Are Facebook Scared By ME? I've Been Blocked From Posting To FB Groups After Teaching People To Move To Steemit And Exposing NSA Spying.

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Being censored and controlled on corporate social networks is nothing new to me. I have already proven that my comments are often invisible to everyone but me on Google and I know for sure that my posts on Facebook don't get seen by everyone they should do.. Today was a next level event though - Facebook, without explanation, just banned me from posting to ALL Facebook groups...

freedom silence

I am something of an unusual person on social media, in that I have a wide knowledge of technology, social networking, covert programs, mind control methodology, esoteric truth and a passion to liberate humanity instead of enslave humanity for my own power gain. As a result, I get to see first hand, many of the ways that we are being manipulated through secret service and government dominated corporate social networks.

It can be a challenge to address these issues since it is easy to be accused of being 'paranoid' and to get the full truth about decisions made on these sites is next to impossible since they are not usually at all transparent about their actions.

In this case though, I will ask you to look at the evidence and make up your own mind.

Here's the screenshots from today:

banned on facebook 1

banned on facebook 2

The previous action I took on Facebook was to share a Steemit post from a US Gov Whistleblower - similar to Edward Snowden to 3 groups that I post to most days. In fact, I share posts regularly to 10-20 facebook groups and never have any problems. That post is from my whistleblower series that contains over 30 other key whistleblowers that expose, largely, US government criminality in ways that is hard to deny.

I also, a few days previously, posted about why people should leave Facebook and use Steemit instead.

Aaand.. I'm blocked. ;)

It might turn out that they claim that they had received 'community complaints' or some other such thing, but that will not impress anyone. They no doubt receive complaints all day long from many people for many reasons - yet it is rare that people get blocked in this way. They also block people from posting to groups to prevent Spam - that's fine - but they did not mention Spam or anything like it in their message to me here. What use is it to block someone for spamming if you don't even tell them that that's why they were blocked? Very little!

So - let's use their unpleasant, controlling and non empathic attempts at limiting free speech against them by letting everyone know that this is what occurs when you try to tell others the truth about how they REALLY are and what the better alternatives are!

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul


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Hey bro - I dont think they are necessarily "scared" by you - or anyone, or anything...

It's more likely they are terrified by what you represent, and by anything that could potentially threaten their total control. The unfortunate truth is Facebook has a monopoly on information, and gets to decide what a large percentage of the population can see and hear, and by extension, what they think.

Promoting your views, or any alternative view that is in any way contradictory to their version of the "truth", represents a greater threat to them than you, me, and the next thousand people in line.

Your unique perspective and the ideals you represent, are probably in the most literal sense, perceived as a weapon against their control - preventing you from using their platform is just a sign that you are doing something right...

BTW - your not "paranoid" if they're really out to get ya... :)

Underneath the thoughts of control can typically be found a variety of fears that are unconscious, semi-conscious and/or heavily denied/controlled.. The results can be a wide variety of behaviours that only make some sense when fully examined, or none at all.. In this case, it is clear that many of those 'in control' are literally serious and repeat criminals who would face life imprisonment or even execution if the truth came out - so it is understandable that steps will be taken from time to time to stop the spread of powerful messages.

I agree, that it's not 'me' so much that is causing the fear, but it is the beliefs held by the people involved which say that if the truth comes out that they won't survive. However:



Ahh facebook at it again. The amounts of articles and witness reports I've gathered so far, that show facebook's misconduct, is enough to write a whole series...which I will, here on Steemit.

Oh i'm sure, yes - Richard Stallman's page on Facebook is another good collection to review.

WOW! That is a treasure chest!

I think Facebook is scared of steemit. Once people realize their data is worth money, and facebook is therefore taking all their money. It will only be a matter of time before people switch from facebook to steemit.

I agree, yes - the obvious response is for them to create their own payment system but that probably means a blockchain and an increase in transparency... so lose/lose for them.. haha.

But all the information is out there...almost in plain sight...but we are too ignorant to see.

as i have posted elsewhere in comments, the only reason to use facebork is to sabotage it with truth about how it's a surveillance platform designed to destroy any social movement against the permanent war and enforce any number of other illegitimate hierarchies.

hehe - ultimately I agree with you on that but it is also seen as a highly effective marketing platform so as a website engineer I am typically asked to used it for clients. I happily work to get others away from it though.

marketing is just another way of saying 'tricking rubes with flashing lights and bright colors'

i am in the bill hicks camp on this one.

i am always surprised how many 'but we NEEEEEED cancer' responses i get to my facebork warnings. "people PAY me to spread cancer because it helps them spread THEIR cancers, so I don't have much choice. "

that's how i feel if i'm being hard nosed.

im cutting you a break though lol. facebork will soon be IE6 or myspace if i have anything to say about it. and i do.

well, it's always inaccurate to tar large groups of people with one brush. there clearly are some of the most despicable people and agendas operating through the marketing industry - however, at it's core, marketing is only the process of informing potential customers of what you can provide them and it is entirely possible to do that within integrity. i was in your 'camp' regarding marketing after i deeply explored the mind control used by large corporations, but having since been directly involved in providing services to people which essentially go nowhere because no-one knows they exist, i have had to accept that marketing has a place in a society that trades and provides services.

all that said, i take every opportunity to direct people away from facebook.

Man, Lui Marco(fitness Youtuber) was banned for sharing a funny picture about a Sikh bodybuilder with a text "Sikh Gains" for being anti-muslim. I'm not even kidding, think about that logic... :D At this point, it seems you can be banned anytime for anything.

Fb is worse and worse and as far as I know, Zuckerberg sold/will sell the vast majority of his shares. Not so bullish.

I might get banned for being anti-ban! haha.


Just connecting with other people who have had similar expereinces with Fascistbook is nice. Being banned from posting in groups is not rare at all, it happened to me for sharing my Mandala art. I was even banned from posting and commenting in my OWN group at one point, of course during the busiest time of year...

Being kicked from groups is common, but I rarely hear of people being banned from posting to all groups (who haven't been overtly spamming). I'm glad we have blockchains to remove this problem!

yeah thanks a lot for your story. because even if I find facebook inappropriate to me, I know that it is very important for some. And I would find sad for them to get banned from there, just for having written positive words about steem...

However I am not sure that the algos at facebook are smart enough to be able to understand pictures or drawings promoting steem...

Their software can handle facial recognition with an almost 100% success rate - so tracking a logo or keyword is trivial in comparison. That said, my block occurred immediately after posting about a high ranking Gov/NSA whistleblower - moreso than about Steem.

ah yes, thank you for pointing my misunderstanding of fb tech. technically this woman was never nsa... and secondly I don't understand what whistle she blew... read ndaa 2003 under gwb. all is written in plain text !!!

Freedom silent

What a wonderful ways to turn the word censorship...

Your story is scary. I never been blocked by Facebook. But they know I was using a nickname on facebook and after 4 years, they blocked the account and asked me to reveal my real name... Or I would love forever my account. What a dilemma...

Let's change the world one step at a time by bringing more people on steem... :)

Have a nice day @ura-soul

Yes, that occurred for me too and I left facebook for a few years but then opened an account and sent my passport because i realised that facebook is needed in some cases to communicate with people who rely on it.

I run my own social network too, which is actually better for privacy than steemit and facebook - I will be adding a Smart Media Token at some point, so we will have the best of all worlds.

its innevitable that they will block you, you are teaching what they hope the masses should not know

I was actually blocked completely from an earlier account because I was using the name 'ura soul' - this time they made me send in my 'passport' and use my birth certificate name. I only jumped through that hoop so i could speak to people who only use facebook. the sooner we get everyone out of there, the better,

byebye facebook, twitter and all the other centralized censurable so called social network... when will propaganda media understand that steem will put them all out of business?

What I find outrageous about the "social media" is how they preached transparency from their users and are themselves very secretive.

the nsa didn't banned you, facebook did, by their own entire total free will as platform lord, you are just a user, not even remunerated :).

Oh yes, 'one rule for you and another for them'... :/

that is what they believe... zuckerberg has a security team of 16 mercenary... vs the DoD... good luck zuck...

the one who has the power will have sometime to fight the players...

but anyway ! I have the utmost respect for zuck and co accomplishments ! they never forced anyone to be on THEIR services. it is not because globalist propaganda system say join facebook or twitter or what ever that you have to go there... and reading the EULA isn't an excuse. it's their "business".

Steem is much more confy :)

One day my upvote will make you rich :), I hope :). thanks for yours ! much power!

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