in #charlesfuchs7 years ago

A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people ~ Will Rogers.

Are You A Geek Like Me?

I'm going to talk something really different today and talk about Books. I never was a book reader when growing up until I seen a video by Jim Rohn in the late 90's. 

Who was Jim Rohn? If you don't know, no worries. He was a popular motivational speaker and if you want to look him up, you can here and/or Youtube. 👨🏻‍🏫

He once stated that “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”... that knowledge were in books. 📚

When I was around 20 years old, that quote changed my life... I started to study and became a reader since then. I probably read over 1000+ books in my life. (You should see my book library, Insanity). 🤯

Well since then, times have changed and it seems to me that people behaviors have changed and not many people are reading anymore. 

Books are getting replaced by Audio Books, Youtube Videos and different means of information getting distributed these days. 📹🔊💻📱📓

Regardless how people are getting their information, it's kinda like all the same. What I'm trying to say here is that if you want to change or become a better version of yourself, the information is out there and it's just your choice if you want to get it or not.

These days, I'm still a book reader and that may sound crazy to some people but there is something special about holding a book. 📕

Don't get me wrong, I still have tons of audiobooks but if I do get it, I make sure that I buy the book also. Just call me old school 🤣

So let me ask you this, If you had only one book/audiobook that you would recommend to someone, what would it be and why? 🤷🏼‍♂️

I'll go first, my go to book for #1 Overall would be by a fellow Steemian @grantcardone who wrote The 10x Rule. If you guys been following me for a long time, you may know why from my previous post.

I call this book, a life changer. It will change your thinking about everything you're doing in life and make it better, 10X better. I also recommend getting the audio book, it contains information that you would listen over and over again.... it's just that good. 💯

Heck, I'm currently playing the 10X Rule in the background while writing this, I probably played this audio book over 100X already. 😳

So once again, what is your go to book/audio if you only had to choose one and would recommend it to everyone you know, this should be very interesting! 😋

Keep On "STACKIN" Knowledge! 💞

P.S. For those who are interested in following my "Daily Activities" that I do in very "short form". Follow me here: @charles-fuchs


I wish I liked reading , but it’s good to expand our knowledge and use it in the real world to connect and conquer

Totally agree 💯

this knowlege is very usfull than you

I'm a bookworm, I collect books, early editions, books on every subject. Every time I finish one I feel like I was gifted some knowledge. So grateful for all the wonderful authors, including the bloggers I follow on here :)

I knew it, a fellow book nerd like myself! 😂🤣


Love this quote “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”

Thanks for the heads up on 10X Rule!

It's a must get it, it will change your life, promise :)

I love reading books since that's the way I learn the best. I listen to audiobooks though when I'm doing something where I can't read like working out in a gym or driving my car.

If I had to recommend a book, I would recommend Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco. While it may seem like a get rich quick book from the title, MJ really has a lot of great insights on how to retire soon (besides from just stackin a lot of cryptos) by using a business.

Bro, that’s a great book... Millionaire Fastlane! I think I got it like 8 years ago or longer. I wondered what happen to MJ 😀

He was a millionaire when he wrote it. He's probably even more wealthy now. The book didn't get Rich Dad Poor Dad popular but he's definitely living what he preaches and stackin large amounts of passive income from those book and audiobook royalties.

Trying to read at least for 20 minutes a day.

Doesnt sound like much but you get a lot of reading done in a year this way and reading = knowledge

I love my books and tapes, I have a collection that I have built up for about 28 years

Thanks for the recommendation, I will check out that book. I'm always looking to improve myself. The late Jim Rohn was a mentor to Tony Robbins, who delivered the eulogy at Mr. Rohn's funeral.

I saw @grantcardone on one of @garyvee's shows a few weeks back promoting this book, and I've seen him referenced a few times when people are talking about sales, or cold-calling.

Any particular reason you can give as to why you recommend the book? Like, apart from Grant being an awesome, successful dude, what's the underlying theme to the book? What's the one thing in it that really changed the way you think about sales/etc?

No words needed lol :)

Indeed no words needed here,everything is clear here lol....Thanks for bringing @grantcardone to Steemit

You should write a book about it :)
I do like reading fiction, but so many books are full of fluff and padding these days. You can actually get away with accumulating the same knowledge from a few pages online as you can from some books. I think there is a place for both. Non-fiction books still need to tell a story and inspire you to be good.

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