry, in chess you never loose! See you then!

Chess was one of the best game of mine and thank to my busy life, I entirely forget it :/ Great work and useful information for Chess lovers!


So, now is the best time to get back into it :) Just register at lichess,org and play a few games to train hard :)

Can i join?..
I play a little but not good..

Yes! No worry about your strength, we just play for fun.

Great idea, I blitzed a lot in the past, will try to join tomorrow!

Superb post you share @schamanagervert. Your post support to chess beginners bcz how to learn to play chess game like as me.
Have a great day.
Upvote & Resteemed

I hope to see you in the tournament!

nice post, wish you a best of luck my friend.

Whats about you? Do you join the tournament?

well i don't know how to play chess, so i won't able to participate in the tournament.

@schamangerbert - Oh my goodness, this is a wonderful information Sir. Love it & nice you decided to share it <3 :*

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Will you play in the tournament?

@schamangerbert thank ypu for sharing
let me follow you

Do you play chess?

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