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RE: Are You Doing What Everyone Else is Doing?

in #change7 years ago

Great post, when the Matrix came out I was 14 and that really opened my eyes. That and having 2 parents who never followed the norm, they always went the opposite of everyone else.
To me, following the hurd is like shooting yourself in the foot, Im not gonna do it just cuz everyone else is doing it. If everyone decides they are gonna drink coffee, Im drinking tea, or if everyone wants to go for a hike, Im going dirt biking. Its kind of a big "up yours" and also to differ myself from the norm. I guess to me, being unlike most people is normal, Id rather create my own path than follow someone else mundane 9-5 life.

But maybe that is the norm now?


I like that,

Id rather create my own path than follow someone else mundane 9-5 life.

I'm with you buddy.

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