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RE: 6/25/17 Higher rated Steemians on censorship campaigns?

in #censorship7 years ago

it's good to see someone speaking out about this. personally i haven't followed the guy you're talking about because he comes across as very sleazy and cheesy, so i'm not surprised to hear this. i just hope people aren't actually losing money on trades because of him.


Yes. That is always a concern with self proclaimed market gurus that come along. Some good news on that front. Greg "obviously" couldn't generate enough income selling his services via his previous methods. And that imo is why he moved the whole charade to steemit. So very few people were actually taking him up on his offer to pay him for advice. Even the trade he posted on SLV at his blog was not followed by a single person who viewed his videos or read his commentary. Both the GLD and SLV put option side of the straddle trades he posted traded 'zero" volume at the time he already had the trade up at his web blog. Five hours later there were STILL no trades in the SLV Sept expiry $14 puts. Then 1 trade at .06 (25 contracts) and somebody bot 1 contract at .06 before the day was through. So a total of just over $150 in volume traded on that particular put contract. No...people are not following him...thankfully. :-)

This post will "likely" be flagged before the day is through. It is only 7:46 AM in the land of Greg Mannarino. By noon his time this entire blog will be gone, as I posted it at his blog earlier today and it will also be censored. :-)

whats your take on silver gold man? sgm is more insane than the sauceman.

SilverGoldenGayGuy is like everyone else except at least his longer term pov is close to being accrut. When it comes to short term trades he fux shit up just like everyone else. I was at his place at Utube for like 1 week before he banned me...and it started out by him complimenting the very first spew I made there. Which was basically my "physical is for sucka's" rant. Buy paper...paper everything...fuck luggin shit around. Give me paper, give me my 100% gain in a week...that's all I'm axin for. Am I axin for too much?

Your powers of observation serve you well
followed you

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