30 Days Challenge Fall 2018 - Day Three: Pushing Things To Happen Versus Letting Them Happen "Through" You

in #challenge30days6 years ago

Hello friends!! In this opportunity I join the challenge of 30 days Fall of 2018 of the friend @dragosroua if you want to join here is the link with the information

Today's topic:Pushing Things To Happen Versus Letting Them Happen "Through" You


The world is a place easier than we think, we just have to let things flow according to their perfect and natural balance.
Many times we feel compelled to evolve, to have and to have ... And we forget that from the world we take experiences and experience.
So the world would be nicer if we let things happen in front of us, that we go along the road collecting the fruits of what we sowed one day and not to push or force life, our body and our being to a result.
That perhaps it fills us with momentary but not eternal satisfaction.
Do not push things to happen in front of you, let them pass through you and the result will surprise you.

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