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RE: Fifty-word short story challenge - "water"

in #challenge6 years ago (edited)

To acknowledge a significant message, people do usually not listen to ordinary people but to those they feel they can trust.

I just thought about that a few days ago, I was studying history, and there were totally conflicting opinions from different authors, in which to believe? It was my question, maybe in the one with the best argument, but when the facts about something are confusing and the arguments are based on events that are not completely established and opinions dispute the existence of those facts, then you end up believing in the version of the person that conveys the most confidence.



I think it's almost impossible to think of ordinary people without them having a self-interest. A human, which detaches himself from this interest we normally do neither find in politicians nor historians nor other faculties. So the figure of a "master" or a "shaman" provides us with an extreme. Which must be extreme for the very purpose of perceiving a human with the utmost ability to be incorruptible.

I think that is the deeper meaning of a person like this to not be married, not having a family, not even an own property to live, just his clothes and some simple devices for survival. One who you think will not interfere in relationships of conflicting parties but remains all party for the love he feels towards humans in general.

This form of detachment is often seen as negative. But I find it serves as the best example for finding trust in the advice given.

Which doesn't mean that I find self interest bad. It's reality.

Thanks for commenting!

P.S. confidence can be very tricky, as we know. One must know if the person has self worthiness in order to believe his argument, no?

Totally agree.

confidence can be very tricky, as we know. One must know if the person has self worthiness in order to believe his argument, no?

I suppose so, although I was really referring to the confidence we have in the person, for example, some politicians convey a lot of confidence and self worthiness , but I would not trust them. If I respect someone, then I can listen to what he says and validate what he says, if someone constantly lies, then I can not respect him, and therefore I can not trust him.

I see and agree, too.

Thank you for pointing that out as to have confidence in some one else is different than to see the person is confident himself.

I am pretty sure you know of all the thoughts as you seem to carry them yourself. It's such a psycho-philosophical matter.

When I say "self-worthiness" this is for me an indicator for honesty. Usually halfway sane people do have an inner judge which evaluates the self for honesty or dishonesty. To be able to look in the mirror people very well know that self worth is little when they constantly lie or use tricks on people. Though one can fake self trust, I guess it nevertheless seeps through and is being perceived by others intuitively. Except, this "other" is a self liar himself. Then nothing really is honest.

Still, the ability to detect lies in others is mostly there. When politicians, for example, were asked openly on television we could sense dishonesty.

The matter of self interest is really complex. I'd say everyone can realize that self interest is a matter of fact in each and every one who acts in the world. We must accept this fact for the separation of worldly matters and spiritual ones long ago had taken place. We should not be surprised about it. Transparency is something which comes here into play, as its clear that interest is there but one has to reveal it openly. A politician has the interest to stay in power and to be re-elected - thats a reasonable consideration. Everyone is clear about that.

But what else interest does he have when he decides on legal matters? There's the point where many lies start and scandals are being sniffed out by the public. The web of interests itself became in the same way complex as the world developed towards globalization. ... Is what I think. Could write a lot more but leave it at this. This balance or dance between integrity & interest is one of the most hot topics since we've got "news" talking about governments.

Self-reflection and questioning should be for every one in power a necessity and I really do hope those in charge have wise advisors/supervisors. That indeed is a question which would interest me - but I do not dare to look. I am afraid I will become disappointed...

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