
Global capitalism affects the entire world, lol. States existing and enforcing things and controlling this is inherently capitalistic as they own the land and enforce laws. Ideal world system would be globalized anarcho communism where everyone works together and builds together. Nationalism and "this is mine!" mentality is poison.

Lmao. Right, cause exclusive use of natural resources doesn't reduce conflict.

Two people want to make use of the same plot of land. No one can own anything, so neither can exclude the other. How is this problem resolved via anarcho-communism?

Why would those two people want to use the same space when there's enough space of equal value for everyone to use at their own leisure?

Maybe they both just particularly like that plot of land. Maybe one of them likes it for its particularly favorable soil conditions re: farming. Maybe the other likes the view to the southwest re: building a house on it. Who are you to question their choice?

More importantly: how does anarcho-communism resolve this dispute where no one can exclusively control any natural resource?

Again, the dispute can't really happen if there are multiple plots that meet the exact same criteria. Note, also, that ancomm isn't really a realistic goal until we can work toward regulating and eventually abolishing the current system of toxic global capitalism, which will take a long time. I don't have a problem with regulated captalist-lite placeholders until we further research and develop the technology to fully realize an idealized world. It's a roadmap, not going from 1-100. Robotic control of production and automation will assist greatly in this goal.

Again, the dispute can't really happen

So you mean to tell me that two people cannot want the same plot of land simultaneously? Who are you to decide what two people may or may not want?

I'm referring to when you said there would be reasons as to them wanting it (better soil n shit), that wouldn't occur in this idealized world view.

Also, please read the rest of my answer, thanks.

that wouldn't occur in this idealized world view.

So now you can know with 100% certainty what people want or don't want? Ladies and gentlemen: this is communism. Nothing but delusions of omniscient grandeur.

There is no enough space of equal value for everyone - unless you want the value to be zero. Then you can have land worth of equal value for everyone.

Or otherwise by killing most of people.

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