Story Chain Game - Juniper

in #chain-game6 years ago

Welcome my friends to another installment (months later) of the Story Chain Game! Let's have fun and create some really interesting stories!

Story Chains!

The Rules

The rules are basically like this:

  1. I will start a story with a short paragraph to introduce the beginning scene.
  2. Each Comment will continue the story with 2-3 paragraphs.
  3. Each base comment will start the story chain & each Comment can be branched into a new story!
  4. Just keep adding on to whichever story/stories in which you'd like to participate!
  5. Have fun!

Win Money!!

The Prize

The story chain branch that garners the most upvotes collectively will divide the pot equal to 80% of the SBD earnings of this post. Therefore, the more visibility and earnings that the post gains, the higher the prize will be.

As an example, if this Post gains 20 SBDs in upvotes, 20 * 80% = 16 SBDs as the Prize Award. If there are 4 writers that participate in the winning chain, each writer will haul in 16 SBDs/4 writers = 4 SBDs/writer.



Digging up a coffin was sweaty work. Two men, bathed in shadows, crept through the grime-covered back alley of Harmony Square. Each booted step echoed against the chipped brick walls. I watched from the squared-out hole as the pair of thugs drew close. It was a long five minutes as I watched.

"Criminitly! Where is that jerk?" The heavy Irish accent told me that it was Mitz and Bernie in the shadows.

I climbed out of the hole while the pair marched up and down the cemetery aisles. They didn't hear my struggle. I dusted off my legs and picked up the shovel, waiting for them to be close enough. I ducked down and hefted the handle. When the pair was at the edge of the grave, I swung out once in one direction and then back again. The sound of shovel hitting skull sounded like a melon splitting open. I rolled their unconscious forms into the hole and fired my pistol at each in turn. They would not be bothering me again, but that would not be the end of my problems.

(to be continued)

In Conclusion

So, thanks for reading this far. I really hope you enjoyed the prompt and I am so very excited to read the story chains that you readers create!

If you would like to donate some SBDs for the prize or add some bid bot upvotes to this post for extra reward power, that would be welcomed! Upvotes, Resteems & generous donations are happily accepted.

Thanks for being such a great community.

My thanks go out whole-heartedly to The Writer's Block community for putting me in touch with such a great writing community where I have grown my skill-sets.

Many Thanks!


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