Who uses steepshot? Brief Thoughts on Mainstream Social Media and Censorship by Joan Pope

in #censorship7 years ago (edited)


I made this post on my Instagram this morning, and its worth sharing here too:

Who uses #steepshot ? It’s like Instagram but they don’t censor and remove Art that gasp depicts the nude human form. Our society shows children, real children, scared shitless and being shot at on television 24/7, but any hint at beauty and appreciation of the human form is shunned. Allow me to repeat: Death and Violence, Real fucking Violence, is acceptable and expected to be shown to us on TV, on social media, and in print until the next big tragedy happens and Art that depicts the best things in life- the beautiful human form, eros, sensuality, intimacy, love... is censored. A woman’s breast, the source of nourishment of human life and sign of female sexual maturity must be hidden, but mass murder gets a trophy. That’s the state of our society. All forms of media contribute to creating this mindset. So try saying fuck you to the mainstream social media platforms. Maybe if we tried showing that life is worth living our society wouldn’t be such a cesspool. Little things... small changes... in how we experience the world do matter and impact our shared reality.

#sexdeathrebirth #wtf #mainstreamsocialmediabelongsinthesewer #censorship #violence #trophyforbrutality #antimemesis #lifeimitatesart #mimesis #artimitateslife #censorshipsucks #lifeisbeautiful #stthereseprayforus #thelittleway #theriseofthephilosopherqueen

So yeah... if you haven't tried it yet, there's a great alternative to #Instagram on the #Steemit platform called Steepshot. A lot of my art that I post there gets removed from Instagram for having artsy nudity. Its better over on Steepshot, Steemit, Dsound, Dtube, etc...

twitter icon.png vimeo icon.png band camp.png instagram icon.png deviantart icon.png tumblr icon.png website.png


Powerful message. I've upvoted and resteemed it so hopefully more people will see it.

I didn't actually know about Steepshot. Apparently you use your existing Steemit account to post? Going to look into it and start trying it out.

Thank you Jeremy! 🙏

Yeah, I just used my existing Steemit account to post...so its very easy since you're already here :)

Yeah! Was just checking it out and really like how it's set up. I'll definitely start using this. Thanks again for letting me know about it.

I get what you're saying, there is a vast difference between sensual and porn in my opinion ~ nudity in black and white can be far more erotic than colour very often. Anyway, just my thoughts ~ I'm also on SteepShot as i can't upload to Instagram without a Phone App, which really annoys me!

Its not even a matter of opinion- not all nudity is pornographic!

but now the larger deeper point of this wonderful post, there are too many swirling thoughts and feeling on this deep nature point, well first just the deep nature point of everything, chaos and creation, life and death, they are not to opposing forces rather they are two fusing forces that make the whole of nature, reality run. somewhere along the line, we have detached ourselves from deep nature, the story of Adam and Eve comes to mind right, once they ate the fruit of knowledge, they became self-conscious and they put a lil fig leaf over there junk. And we get kicked out of the garden of Eden, but there is probably a point in this myth that gets overlooked, at least by me. In order to make it back to the garden of Eden, perhaps we need to get in tuned back to nature and our intuition. Now back to the point at hand, why death and violence and not nudity and sex? I often think about this when its negative news vs positive news, or why we humans tend to think and remember all the bad things and all the good things get overlooked. There is probably a survival instinct that hijacks our memory storage and recall, that keeps there potential threats in the forefront. But with the plague of our 'knowledge' from the fruit from the tree of life, we have beat this instinct to death, and they (Mainstream Social Media) have monetized and commodified (real)death and violence so that the engines of the weaponized ad algorithms can do their thing, but mainstream social network sites put the thin veil of public service over it, so that its socially acceptable, easily commodified, monetized and weaponized, safe for work ad content. So to make my rant even longer, what the answer? shit if I know, but Censorship of art is as you are pointing too might be the reason we are in this 'cesspool', so maybe we evolve and be alright with someone being brave enough to take off their fig leaf, to honor the beauty of life, eros, sensuality, intimacy, love and love we need more of that, not less of it....

"they (Mainstream Social Media) have monetized and commodified (real)death and violence so that the engines of the weaponized ad algorithms can do their thing, but mainstream social network sites put the thin veil of public service over it, so that its socially acceptable, easily commodified, monetized and weaponized, safe for work ad content" ughh... that. That's what fucking kills me. I believe people have power- power to put these corporations out of business by not using their products. Make Facebook a fucking ghost town. There are alternatives- Steemit, Minds, etc...

I'm not saying violence, rage, anger, death will ever cease, but we can do our best to transform them, to balance them. We are out of balance, and that needs correcting.

Yes indeed, Art/Poetry is the art of sense-making, not just sentiment-making. It's the way in which we(the artist) process, the nonsense of the world, reality and the self. I don't just mean nonsense, in useless, but that which is beyond the senses as well. Well, SatoriD is mos def a counterbalance to all of that, from Thanatos to Eros!

P.S. we need to do the long awaited Joan Pope to visit the Imaginarium! i just emailed you via your site. ;D

first part, I was talking about this to a minds friend to get over here, she an artist @cartman1 you might know but how she will like steepshot, and how am really liking the infrastructure Steepshot, Steemit, Dsound, Dtube, etc... abd thanks for letting me be aware of it =D

Yes! I follow her on Minds! Get her over here too!

yea she signed up, the whole Imaginarium Crew will be here ;D

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