Today, for children with disabilities, and tomorrow for orphans ...

in #charity5 years ago (edited)

Spring is almost behind ...
Which means ...
And this suggests that it is time to treat the children with berries!
Three days ago, we went to special kids!

This is a strawberry!
We do not change the tradition ...
While tenders argue ...
Something is muddy there, ** we ** silently take and buy berries ...
** We ** are all of us, you, me, he, she ... Neighbor, relative ... This is an appeal to all of us ...
And we take it all, especially for children in need ...
I honestly can not understand why everything is like with people ...
If we do not bring people with disabilities, orphans who are in need, they will not know the taste of berries ...
That is why such injustice in society?
But unfortunately, I have a schedule now loaded and I can’t make a company to our super help group on a weekday ...

But it turned out at Tanya!
Olga made her company ...
She is with us recently, but already also actively participates!
Doing good deeds is not only pleasant ...
It's simple!
The main thing to want ...

Yes, I almost forgot!
Then Tanya indulged children with disabilities, but then we will rejoice orphans ...

That's all I wanted to say!
More precisely, not all!
Help each other!

This is only due to the fact that they are limited and constrained in movement across the territory of the orphanage ... That's a shame for it even more ... Living in four walls and walking on the carriageway of the territory of the orphanage ...

On collecting for the site I will say one thing - sadly everything! It is understandable - now all hard ...
But we do not give up!
Because we are a team!

By the way, if you have a kind soul, you can make a transfer to this bitcoin wallet -


This cryptocheck repeatedly helps children! Please do not pass by! Any of your valuable contributions!

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