June 30 Days Writing Challenge - Life Hacks - Day Twenty Seven: Notes Of Night Inspired Thoughts

in #challenge30days6 years ago (edited)

It's already the twenty seventh day from the writing #challenge30days initiated by @dragosroua and here I am sharing another life hack of mine that I use a lot, especially for Steemit. In the previous post on the life hacks topic I wrote about how important fasting is for me and why, when and how I use it so I can recommend your reading it, if you haven't.

Today as the title says is about taking notes and it's exclusively about bed time notes. Being creative, having a strong imagination and mind that wonders a lot I find myself very often "counting" some pretty good posting ideas just before falling asleep. Normally, if I would not put them down on a note, like google keep for example, they would hover over my mind for some good amount of time until ultimately fade away.

However, when writing them on the phone not only that they're "checked" in my mind leaving me alone, but they're also in a safe place for being developed the next day or at the right time. I tried the other way also by "programming" my subconscious mind to remember them until I wake up in the morning, but it doesn't work that good so the best way is to write them right when they spring.

image source

The trick can be used whenever inspiration strikes and the place to note them down can be also a piece of paper so there is room for improvisation. In my case, I don't know exactly why, but such inspiration thoughts hit me mostly just before falling a sleep so I always keep my phone besides my bed and write them down almost instantly. I do put my phone on airplane mode over night as I am not a fan of it buzzing when I'm sleeping or discharging my battery for nothing while I sleep.

If you're a Steem "addicted" like myself try and take notes of these inspiration thoughts if they "hit" you before sleep and make the most out of them. You'll never know how much of them you will remember the next day and some of them might make some good posts. That's what I do about them and this is my life hack for today. If you found it useful feel free to give it a 100% upvote and a resteem. You'll put a smile on the author's face :)

PS: If you like this writing challenge feel free to read the introductory post of @dragosroua and join the fun with your life hacks posts. If you find this man cool enough why not check his steem.supply app and see when you will be paid and how high is your potential growth on the Steem platform. I would encourage you also to give him your witness vote as he "really witnesses" and cares about our favorite blogging platform.

Thanks for your attention,

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