I'm giving away $10 or about 5 SBD to a minnow/steemit newb financially in need! cuz I just got Another $70 payout today! even after getting $110 yesterday, I LOVE the 7 day wait period!Oh and $1 to 3 minnows who reply using chainBB!

in #chainbb-general7 years ago

See that screenshot? ya SBD and SP (which is same price as steem) are about $2 now, so this 35 SBD and SP is about $70!

I am giving away ten US dollars worth of steem/SBD or about Five SBD so just comment below and make your case! Priority given to people in Africa or developing world like friends of @tj4real for example

Going to make this one short! (edit: haha i couldn't do it! nevermind!) You might have seen my previous post about how I gave 1/3rd of my morning payout of $60 to @tj4real a young African steemiting from Ghana who has already gotten many new people n ghana to join and I made a deal with them and anyone in developing nations hee on steemit where Ill pay them $1 in steem/SBD for every new person they signup too post actively, and even send $1 to the person they sign up! So lets all Adopt an African or someone in the developing world! First we need to use @tj4real and his friends to get MORE people on steemit and make sure they have local bitcoin ATms and or bitcoin dealers or help them start their own bitcoin for cash business, to allow people to see Bitcoin and steem as real money.

and THEN as more africans/developing worlders join we can send them money DIRECTLY to help! We can send them money to buy cheap android phones to donate to people who want to go on steemit but cant! And we can help them pay their internet bills easily! For $25 a Month, which is just a fraction of my pay here instead, I can basically make sure TJ has an internet connection, and if his friends came to him once a day to make their daily post, one person with an internet connection could feed the habits of 10 or more steemit users around them!

So lets just all find someone in the developing world, haha like those "For $1 a day you can help a poor starving african child" well ACTUALLy for just 1 steem a day you can REALLY help these people and 100 percent of the money goes to the person in need! This is the magic of crypto currency! We can become the online bank for the 2 billion un bankable people on earth!

And i was used to 50 or 60 a day! so giving away 10 us dollars worth of steem/SBD is not costing me anything if i choose to look at it that way! so I felt I could not only give but make an example out of my giving to encourage and incentivize the act of giving by showing that I could actually earn steem by giving steem as charity!

As you can see I have been getting good rewards everyday and its a good feeling getting paid more than a few cents for your posts! Anything over $1 for me is a success! But it an even BETTER feeling sharing some of these relatively big rewards with steemit n00bs like @tj4real or @monkimo etc who havent yet made $80 off a single post, sending them$10 or $20 feels good man! We can redefine charity here!

But for this $10 Im giving away.... people in developing world get priority, but I will still use this as an opportunity to help out First World minnows too with upvotes, maybe a follow if your posts are high quality! hey if your a minnow in need i might send you a dollar or something if you make a good case and you have good posts! Remember, if you just post high quality your bound to earn your own money here! But you have to post high quality posts or go comment high quality comments on whale posts etc!

This is like an accumulative game like an old gameboy RPG, where you can just collect money with no penalties! You can accumulate steem from comments like a videogame like pokemon! Just keep adding those EXP points to your pokemon! Wow just look at our total market cap for all crypto $112 BILLION Us dollars! Steemit at about half a Billion, so see all that liquid crypto wealth could at any time start flooding into steem very easily! Just a trade away on poloniex or bittrex! Coinbase will accept steem one day soon maybe next year, once there is a huge demand for it! Coinbase users will have steemit accounts and will ask for steem to be added so they can skip the extra steps of selling steem or SBD for bitcoin on @poloniex or @blocktrades or @bittrex

And just look at the price of steem! were stable at $2! even when Bitcoin takes a dump we didnt get killed, nah were good at $2! I am Telling yall , im YELLLIng tall, that $10 steem's here By the Fall! in a matter or MONTHS and then $100 by the end of the year and $1000 next year! Bitcoin did it so can we.

OH and bonus $1 in SBD (like half a SBD) to lets see, a few chainBB people, people who reply to this on ChainBB will get like $1, first......3 yea 3 lucky minnows get $1 in SBD if hey reply on chainBB make sure to get my attention and ill check this later! WOAH I just saw @jesta added a new feature here on chainBB under "rewards "tab I can ALLOCATE where the rewards go to? so i can let someone else get paid from a post I make now??? is that right??

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

Follow @Ackza


Donno if I can still get the freebie but I won't like to ask you questions anyway.

How do you get your daily $60~$70? By having a few big payout posts, like one post will payout $50, another $20? Or with a bunch of small value posts with $2~4?

I am now getting maybe $1 per post, so if I need to get to your income level, I will need 60 of those posts, which will take quite some time.

Remember, i dont just get paid for my posts, i am getting curation rewards, paid for comments, i sometimes will spend a day making comments and leaving related images etc on posts and i upvote alot of stuff inthe New and trending sectoons and when u upvote something early you end up making a cut of the future earnings of that post!

And wow i see ivve already made $10 here! I was hanging oyt with another steemian in real life! He just singedup and ill get his username soon oce he posts his introduction post

wow im happy to see that can now sustain my giving of 10 dollars as i made almost $10 off this post! Maybe i should randowhale this post too! hah and so now I can do thos againa nd give out more SBD!
Many of us inhere have aready made $1 off a comment! i will still send some more peopel $1 each after i sen someone the five SBD, ima let this post sit hereaother 12 horus or so an ill pck the winner in the AM!

I will send you $1 right now check ur wallet!Here is proof! I took a screenshot

I also upvoted ur recent posts and i like ur posts so i followed! i like how u resteemd a list of all free steem posts and i dded mine to that lst or at least commented that i also have a post giving oit steem ani will be doing it regularly if i can keep gettig $10 for the post about giving away $10 !

Received your gift. Thank you very much.
I am also commenting more than posting now. I wish I could make a few $10 everyday constantly. By that time, it maybe my time to start helping other ppl like what you are doing now. I still need to work on my SP to ensure I get some $$ for my comment.

Hey @cryptoctopus and @jesta how come chainBB doesn't show how much each comment has made? I notice that I had to start using regular steemit to just see how much comments are making! Is there a Dollar amount somewhere that i am missing? is there a reason u wont show it or is it just on accident? I was thinking ya know maybe when u remove the price, it makes people more likely to upvote? It is a cool surprise to see rewards in teh wt later and NOT evenKNOW about how much u make heere on chainbB , but i looked at this ppost n regular steemit and i was like WOAH all the coments getting ALOt of money from whales to minnows and i LOVE seeing that i just wish we had the price somewere here or maybe somehwre u coudl click o see thr peice, i mean we are now showing so much detail in chainBB lliek it even shows the voting power of invidual users who upvoted on a comment wen u hover over their names! but then we dont show the price? i dunno we should have all the data! its amazing how busy.org shows stuff regular stemit doests how and then beta.chainbbb.com (what im using now to comment) has AMAZINg new features like giving a perce ntage of rewards for a new post u make here to be given to any other steemit user automaticalllY! so u can count someone in like a new inow, u can let them share rewards from a post with you! mg this changes everthing ALSO cainBB has many other cool features and options an shows data regular steemit oesnt show you, and busy.org even has the ability to go and spend in your wallet !!! but chainBB is already becoming SO cool im not just sayiing that
i MEAN it ! I mean chainBB (for those who dont know, is just another way to browse steemits "steem blockcain" steem blockchain is the decentralied part steemit was just he original main block explorer for steem.....and steem is not just a crypto currency reember steem is a blockchain with data on it thats whrethe posts go!!!!

and chainBB is just like the steepshot app or busy.org u login with ur username and Posting key (busy.org lets u login with mastr password tho to spend money) and it will let u post and upvote but it organizes steem posts and coments intoa foru like fashionjust go to beta.chainbb.com and login using ur existing steemit username andget ur "posting key" from Steemit.com in Walet > permissions and its in there u will ahve to hit "show private key" ad copy that private one under "posting ey" and paste it into password feild for chainBB and use ur username (No capital letters, it might say Wrong Username, bevause u have ur first letter capitallied) and yup thats it! now u can use chainBB to post and see all the subfoorums or "subreddits" that reddit has, with its subreddits we now ave substeemits basically

anyway back to your comment, dont worry about accumulating Stempower and having to buy it, just make all your posts 100 perent steempower or leave it at ffifty fifty and ull notice as u claim rewards u get half in steempoer (even tho ive notcied that ive been getting only like 1/3rrd or 1/4th n steempower and the majoriry like 2/3rd or 3/4th of my rewards in SBD whch i actally like cuzz its liquid and i have freeedom to either sel for btc or power up, but yeah just start doing 1000 percent powerup posts that option at Bottom right of your post, (i dunno if that an option in chainBB ththo,
I took a screenshot too show u where it is innBB and yes u can choose rewards in chainBB like onsteemit with even MORE iptions on chainBB see how u can add people to the rwards and select how much percent if the rwads liek u can dd ur friend in to get 10 peret trewards like i did for @tj4real ona recent post todday!

see how u can select from100 percent steempower of fifty ffty? that means u get either 100 percent of ur rwards in steempower like they autoomaticaly power u up with ur rewards or u canget fifty fifty where half goes to steeppwer half as lliqud SBD/steem and then u get curation rewards too those canbe big!

WOAH another error i just found, wen i hit "cancel" and it saves ur post as a draft, when ist a comment like mine was just niw, i had t hit cancel and i almost forgot WHICH omment it was! im glad i found it! but we sould finda way to point out which comment

oh ya always ivest at east alf of wat u make into SBD! eveni am a hypocrit as i dont inesvt EVERYTHINg into Steempower like i tell people to do! I always take the BD i get and send some to poloniex or now bittrex to sell for BTC and get ethereum or other altcoins, to feed my atcoin addiction, at least i liquiddated most of my polniex altcoins for more high marketcap solid altcooins thatperform like instead of a bunch of shitcoins i just bought One Zcash One EThereum One Monero One litecoin etc instead of having like .1 of everthing

anyway ya u WILL make that $10 a day! I wasteher then made $20 a dday now im up to like $100 a day when im lucky! but now its conistent! i hope i cankeep it up!

i see people making $100 and $1000 now $2000 even $3000 a day posts! like ontrening yoll see em! big whales makin usefl posts and u go NOW i se whyths post makes so mch! and theyre all friends the bigwhales etc

imagien when we get Instawhales! peopel whp come in and go FUCK it and theres q word for it in Pay to Play vieogames i guessits just Pay to Play, peopel will wanna become instawhales to upvote stuff like like and downvote political enemies

i can see ppeope on both left and rght gettong instawhale accounts after buying steeempower and going on flag war!

Thank for your generosity.
I always believe that many little moves can make a lot difference to the world.

Hey look u just made over half a dollar already from just this comment! I bet u never thought u could ever make a dollar per comment on a social media site huh? hey ima send you half an SBD or about $1
heres proof! (Ok i see the SBD is down from $2 to about $1.70 but whatever just ...whatever it will be $2 again haha

and i just upvoted al ur recent posts

thank @ackza!

I saw the transfer.
followed you and will upvote your future post.

Ok, I posted on Chain BB. It's pretty tite, but also overwhelming at first. Lot to take in. Yes, in beta, i Know, but beard stroking has commenced....

hey look u already made fifty cents off this one comment already! I dont even have to send u money now! LOl I will tho! lemme relax a litle an ill come back an review these comments and decide if i can just send everyone a dollar ;)

I know, rite??? How great is da Steem lyfeee? Ur a SteemPimp, tho, for real. I have to model my game off yours' bud.

Ok just sent you about $1 or half an SBD (sbd down from $2 to $1.70 but whatever it will be back up )
hers is proof i just sent you about $1 (half an SBD, sbd down to $1.70 but will be back up soon)

Thank you so much! Very kind of you indeed. I'm trying to upvote and comment on you when I see you around not so much as a tit-for-tat but because I like your style and how hardcore you're helping Steemit.

Great post dude if you wanna share some sbd would be awesome I'm a newbie x

(Minnow) Bless what you're doing, I am unemployed and unable to work do to a chest condition, no unemployment and no savings so yeah not easy right now.. resting in the Lord's bosom otherwise don't know what Id be doing right now.

I have beengoing around sending people $1or half an SBD as runerup prizes, i think i should give you the whole five SBD or almost $10 Ok for ur coomment u get the five SBD! ill make it Six SBD so its actualy $10 since SBD price wet below $2 to like $1.70

Here is proof i just sent the money!

i also upvoted ur recent posts!

Now u can make a post about how ur new friend Ackza helped you out ;) make even more steem! reemmber its alll up for grabs! theres about $137,000 worth of steem thats given out everyday! u might as wll get a piece of it! were all early adopters steemit is only created in march 2016! And yes i will be an insttrument for godds work to help christian an even non christians all over the world especialy africa and places inneed, we will be the bank for the worlds 2 billion "unbankable" people ! First savings account in stem!

get as many friends and family to join steemit! tell em il send you $1 and them $1 for every new person u get to singup and actuay uses it and stays active!

Tnx man every bit helps right now you will be blessed as you are blessing.. keep up the good work, appreciate the support and offers, God bless..

You are soooo cool! Resteem for sure

Thank you @ackza for your generous. I am new to steemit. I'm glad to see u to do that. Thanks.

Steemit is growing rapidly and @ackza your generosity will sure help us minnows kick off! Thank you so much!

Love the initiative! I hope to win something!

I'm glad to see your accomplishments on Steemit, I hope things continue to grow and improve. @ironshield

Here ya go! i see ur new and just starting out! just sent you almost $1 or Half an SBD eres proof!

The generosity here at Steemit is amazing. Thank you @ackza , you are an encouragement to me. @ironshield

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