Revelation - The Movie - Free Screening

in #chaosproductions6 years ago (edited)

GIF Animation by CHAOS Audio Productions @globocop

Red Pill University Founder G. Edward Griffin writes:

"I recently saw a movie that shook me to the core. Even though I am in the movie and delivered some commentary about the Federal Reserve System, I had forgotten about the day I spent with the film crew in Austin, Texas, many months ago. I had seen the segments in which I appeared, which the producer sent to me as a courtesy, but when I finally watched the whole movie, I was stunned.

When my commentary was joined with scores of others who spoke from first-hand knowledge about loss of liberty and growth of government, the pieces came together like a giant jigsaw puzzle that revealed a disturbing picture of the social and political Hell we are rapidly approaching.

The movie is called Revelation; Dawn of Global Government, starring Charlie Daniels, Alex Jones, and Special-Ops General “Jerry” Boykin. The outstanding narrators include Larry Pratt, (Gun Owners of America), Stewart Rhodes, (OathKeepers), Joel Skousen, (World Affairs Brief), even Ted Nugent has something to say! It is one of the best overviews of the mortal challenges facing America – and the world – I have ever seen.

The future of liberty may depend on how many people see this film. Normally that would require a visit to a theater, the purchase of a DVD, or a pay-per-view. However, the producer of the film has offered to let subscribers to Need to Know News and attendees of Red Pill Expo watch the entire movie, free, now through July 22. Click on the banner below to gain access."

G. Edward Griffin

Griffin's engagement in waking up the 'normies' is phenomenal. I frequently read his articles, watch interviews with him and continue to pay close attention. It is the act of admitting that we don't know anything that bestows wisdom.

A Patriot and a Doer, he founded the Red Pill University, which helps people navigating through the maze of news - and re-capture a sense of reality. I, for one, would highly recommend Griffin's contribution - and this movie.

Registration Link:

I am not affiliated with this promotion or Red Pill University and receive no compensation of any kind from G Edward Griffin, Red Pill University, or the makers of the film.


Thank you for reading.


Proud Supporter of PAL and the - The Minnow SupportProject
Christopher "The Hat" Hatfield @globocop

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Very cool!

I look forward seeing the movie.

Thanks for the heads up and the registration link!

Always loving listening to you and what you do @globocop !!!


Thanks em - here in the service of Truth!

I would like to ask, wouldn't dawn of global government already occurred in 1945? This is when NATO was formed via treaty, and Federal Reserve along with the IRS started collecting funds for world bank and imf.

Sure, 1913, even before.

The focus here is to make sure that people wake up to the reality that the election of Trump doesn't mean the problem goes away. This movie also looks at it from a Revelationary and Revolutionary Point of View.

Also, many in the younger generations have no idea what July 4th in the US is about. It is a good wake-up movie in many respects.

We can also not solve political problems with non-spiritual weapons - that's a fact that most ignore. The rise of technocracy is a satanic move - the love of money is satanic - money itself is not (I love my Steem!).

Much to talk about. I am running a series on Angels, Demons and the Leviathan just now on GodWaves every Sunday from 12 Noon Central, which touches on these things, too.

Well spotted though.

Yeah, I get it. Everyone starts somewhere. Listened a little of your show yesterday. Around 1.

Read through my freedom is an illusion sometime, see what your thoughts are.

Keep up the good fight!

One can see easily that the real problems started because they are not having legislation ratified into law. The last legislation that was ratified into law was the original 13 amendment.

Thanks for sharing of your valuable information. @shahin1975

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