Changes of Direction Towards the Future: Supporting Other Causes — Breast Cancer

in #charity6 years ago

As we lit candles at the "grotto" connected to the White Light Express' prayer space, we had enormous gratitude for our dear friend Ruthy.  

Anything is possible. Believe in miracles!

Ruthy is one of the most generous and kind hearted souls on the planet; someone who always does so much for everyone around her. For the White Light Express, she's the one who makes it possible for the flame on our altar burn bright each month, and the one who has donated so much of her own time.

She's been diagnosed with Breast Cancer and is pushing forward through each step towards healing.

We meditated on why it is that those who do so much seem to have such horrible trials and it occurred to us that the pursuit of a cure, the pursuit of anything for the highest and best good does require the power of positive focused intention. 

When those we truly love are affected, we are compelled to do something. Anything. Even if all we can do is say a prayer.

WLE Logo
The power of Positive Focused Intention
(Graphic is our own)

We all have the ability to support the transformation of something horrible into something else, but not just with stories, with action

In turn, action without proper intention and organized progress is not terribly effective.

We typically do not share other people's fundraisers on our page, but that will change in the near future as we continue to put into motion our own plans for formalizing our non-profit organization. For now, we support our friend Ian Jarvis Hathaway and his vision (link goes to Facebook), because we are in alignment with finding a cure for Cancer.

It's a horrible illness that can strike anyone, regardless of nationality, gender, age, income status...

"Mama Rose" — our Rosemary Sherman, one of the earliest White Light Express supporters — is cheering us on, from the other side. She approves of this message.

Please upvote this post, and please consider donating directly to Ian's fundraiser.

Bright Blessings!

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You are not alone!
(Graphic is our own)

The White Light Express Mission Statement:

Since October 2001, the mission of the White Light Express has been to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.  

We appreciate you following us and upvoting if you feel moved to do so — we also really appreciate comments and feedback! If you enjoyed this post and think others might enjoy reading it, please give it a re-steem! We love you already, because across all the myriad beliefs we hold, Love IS the answer! 

In addition to our blog here on Steemit, you can also find us on the White Light Express web site, on our Facebook Page and on our twitter feed. 

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