How steemit changed my life (steemit fapping, argh cringe)

in #challenge30days6 years ago (edited)

I’m going to try out The 30 day writing challenge held by @dragosroua. Sometimes I really enjoy writing prompts because they get me writing about something I wouldn’t write about otherwise or they get me writing something I had planned to write forever but had never gotten around to. I want to focus this month on guitar and gathering the inspiration to do bigger things with my music and writing so this will be a bit of an easygoing way to keep interacting with everyone while I’m busy with other things.

from pexels with love

“What’s the best thing that happened to you because of steemit?”

I'm not under the illusion that steemit is perfect or that it is immune to different kinds of unfavorable behavior that are prevalent in society. It can get pretty ugly if you look deep enough, or even just taking a glance around. Still, discovering steemit changed my life in a real tangible way.

First I want to talk about the money because I don’t like pretending it doesn’t matter. I had 0 savings when I came here. I had wanted to get into crypto and steemit finally gave me a chance. It’s nice to have over $1000 in savings now that could easily 10x over the next few years or even months, and that will only grow. I have a clear path lined out to achieve my dreams, and I think it’s the first time it actually feels....easy.

Second is the friends I’ve made and the community we are building. No amount of money could get me so excited about putting countless hours into a social media platform, only the people can. You guys are what keeps me so invested here, and keep me striving to make a difference on the platform. I have made lifelong friends here and found a means of building the online community of artists and likeminded thinkers that I had hoped to build.

The best thing that has ever happened to me on steemit though, was the total transformation of my beliefs about what is possible. I always kind of sort of knew that anything is possible and that our thoughts and emotions can influence the world around us, but steemit has made that idea so very tangible. I no longer have to imagine that my actions will make a difference, I can actually SEE it. A comment can change the course of someone’s day. A follow can lead to a deep connection and even an awesome collaboration. An upvote or resteem can lead to a high payout that can 10x and make a huge difference in someone’s financial situation. Ideas spread, but the steemit ecosystem is manageable enough so that you can see the whole process of those ideas spreading. I’ve seen tiny initiatives that have made a real difference on the platform, whispered words that turned into a movement, and see how we are just one or two degrees of separation away from the creators of some of the most influential innovations of the future.

I feel as if steemit has opened up a “special mode” on this game of life, kind of like the “star world” in Super Mario. I had been searching for a way to live off writing independently online but couldn’t find a way. I had wanted to connect with like minded artists around the world but didn’t know how. I was so fed up with traditional social media and work life and running in circles trying to get my financial situation under control, and steemit came along and said “The problem isn’t now that you are dreaming too big, it’s that you aren’t dreaming big enough.” It’s the unfolding of limitless possibilities even despite all the many problems we can find if we look for them that is continuously the best thing happening to me every day on steemit. I want to see what we can build and change together.

So there is my steemit fapping of the day, hope it was enough to get you excited to be here!

(iPad once again deleted post as I clicked “post”....still editing )


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by @skyleap


Damn, I might have thrown that iPad against a wall if it deleted my post like that lol. I will check back in a while and read what you have to say when you finish.

Hahha totally awesome right? Second time this week. I’m gonna try to work on my pc more. Finsihed

I feel you on a lot of this. The money is attractive (not that I earn anything to speak of) but I keep coming back for the people too. You are definitely right about being able to see a difference from your actions. I really can't help anyone with my 0.01 upvote but I try to give encouragement and sometimes that is enough to keep someone going and its nice to see that happen.

I started #nobidbot and I’m kind of a nobody. I’m sure the things we say reach way further than we know

I really enjoy reading your reflection on life and progress @whatamidoing. In fact, your posts were some of the first I stumbled across when I jumped on steemit. They were also the ones that seemed to resonate with me the most.

It's been some months since I created my steemit account and I've still not done anything with it. I'm so disdainful and disbelieving of my own abilities (as I'm sure many others are) and this truly stifles my potential. Like you, I want to help create change and build a better world with others. It's the only damn thing I want.

Reading your words here makes me understand its possible, if only I could shake off the fear enough to start.

Keep up the awesome work.

come join us in the Be awesome chat if you arent ready to post for everyone to see. You will find lots of people who aren't that different from you.

I think a lot of the real free thinkers get turned into introverts because no one around them really understands the stuff they see and feel. Is that you? It was me for a long time anyway.

It’s the unfolding of limitless possibilities even despite all the many problems we can find if we look for them that is continuously the best thing happening to me every day on steemit.

That's great to hear @whatamidoing. As you know, I'm a big fan of "the unfolding of limitless possibilities". 😍

Hoping some really cool, unexpected ones unfold for you today!

:-D I’m maintaining $5+ on all my posts, that makes me feel a lot better about not really having any work coming to me at the moment! I don’t know if that counts!

I'm not sure either @whatamidoing but I'm glad it's happening and if it makes you feel a lot better that's a big win in my book!

Long may they continue or, if they change, may the change be upwards! 😁

I have had that happen with a post! Grrrrrrrr.

Great story! My world view has really expanded due to Steemit.

Heya! It's been a while. I fell off the steemit wagon for a month due to Life, now I have a new found respect for the people who are on here EVERYDAY, posting original content! Totally get what you mean about the traditional way of thinking + financial situation + wanting to make money doing something we love + meeting like minded people who truly understand what we want out of life (that isn't what mainstream society says we should want). No matter what shit goes on here, Steemit will always be a place of kindred souls to me! <3

Why can’t we have it all? Otherwise what the hell is the point of developing AI and other new technology? I truly believe the only requirement for abundance in society should be decency, and it may not always be used like that, but steemit could do that for many people. I intend to be one of them!

Change begins from within. Cliche but true. If you wanna change the world, start with your actions. Every little thing you do is a seed planted in the ether. We never know how we've helped or inspired someone along the way by just being ourselves. When I had a car, I'd always pick up/drop people off if I can. Once I gave this person a ride, and she never forgot that. 2 years later, I was looking for a couch in Poland, and she offered me a place to stay + fed me everyday (bought dinner one night and cooked!) + picked me up/drop me off at the bus station. I was blown away by her hospitality... /grandmother story but it's just my longwinded way of saying, go forth and spread the steemit kindness movement!

I'd love to see more of you here! Stick around.

Dammit, you can’t just write “fapping” in the title and then delete the post! 😂

Waiting now for the follow-up on bated breath... Wait. That wasn’t even meant to be a pun...


Hahahaha sorry to choke the chicken. It’s almost finished now, you can read it if you reload. I could make more puns but I already used the word cocksucker in my last post and I don’t want to be a vulgar dude.

Buen post muy interesante,saludos.

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