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RE: CONTINUED: #8 Official Charity post on Steemit - Pack Your Bags, We're Moving!

in #charity8 years ago

Good point ! .. i just wanted to chime in here with what have "SEEN" first hand. Where i lived in Russellville, Arkansas. There are very many "charities". basically what happens when you call one, they give you a list of the 5 main charities there. if you call the 1st on the list, it is basically 'sorry, we can't help you but here is some numbers to call ... Same 5 on list. call, same, ALL 5 JUST say, sorry, here is a list of numbers.
ONLY the Homeless or VERY poor know this to be true ... Yet, these "Charities" are all well known ... So the Affluent donate, not knowing where THEIR money is really going. Of course the charities hold fundraisers etc. and get a story in the papers occasionally about "How GOOD they are doing for the community" ... In truth it is unconscionable what is going on.
Please Help PEOPLE !!! Not buy MORE Mercedes for these "Non Profits" ...
And yes the Blockchain will be "Proof" of what YOU do, but NOT the charities !! PLEASE remember that these "Charities" have had YEARS of practice doing these things.
With all my heart I hope you folks and folks like you can shine a light on what being "Humane" is truly ALL ABOUT !!!
Best Wishes and THANK YOU for YOUR WORK !


Thank you for your comment.
Indeed the non-profit sector showed many cases of misusing funds, speculating, money laundering etc.... That's why something different is needed in this sector.
I am not aiming to create a large foundation with millions in annual budget, but rather a local organization that is making a change with our own hands!
And as I've already mentioned, we are using the tool to make our income and spendings 100% transparent

Thank you for responding. I am sorry I didn't make my point in a more concise, understandable manner. I support what you are doing and have 100% faith as to your intentions. My intention or point was, Please pay heed to the "Charities" that you DO give money too, as so many these days are NOT doing what they claim. That statement, again is NOT aimed at your organisation. I am/would be very happy to be associated with your organisation first and foremost 'because' of your transparency.

I suppose I am trying to instill or suggest a 'Need' to try to closely follow and monitor the 'money trail' after your charity contributes TO another 'charity'.

btw, Was happy to see you get involved with Steemitcharity, The Blockchain WELCOMES YOU !!!
I hope that clarified my point a little better.
Thank You

I see what you mean - yes, the target charities have to be clean in clear in their finances.. But our efforts to verify them limit to their public information available. We'll do our best to check every cause we are sending money to, but there's never a 100% way to be sure that they don't misuse the money, that's true. That is also why I don't just repost all charity posts from Steemit, but I read about each charity before posting!

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