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RE: 2 New Feminist Flaggots!

in #censorship8 years ago

well good luck in your war lol.

yeah a little luck will be needed with the numbers and mentality of the sjw trying to censor anyone they disagree with or that prove them wrong.

The problem is that you think that escalating things will make things easier.

nope I never said that, I could many of times submitted to the feminists and become another beta cuck boy but that's not me. ill take the hard road to not break my morals. I do not think pointing out the problems will make things easier and I accept that.

Someone flag you, just flag him/her back and put it on mute and MOVE ON. Best course of action.

no, it is that mentality that has got us where we are and what your saying to do is what actually starts the flag war. not flagging the person back but bringing attention to what is going on is what I do. fuck you flaggots and that flaggot mentality. flagging for any reason is wrong.

Going on her again and again is harassment even if you have been wronged... and some people will abuse that.

Fuck off with that bullshit, me pointing out some ones actions is not harassment. You are now trying to control who and what I talk about. Fuck your sjw hive mind bullshit. the people trying to censor others out of opinion are wrong. It does not matter how good you are at mental gymnastics it does not change reality.


that's not harassment per se, that's cyber bullying.
I am not trying to control anything or anyone, just giving you my opinion and telling you how (logically) it will end up if you persist... choice is all yours...

How is it cyber bullying? O.o

Again, nothing that you say is wrong, except that your opinion ignores any alternative solutions. If you think that there is only one solution to a problem, then guess what?

"Examples of what constitutes cyberbullying include communications that seek to intimidate, control, manipulate, put down, falsely discredit, or humiliate the recipient. The actions are deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior intended to harm another. "-Wikipedia

Beanz video fits that description except for the repeated part and maybe the intention to harm part: so she isn't quite a cyber bully yet and unless disagreeing with someone can be redefined as, "intention to harm", then Skeptic is not a cyber bully either.

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