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RE: The Community Engagement Challenge - Day 9 Diary

in #challenge7 years ago

I didn't realize another one of my post are under 300 and therefore I'm not in the final leg. Standby line make corrections because I'm still in it to win it.


I'm still in it to win it.

I love your winning spirit!

Aww, thank you so much. If you would like to help me I could use some extra comments. I understand if you don't want to up vote, however I could use a couple of comments good bad ugly or indifferent I'm open to it all

See what I just did here...there...well anyway. I made another post and all are counted to the 500, your's, their's and even the spammers count. It's the comment ticker on the header of your post that is counted.

Now I don't know what @merej99 is looking at as quality posts...I'm sure she would have mentioned it to you by now if she had issues with yours...but it's really not that hard.

Just say what's on yer mind from reading a comment. That makes it relevant. You'll be surprised how often someone replies back. After all it's just good manners right?

Best of luck...i's all set up there on your posts...yer across the finish line already...just pick up the prize by tending to the comment section of all your posts.

exactly. with the adjustments to her posts to bring them up to par, it's the comments in her own feed that can really get her to the end...which is one of the parameters. Of course, you don't have to engage with the spammers but it is technically a comment if you do.

I haven't thought about that until you mentioned it. A comment is a comment, and I can make some pretty nice comments. :)

hahaha...that's right...and this makes this a comment too...because it makes sense to what I'm responding to...gonna shaadaaap now :)

And this is a comment to your comment, which happens to be a comment which doesn't make sense...or maybe it does?

Your those boss, if you say so then it counts. I will argue anytime a gif is added, then it must count

lol...they make poifect sense...nice set-up @merej99

Your going to, shaadaaap? What's that? How do you come up with these words?

oh...well...lemme's kinda a longish well thought out full stop.

I will cross the finish line singing my victory, thanks for the help and advise. She loves my post they are short, sometimes too short, and sweet.

I was without bandwidth and felt slightly concerned, but as you can see I am back and running :)

lol...ok I see now. Well I'll take bad out of those choices. I'm too bad to be good...'n I sure ain't ugly...'n although I can be indifferent...I'm try'n to cut down thanks.

Thanks for asking, at least now it is clear for those that had the same questions and instead of bad it is all good :)

I just saw your message, I will head over now.

Come over to my page and lend a helping hand. I am so very close :)

Did you ever make it? I was doing yard work but I am done now.

I made it and took the day for rest! 10 long days of straight hard work

took the day for rest

Lol, I did the same thing! I saw today that you made it and it made me very happy!

They're just barely under. You do short, sweet posts and I LOVE YOU FOR THAT! LOL
But consider including a decent intro paragraph and closing paragraph with the meat of your content in between.
Remember the first 100 characters of your post are very important.

@merej99, you are so right. I love short and sweet writings and this challenge is pushing my limits into greatness and for that I LOVE YOU! I have checked and they should all be at the mark, expect for the poem. I however, wrote another one to make up for that. I need to finish this challenge win or loss, just DON'T LET ME BE DISQUALIFIED!!!

Gif game is so strong, I cannot even reply properly.

lol...three rubber maids in a row...what more could a man ask for?

'N I didn't even have to ask! ;p

Did Kubby get her 7th post in yet? I'm as yet unaware that she has...I just saw it in the update earlier.
Have I told you how great a teacher you are today teach? ~smiles~


This is true Kubby...I can and will attest to that. She's avoided my posts like the plague since after the first.
Got over 50 comments in the first day and I thought the actual posts were going to be hard. Then she got real busy and see be all like...

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