Cervantes Magazine Number 23: Trending

in #cervantes6 years ago

In Steemit, minorities (whales) accumulate almost all wealth, while the vast majority (fish) earn less than 1 SBD per day. Has the economic model really changed?

First you have to understand that an economic model is not determined by the use of a currency, two countries can have different currency and base their economy on the same model. A cryptocurrency, seen as an exchange currency, is a "coin" like any other.

In the current reality, the majority produce riches and have no access to them. More than 90% of the world's population accumulates just under 10% of the money that exists in the entire planet. Banks, transnationals and corporations take the bigger piece of the feast.

Has Steemit changed this?

We know that in Steemit almost all the wealth is in the hands of a few whales, and the minnows generate most of the content on the net. Many Steem advocates proclaim that this is a decentralized network and that anyone can aspire to earn great rewards, however, in real life the same happens, in theory anyone can start a business and become a millionaire; but theory and reality are two very different things.



Then what are we doing in Steemit?

During my courses about Communication Strategies I like to emphasize that crypto-money and decentralized social networks ARE NOT synonymous with "Fair Market", but rather they should be seen as a new and better opportunity for entrepreneurship.

The fact that profits are no longer in the hands of bankers does NOT mean that they are now in the hands of the people.

Being an entrepreneur means aspiring to be a micro business person, knowing about investments, marketing, human relations and dedicating yourself to offering a specialized service to your clients (or readers in this case).

The great advantage offered by Steemit over any other current option, is the opportunity to access without a prior budget, a potential consumer market and offer a service.

We should not think that we are in an economically fair ecosystem, rather, that we have before us, a platform that allows us to become entrepreneurs from our homes, working at our own pace and without the social pressures of the traditional economy.

In Steemit you will have to work hard if you want to put the balance on your side. Luckily, unlike in real life, many people offer their knowledge for free and this is how you can better understand the platform and advance in an increasingly effective communication strategy.

You will not become a millionaire overnight, the fundamental thing is to understand in which community you work and adapt your services to the demands of your followers.

Unfortunately, Steemit is far from changing the logic behind the distribution of wealth, which is not a consequence of it in itself, but of reality.

An entrepreneur can buy tons of STEEM and turn it into Steem Power instantly, thus becoming an influential whale. That is a harsh reality, the algorithm is liberal by definition, influence is not only made, it is also bought.

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Therefore, it is vital to get rid of the idea that we will earn money just for writing, it is necessary to build a good strategy with a business vision to enter this market.

The posts that we write are our services and our readers are the clients. It's time to start thinking as entrepreneurs if you want to have a micro-business career at Steemit.

The economic model remains the same, but considering that Steemit is not a fully explored market yet, offering your services is a worthwhile bet if you are a visionary and you like entrepreneurship.

The crucial thing is to understand that although we are the majority, we swim among minorities, and for that reason we do not make ourselves visible.



What if we get rid of the whales and start to read an upvote each other?

Whales vote for whales, and what do minnows they vote for? You and I know it, they also vote for whales, hoping to get a reward in return.

This is how the wheel continues to turn, without ever breaking.

The economic model won't change until we ourselves change, meanwhile, let’s enjoy our readings because, aside from money, Steemit is also a social network and there are huge projects like @cervantes and this magazine, which make the experience more pleasant.

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