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RE: Chess problem 56 / Schachaufgabe 56

in #chess7 years ago

Let's see. Looks like the queens are stepping on each other's heels.

Maybe Be6? That seems to be winning unless I am missing something.

For example, Qxe6 and then Ra-a8 wins.

THe line Be6, Qxb8 looks like the most difficult to counter. But after Rxa6, the only check for black is Qb4, after which c3 and there's no more checks.

Nice one, and yes definitely seemingly a bit easier than the previous puzzles.


Argh. Wait. Nevermind, what am I thinking? The queen on b8 just sits there.

Much more simply: Rxc8+ Qxc8 and then Bd5

Wins ... but is still not the fastest way. You have to checkmate within five moves! :)

That's not the fastest: white can checkmate in no more than five moves! :)

Oh geez. You said this was easier. The more I look the harder it gets. Mate in five seems superfluous :-p

So, I guess it's something with swinging the rook over to h1 with checkmate, but I don't get any farther then Rxc8, Qxc8. It becomes a quagmire after either Ne2 or Kf2. Am I on the right track??


Devilishly tricky. OK, I think I"ve got it this time. I always forget about the prospect of castling in puzzles:

Rxc8, Qxc8
Ne2, Qd8 ... (the Queen Has to go to the d-file to prevent castling)
Nd4! then exd4 (if Qxd4, Ra8)
0-0-0!! and no stopping the mate.

I think after Ne2, Qb7, 0-0-0, e3, am I right?

Rd8# hahaha. I didn't see that move!

;) the crazy move to at least stop mate after Nd2 is Qg8...
In that case I don't think 0-0-0 right away leads to mate in five, but simply Bxg8 should, for example:
Kxg8, Ra8++ or:
e3, Ra8 with discovered mate on next move

Nd2 is not possible.

  1. Nd2 is not possible.

oops, sorry!.

  1. Rxc8+ Qxc8
  2. Ne2 Qb7 (idea: Qxf7 ... and no checkmate in 5)

You are trying to kill me, aren't you. Haha :-D

Let's go a different route:
1.Na2 maybe, Same idea of castling, ie:
2.0-0-0 and it looks like there's only kamikaze queen moves from there... qf1
Rxf1, Qg8
Rh1+, Qh7

Missing anything this time?

Na2 is a cool move, not easy to see it. This must be the solution, I think.
Anyway, how do we know if castling long is available for white? I mean, @jaki01 didn't say any about it, we have to suppose it?

Anyway, how do we know if castling long is available for white?

Why not? Nothing speaks against it? :)
In my text I told you to be creative ... :)

Sorry: I saw this too late, so you were actually faster than @kajalpats! I will change the text of the solution!

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