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RE: My Three Favorite Movies

I think this is only the second Top 3 Favorites post I've read today that had movies I'd never heard of before, let alone seen, so congratulations on that! It's not like I know of every movie in existence, though, which I have been finding out here lately, especially with those who are from outside the U.S. I know many places have robust film industries, but I generally don't get past the ones made here. :)


Oh, you are missing out!! I feel each country has such a different way of storytelling and cinematography. And even the expectation of the ending. Usually, American movies have a definite end to it...
Oh, and another movie high on my list is Kill Bill LOL

Okay, now that last one is way out from the other movies you listed. :) And I agree, there is a definite style to movies from different countries, or at least different tendencies.

I'd say you're right. Most movies here have an end, though I'm not sure if all of them have THE END. I mean, they can leave you wanting to know more about the characters and their lives. I've sat in a few where I wondered as the credits rolled up, "Is that it?!" But then, part of that has to do with the fact a lot of movies don't know how to end, or they do it badly.

At some point I might branch out more. There's so many movies I haven't seen that made people's lists that I might have a tough time seeing all of them and watching the new ones that come out that I do want to see.

I am with you!! We need more hours in the day lol

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