Cognitive dissonance: an original poemsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #challenge308 years ago (edited)

My brain spun backwards with conflicting thought.

Hours of planning has been for naught.

I should do this...but then again I should not.

Hopeless ignorance

Yet enlightenment I sought.

In my mind dancing scoundrels of merciless thought.

I can't agree with myself

For I am lost.


This post Is part of the thirty day challenge proposed and initiated by @dragosroua and which you can find more info about here


I read somewhere that cognitive dissonance is the largest culprit behind suffering and war and crime, that it is the unseen enemy of mankind because it prevents people from learning and changing.
Great poem! Trying to repair the injury I caused my brain last night so I can get something written and enter this contest :)

"I read somewhere that cognitive dissonance is the largest culprit behind suffering and war and crime"

I believe much of our suffering is due to us living in our minds, rather than living in a state which Osho calls

Thoughts can only be of the past or future, and therefore or not real in any sense because they do not address the present moment and are of no use in the present cannot be fully aware if you are thinking.
Meditation is the art of not thinking. Of being observant of thoughts as they pass by without attaching yourself to them. As you do this you eventually transcend the thought process: at least for a time.

One can successfully lay the claim that thoughts are not truly real, because the only thing that is really real is that which is most real - ultimate truth or the essence of life which may be classified as God and is the true nature of all things.

Thoughts are real in the same sense that everything else we experiance in a physical body is real: they are half truths, real and yet not real.

Yet that which is most real you will find through meditation and the attainment of what the Buddha calls Nirvana, what some call heaven and what I call the source of self.

And what I call spirit. The mind was necessary to get us to this place in evolution, the trouble is that now it interferes because it believes it has come to believe it is the most important. To reach enlightenment we have to move away from mind and into spirit life. Actually I think that mind is part of body, part of this physical experience whereas spirit is the essence of us, and yes source or God. But that's absolutely right, we can never be fully present with the mind.

Yes, I call it that too :)

"Actually I think that mind is part of body, part of this physical experience"

Almost like some sort of wetware


Trying to repair the injury I caused my brain last night so I can get something written and enter this contest :)

Try writing about your shoelace!

Very nice! Also the image you chose is perfect. I think this is reminiscent of my first experiences of trying to meditate in many ways. The mind can be like a tornado of contradictions. Sometimes we don't really realise until we pause to observe our own thoughts. We often don't even know we can.

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