Online Bitcoin Wallet Xapo Is Introducing Network Fees

in #challenge307 years ago


My long time favourite Online Bitcoin Wallet, Xapo, will charge for the transactions starting with February 15th.

You can read their announcement for yourself:


Why Am I So Fond Of Xapo?

I bumped into Xapo long time ago because they have a referral reward for bringing new users and because, at the time, many bitcoin faucets were paying you directly to Xapo.

In fact, the wallet had this program with various faucets to attract new users. In my opinion the program was a success.

I stayed and am using Xapo as my primary online bitcoin wallet because it is relable, fast and oes exactly what I want it to do. Receive, store and transmit bitcoin. Nothing more and nothing less.

There is also a debit card and possibility to transfer bitcoin to many fiat currencies but it is a bonus and not a must.

Now, with the fees for transactions, I am looking for alternatives.

Why Do I Need It?

To collect claims and fees from various online sources of income, of course. These are most of the time small amounts which fall under the rules stated below.

Above mentioned sources are:

And other minor sources.

What Will The Fees Be?

I better quote some statements from their site which aplly to the wallet:

Outgoing bitcoin transactions from your Xapo account to a bitcoin address outside of Xapo will be charged a fee of BTC 0.00024884.

Incoming bitcoin transactions to your Xapo Wallet equal to BTC
0.00037326 or less are subject to a special processing fee of BTC 0.00024884
so as to cover the transaction cost of the bitcoin network. This special processing fee will be automatically deducted
from the respective transaction.

For example:

  • If you receive more than BTC 0.00037326, no fee applies.
  • If you receive more than BTC 0.00024884 and up to BTC 0.00037326, then a fee of BTC 0.00024884 will be deducted. The amount to be credited will be the difference between the incoming amount and the processing fee.
  • If you receive less than BTC 0.00024884, then a fee equivalent to the amount received will be charged. In this case, the amount to be
    credited is 0.

In short, incoming receivals under 37326 Satoshi and every withdrawal will have a fee of 24884 Satoshi.

To put it in the perspective - 24884 Satoshi is currently $0.23. Too much in my opinion.

Any Alternatives?

What online wallets do you use? Can you suggest an alternative which is quick at transactions, has no fees and no lower limit for withdrawals?

I am certain that there are some. Thank you!

At this moment I will start using savings account at Magnr as my online bitcoin wallet.

Magnr is a two headed beast. It is a bitcoin trading platform and a savings account with interest at the same time. I am using the later part only.

At the moment the savings account rate is 1.28%. Not much but it is a decent rate.

You can withdraw from you account at any time. The process is not the quickest since they manually approve withdrawals. This means if you need some bitcoins right away then Magnr might not be you wallet of choice,

Since I usually plan my transfers in advance this doesn't bother me.


Some of the links above are referral links. This means that if you join or make some action on a site we both profit. You from your claims and I receive an additional percentage of the claim.

Do as I do and starting using available referral systems for some passive income.

Good luck!

Better and better!
Orange Swan By Lemark


thanks for sharing this news, don't use the wallet but good to know

You are welcome.

I like Xapo but do not use them. I always test a company first before deciding to use them. In this case by contacting their customer service. After learning it was automated and connected to a 48hr wait period. No thank You. Too bad , I like Wences Casares, but maybe he can use some of those fees to create a real customer service experience.

:) Good and prudent approach.

So, which online wallet do you recommend? If any...

Well depends on your personal feelings towards security and access. You know for small amounts I use one and for larger amounts I use another. Some offline, some online, some mobile. It's really a personal approach. You have to weigh the risk and just try different companies and research the pros and cons. If you want to be your own bank and truly have possession then look @ offline hardware . Trezor, Ledger and so on. For smaller amounts and easy access mobile apps are ok. For online service look for an insured, reputable service that has a proven track record of good security and customer contact.But ultimately their security is only as good as your online security habits. Two factor authentication is not enough! Just my two cents.

Thanks for a thorough reply.

I don't use offline wallet - yet. I don't have much to store in it :)

I do use local wallet - MultiBit on WIndows with auto backup of all relevant data.

I am in need of a new online wallet in which to store payouts from various sources.Without fees if possible :)

I guess that for the time being Magnr can act as a decent wallet for my needs.

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