in #charity6 years ago

So yesterday I visited @tyrex to discuss an issue that has been on my mind for a long time now, @tyrex is one of the first set of people I introduced to steemit, and I'm very proud of how far he has come, I've introduced a lot of persons to steemit but I'm particularly proud of @tyrex because he took it seriously and we've both grown side by side.

An initiative on Charity introduced by @damarth, find out more HERE which @tyrex became a part of by volunteering to visit orphanage homes to help with materials and food items. You can find out more HERE which I think is a great step in making the world a better place and I decided to be a part of it by visiting IDP CAMPS.



  • Me(left) @tyrex(right) meeting on how to help those in IDP camps*

Many of you might not know what IDP camps are, read on.

On the news channel it is seen, thousands of children whose life has been on the race. They're homeless, not well fed, uneducated, some of them has been turned into orphans and as if that is not enough, they are made to live with fear, fear that they may possibly loose their lives just the way their father has lost his or maybe their mother. But this was not what it was all about when they were born, was it?. no! not exactly, they have all shed bitter tears I'm a strong supporter of @teardrops which will be launched by @surpassinggoogle.

Image Source

Born into a family like every other child in the world they had a happy life with their family, friends and loved ones. These children were born with the hope of having a better future, they pursue after education, with sleepless night and tireless day, they work hard to attain good grades with the aims of becoming a doctor, a lawyers, or an engineer someday. But little did they know that to them life has destined an entirely different fate.

Among them you will find some grown up men and women, some are already amputated, some are living with the knowledge that they have just few days left on earth, others mourn of loved ones whom they had lost while some live with guilt in their heart of how they had failed to protect their only child. The nursing mothers are not left out, a baby born into this world who knows nothing and has done nothing is left to suffer a pain he did not cause. I'll like to know how exactly does karma works?

They're almost similar cases everywhere in the world and the nation Nigeria is not left out as it is highly faced with the Boko Haram insurgency most especially the northern region where it often occurs in states such as Bornu, that experiences war and serial attacks and it's victims who's not only lost their homes and loved ones, but also his focus towards life has been displaced and now not certain of what they could possibly become in life. They're referred to as Internally Displaced Persons "IDP's" and they're so called as though they're found within the four walls of a place they gained nationality they have been constrained, denied of liberty in their hometown as a result of crisis, communal fights and political insurgency causing a traumatic change in the life of it's victims.

Yes! traumatic change you can say, evaluating the loss of not just lives but also properties, among these IDP's today are found some business men and women who were doing fine until they had a raid in their little town. They were some farmers with large expanse of land who had gone to bed with a smile after planting their seeds awaiting the season of harvest when they shall reap but that was not before their farms were set ablaze, their cows and cattles were slaughtered in vein, houses where burnt down, completely loosing valuables worth million and millions and now they live in IDP camps more or less a refugee camp suffering with austerity, living with insecurity with little or no measures for sanitary put in place for a good hygiene.

As if depriving the victims of this conflict their homes was not enough, this insurgency even proceeds further into the IDP camps were suicide bombers take their last breath among a gathering of widow, widowers, disabled and children whom a number of which are orphans. Where is the human feeling that we have ?
Where is the love that is amongst us? I use to think that together we are one irrespective of our colour, tribe or religion. But that is not what is before us now as we're still watching the little children sleep with tears, wake up with fear and stay through the day with no one to show him a tiny pint of love.

Can we go across every line on the list?? maybe not but it will be an abrupt mistake if we do not check out on the list for those teenage girls whom has been molested. They were not ready for it, as it was against their religion and belief, they had grown up with outstanding ethics they know how precious a jewel they are seen while untouched, but then came a nightmare while they were yet awake and after all they had done to preserve their dignity and pride, they lost it forcefully not just to anyone but a rebel and a thug who could have taken turns on these girls. God have mercy!!

More can be said about the unpleasant events that has been going on in diverse regions of the country Nigeria but let's keep to ponder a bit and seek for a possibly solution on what can be done to restore humanity to were it rightly belong. These victims had feel neglected by the world, everyday some of them may wonder of what they had done wrong to deserve this terrible experience. They say, we pray when it is time, we give our offerings and our tithes we were even in the church when they attacked oh! dear Lord, where art thou ?, they ask.

view of one IDP camp in Area 1, Abuja, Nigeria

at IDP camp in Area 1, Abuja, Nigeria.

We can turn up to be the answer to their prayers, giving what we have in our hands to the ones that seeks but could not find. This is a season of love so why don't we use the reason for the season to extend a hand of love to the people that needs it most amongst us ??.

A song goes like this

Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

Michael Jackson - Heal The World

Lyrics Source

You could have a little but might possibly be wondering what best you can make of it well here is a breakdown of a budget worth a hundred thousand naira and how it shall be spent on these people in a prudent and judicious way.

Let us first consider one of the humongous challenge of which is cognizant to these IDP living in a place that was never dreamt of to be home. They lack good food as they've lost all they had and they're not even in the position where they can begin planning to start all over again as they even have no shelter.
The northern region of Nigeria on a norm does have a severe case of water supply but under a controlled system of living, the people are able to organise a means where water carried on huge water tanks is taken from one home to another to supply the families that lives there but now this is not the case at hand as the people now live in disarray and they're cut short from water supply. Poor sanitation enormously tackles the standard of living of the IDP as they are found living along side of the malaria causative agents, rodents and pathogens and as a result they're predisposed to easily contaminated diseases and as the number of infected persons increase by the day, health facilities that are made readily available are used up and needs to be renewed. It is a very harsh mode to imagine a malnourished child going tasty for days and all that is presented before him is the "water of death" that is so called as a drink might cause him to suffer from cholera. He knows he may possibly die as he has no hope of a good health aid, anytime soon.

Enterance into the Camp

a view of what shelters the inhabitants in the camp, its made of zinc

a building donated by NYSC where kids receive education


With a hundred thousand naira, we can get a part of the most needed requirements for these people if not all. Some of the basic needs intended to purchase include, yams, rice, noodles, toiletry, beverages,

We can purchase vitamin rich beverages at an approximate cost of 12500. Each beverage tin cost 1250 and with 12500 we can afford 10 tins.

We can purchase two bags of rice for 35000
Each bag of rice cost 17500 and with 35000 we can afford two bags.

Good tubers of yams costing 12000 will go a long way. A good yam cost 600 and with 12000 we can afford 20 tubers.

Medical kits can be afforded for about 20000 which will contain, mosquito repellants (net), pain killers, malaria and typhoid vaccines, ointments, just to mention but a few.

Toiletries are needed to maintain a good hygiene and with the sum of 5500, we can get detergents, toothpaste and soap for bathing.

Already used cloths can easily be afforded at a cheaper rate and 15000 will provide cloth for quite a number of people.


10 TINS OF Bevrages = 12,500
2 Bags of Rice = 35,000
20 Tubers of Yam. = 12,000
Medical Kits = 20,000
Usee Clothes = 15,000
Toiletries = 5,500

Total = 100,000

NB: 1sbd sells for 1,000 at the time of writing this post, as such a 100 and is needed.

Selfless services can also be rendered with little or no monetary expense but will only require persons from different field of specialization. A medical practitioner can adhere into the medical unit, providing one more helping hand and some special skill that might be needed in cases of emergency. And also a farmer who harvest his products at the end of the season can offer a part of it as when the helping hands increase, the mouth fed will be filled.
The need of education is not left out as volunteers can offer to teach the children who would be happy to once again go back to their learning days, these children like you and I would love to read and write, speak and understand. They do not want to be left behind but how can they be carried along side if no one offers an helping hand? Teachers can visit these children and and impact into them knowledge and information that they may not be ignorant of the little things they ought to know. The parents and other adults are not left out as in one way or the other, just a word or two possibly could enlighten them on things they no not about. Just being present with these IDP's will cheer them up even if it may last for the moment, the memories will grow with them as they age building a mindset that the people out there does truly care.

*** If you will like to be a part of this campeign then you can reach me on 08066896708, for those resident in Abuja or who can make it to Abuja***

You may wonder of where possibly can one find these IDP camps, well here in Abuja they're located in four different location in Lugbe, Area One, New Kuchingoro and Kuje, choosing to visit these places to express the feeling of love will be considered as a choice well made, as you will be able to manage to put a smile on the face of the people. I have decided to visit the one at Area one, and take some items there as much as I can pending on what I have and what help I also receive.

While the government gives it's best to bring back peace to the villages, towns, and cities these IDP once reside, we should make it a part of our responsibility to lend a helping hand in the best way we can not forgetting that the little they have now come from donations made by churches, NGO, private individuals and also the government organized programmes. If we all come together to offer the little we have, we will be able to evocate a smile upon their faces again, we might bring joy into their hearts again and most important we could stand out to be the answers to the prayers they have made during the night and day.

I am calling on the following people in no other and not limited to them, on every steemian to be a part of this giving challenge.





I am very grateful and happy for knowing more of steemit through you. You know what we have been through since the inception of NYSC and thank God things have started paving ways for good. It is very good to see you trying to help the poor too and I hope you get many sponsors that is needed to see it come to actualization. You win I win, I win you win brother, there is no room for hating and things shall be very perfect than last year. I was very happy hearing the news of that new level that i arrived into the into to, more of it brother.

Yes brother, hand in hand together we will stand, together we will make the world a better place

good karma, good thought wish you succeed

wow nice work you are doing ... ;-)

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