Today I learned that frustration puts you on the road to self destruction.

in #challenge308 years ago (edited)


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Frustration- the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something.

Ever been so frustrated that it messes up your whole week?  That eerie feeling of anger and stress ,while your heart is racing and you feel as if you can just kill everyone in front of you...... before you self destruct.

All those feelings mixed up into one enormous emotion that causes you to have destructive thoughts and become instantly fluent in sarcasm. That feeling where you feel so helpless and hopeless that you lose all self-control and start screaming like a mad person...


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I think most of us have been there.  To a point of such utter frustration that we just absolutely lose it, or just give up.   Sometimes it helps to throw a tantrum and rant a little,  but if the cause of the frustration is still there, then it is extremely difficult to get past this feeling. If you are in such a position, then you need to learn how to work past your frustration otherwise life is going to become very difficult to handle.


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How to get past that feeling and how to handle frustration

It is extremely difficult to get past this feeling.  Especially if the frustration is build onto other frustrations and then it turns you into a horrible person who can snap at any moment.  


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So before you hurt someone or hurt yourself it is absolutely necessary to use the following techniques to calm you down and relax a little bit.  

1.  Practice stress management breathing techniques.  

Relaxed regulated breathing changes the  chemistry of the brain.  Focused breathing can help you avoid rash words and impulsive actions. Take a deep breath and count slowly up to five.  While breathing out, count back words. If the feeling does not subside, then do this again until you feel calm.  

2.  Count to ten, hell count to a hundred if you have to!

3.  Avoid being triggered.  

If you know what triggers your frustration, try and avoid it at all costs.  If the feeling overwhelms you, immediately go back to number one. 

4.  Take up a new sport like kickboxing.  

 Kickboxing is a group of stand-up combat sports based on kicking and punching, historically developed from  Karate, Muay Thai, Khmer Boxing, and Western boxing. Kickboxing is practiced for self-defense, general fitness, or as a contact sport. 

Kickboxing is a great stress reliever!  Imagine the face of your frustration on the punching bag and kick the living daylights out of that bag.  


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In the end your frustration is in fact nothing more than you NOT getting what you want.  Frustration is NOT always a bad thing, it could be a great motivator, and can help you identify problem areas in your life. 

Frustration is only a bad thing when you turn into an irritated, annoyed and angry human being.  Identify the problem areas in your life. Make the necessary changes.

Before you land up somewhere that you will regret.  Regret is even worse than frustration. 


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Great post! Upvoted and might even share it with a few people eventually... Namaste :)

Thank you. I need to write about my frustrations...then hopefully I will start doing something about it.

I like your posts - you really nail it on the head and tell it how it is and the how to deal with it part is amazing too. The pain and the solution. I'd like to take up kickboxing actually, maybe I'll quit making excuses and do it!

Thank you. I am a very straightforward person. People sometimes think that I am a difficult person to deal with but in fact I just tell you what you want to know in your face. I clearly need to get rid of my frustrations. Hopefully writing about it helps for now, otherwise I might just follow my own advice.

it could be a cause of depression!
makes sense try massage and digicupunture or acupunture!
good food is also nice it's a tip from ancient sacred scriptures!
cool following!

Thank you @eliowilson. I will do some research about your suggestions. Thank you will check out your blog now.

frustration could be just a small step to a huge success!

Nice post. I'm definitely checking our your previous work! I want to know why we sneeze! :D

Hi @playfulfoodie. That was @ianstrat that wrote that post. You are very welcome to check out my blog. You can support both of us!!

I used to overreact to stress in the past. I remember I once punched a wall (and hurted my hand badly of course... the wall had won). But I am more on the relax side those days. Very little can frustrate me :). This of course came after a lot of work on myself.

The wall always wins. I tend to overreact but there are a lot of frustrations I am sorting out now. I want to get to your state of mind.

Hard work is the key :)

How you doing? Still frustrated???? lol

😂 I am doing better thank you!

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