Latest Twist In Facebook's Censoring Of Me - All My Comments Containing URLs Are Marked as SPAM Automatically.. Again, No Reason Given.

in #censorship7 years ago

I've posted a few times about how Facebook and Youtube have censored me over the years. I have absolute proof that G+/Youtube just hides my comments from other users without telling me and there are mega threads complaining about this in Youtube's forums going back years - with no response from Google. Facebook completely blocked me from posting in all groups in December 2017, without explanation or justification immediately after I posted about an NSA whistelblower.. Now, again, without comment, I am being blocked in a new way.

facebook censor

When I look at the behavior of these sites with regards censoring and a total lack of integrity and transparency, I can only conclude that whoever is deciding on their policies has no regard at all for their 'customers' needs/desires and they are basically just seeing how far they can push their users before they leave en mass. If Facebook will block people without even explaining why, even when asked directly (as I did) then it is clear that their reason is nefarious and they would not want to admit it to their users because they know their users would not agree to their behavior. So we have a bully operating in the social network arena - in fact, several big bullies who want to control the play ground which they think is THEIR playground.. The problem is that we are actually talking about society and interaction in society, which means that control of it has massive implications that may never be realised fully until we break free.

In the last few days I have found that all of my comments on Facebook, even just under posts from friends are automatically hidden (even from me) and marked as spam if they include a URL to just about anywhere at all. My use pattern of facebook is basically:

  • sometimes use the chat to talk with friends (normal)
  • sometimes make posts linking to my own webpages and blogs and share them to groups (pretty normal)
  • sometimes share posts from others (normal)
  • sometimes start threads in groups and make comments (normal)
  • sometimes comment on friends' posts (normal)

There is nothing in my behavior that would be classed as anything other than the intended use of Facebook and my friends aren't marking me as spam.. So, the only explanations are:

  • The system has bad AI operating in it that just isn't very good at recognising good or bad behavior.
  • I am being deliberately censored in the best way they can pull off without it being totally obvious and inexcusable.

Does anyone here have any experience of resolving situations like this in a satisfying way (e.g. an honest and integrity based way)?

Wishing you well,

Ura Soul


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Same happens to me on FB, they mark all steemit articles as spam in comments now.

I see, ok - I am mostly just posting youtube videos as part of my reply and they are being blocked. :/

Facebook makes me so angry. They totally killed my organic reach with my art. First they banned me from groups, including my own group, then they killed my reach on my biz page, then my personal page. 20-30-70K people used to like my posts across different groups, my group, biz and personal pages. Now on a GREAT day, I get 70 likes... Traffic to my website is down from 3-5000 hits a month to maybe 15 from Facebook. It's every single content creator on Facebook. My friend @chrisdyer spent 10 years building up his FB page, he has over 380K followers on his page - his posts get 150 - 170 likes usually... So unfair,people spent years of their lives and they just took it all away with no communication or warning.

Yes, I know Christ too vaguely, from my days on IIRC. In short, fb is run by CIA types - it's that simple.. Imagine the kind of people who steal children's balls because they don't like fun.

At least it's helping to break the addiction to it - FB doesn't get me "high" anymore lol

Guess facebook don't want competition from other network. I have notice same and no reason whatsoever was given for spamming my post

It happens to friend of mine who commented on my picture a month ago. At first he thought I was the one who reported his comment as spam until the same thing happened again when he commented on other guy post. I don't really know the reason behind that though.

Yeah, they nailed me right away. I only joined FB mid 2017 so I haven't been there long. Late 2017 I got a few e-mails from folks saying they were seeing my YT videos uploaded on other people's FB pages. I confronted one of the "uploaders" publicly after it became clear the band in question hadn't been paid after my stolen video was used to promote the event. The entire exchange has been removed and I can't see the copy of my video anymore though I'm told it's still there. Thieves! Since then several comments of mine have been blocked in cases where I politely disagreed with someone. Well, they can have it their way, they are still thieves, and I will not use FB for anything other than a quick chat. Greetings!

It sounds like in your case the blocking was done by the owner of the account, which is something that we can all do if we don't want to interact with specific profiles. In my case it is actually Facebook doing the blocking since it is immediate and only occurs on posts I make that contain URLs.

Its totally unfair from facebook..!

i also noticed tht fb doesnt allow sharing links of steemit..!
idk why they marked steemit as spam..!
had to stop sharing steemit links to facebook...! 😕😕
~Tennis Girl 🎾🎾

the first link i posted to fb about steemit got totally blocked, yes. the links i have posted in the last few days which got blocked were for youtube vidoes and nothing to do with steemit!

facebook is opposing ur sayings harshly...!!!!

Facebook banned cryptocurrency ads last time. May be that the reason they don't allow any post about steemit.

Rob Leathern, product management director for Facebook Business, acknowledged that, "We want people to continue to discover and learn about new products and services through Facebook ads without fear of scams or deception. That said, there are many companies who are advertising binary options, ICOs and cryptocurrencies that are not currently operating in good faith.

The last two comments that were blocked had nothing to do with Steemit.

As far as I know, if Facebook starts to penalize your comments, from that point, it pretty much does the same thing with everything. Just to make sure, I guess. Or if not always, then really frequently. Especially if someone continues the things their algorithm didn't like. No clue what that could be for you. I can't really guess anything that could be deemed as wrong based on the things you mentioned.

From your Are Facebook Scared By ME? article , I came to know you might post something about US Gov Whistleblower which similar to Edward Snowden.
May be Facebook don't like this .

Facebook mark most steemit articles as spam because steemit has made a lot of people deviate from Facebook.
I can't remember the last time I was logged into Facebook. So don't expect Facebook to take it likely with us

I think there is a block with facebook so far,
sometimes there are things that are hidden and there are things that are displayed without our knowledge

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